So here we go, some of the fabulous weekends antics in pictures. There are tons of them so need to split them over a few days..
After an 10 hr van journey we were greeted by lots of willing helpers to unload and help set up. The Goddess loved it being the boss an giving people jobs to do.
Without Sandra we wouldn't have these retreats, she works like a little trooper to organise them, and I just love the personal touches I get. Always pots of cream everywhere and white lilies to make me feel at home. Thankyou babe.

The lovely Fiona praying at the shrine of Art from the Heart, lol

Now although Bev looks quite normal here, she is, in fact, absolutely stark raving bonkers ( but adorable with it)

Her we are in the morning of the first day.

Emmi is all organised and preparing for the stampede.

Well where else would you hang your baubles to dry..???

Heres the motley crew. Linda and Karen.

Chris, Sarah and Nicola.

Fiona, Liz and Sandra.

Fiona, Sharon, Kerry, Bobs an Alison.

Lorna, Sonja, Jude and Kirsti.

Denise, Anne, Angela and Janice.

These are the 2 gorgeous girlies who served us food all weekend, bless, a bit camera shy, lol

But I soon dragged them in with us and slapped a brush in their hands.

Here they are half way through painting.

I, meanwhile appeared as professional as ever..!!!

Not sure what I,m doing here..??

I think they knocked our Ems over in the rush.
I finally managed to rein them back in and continue working.The sledges proved a wee bit trickier but they did a fab job with them.

After starting my demo, they were off and I was made redundant..!!!
what a fabby time you all look like you had. I can't wait for my turn to be taught by you on Sunday and then again in a fortnight. Boy you are gonna wish you refused my custom!!!! Just ask Janet from Skipton lol.
Emma xx
Hi Dyan,
Great to have you back safe and sound.!!:-)
How fantastic to see all the ladies painting.
It made me very giddy and excited!!! How odd!! :-)
Would love to give it a try, any extra kits for sale??
Looks like you all had a fantastic time. Only another year to go for the next one.You better rest up.:-)
Michelle xx
You look like you all had a wonderful time. Looking forward to some more piccies soon.
Looks like all the ladies had a wonderful time - but I've been on one of your weekends and I know they do!!!
How did you miss the bright blue shoes with ??yellow flowers??? on one lady - she even has a spare pair of gold ones with her - or are the shoewatch photos still to come.
Sue x
Well how giddy was I when I realised i had two posts to read before heading out to work! Only to find the first one you were uploading and apparently writing at 11pm last night in the studio is no where to be found! However, the other post of your fantastic MacDuff retreat looks awesome and very very Christmassy! Loving those baubles! Managed to convince sister and Mum to come with me to the great Northern Papercraft show on Saturday - I've never been, finally got my sister in art journalling but she's claiming she doesn't have enough supplies - enough said I said a pre-birthday treat for me! Tee hee! Hope you are recovering from your Scottish retreat and looking forward to finally meeting you (fingers crossed) on Saturday.
Fab photos, Dyan!! I just want to be there again!
More pics on my blog too. :-)
Hope you've recovered a wee bit now.
Bobs xxx
ohhhh i do love a nice bauble, they all look FAB !!!!
Well Dyan, it looks like you cracked the whip with these ladies and crammed loads into the weekend! They look like they all made a fab job with their baubles. I bet you all got into a right old festive mood. x x
Love the post Dyan!!
Can't beleive that it was nearly a week ago since we were there!!
I am very proud of my bauble and sledge aswell as all our other projects. :-)
wow you all look like you were enjoying yourselves but working very hard at the same time.
Love looking at the photos, thanks Dyan.
Hi Dyan,
Thanks for sharing all your lovely pics. Looks like you had a blast.
Lesley x
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