Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year to you all
Happy New year
Monday, December 29, 2008
Shes gonna kill me now, and sneak peeks

It is always unfortunate to have a Christmas birthday and so I always take great care over wrapping paper and cards , so that she feels really special.. I thought i had really cracked it this year with some fabulous glitter wrap. Maybe the clue was in the name, but I thought that the glitter would be embedded onto the paper. How wrong could you get?? I was covered in glitter, the studio was covered in glitter, the whole blooming house was covered in the stuff. I had glitter in places that I didn't know possible!! And then to top it off the blooming sellotape wouldn't stick and kept coming off. When you are trying to wrap a large antiquey mirror that can be really frustrating. Thanks M & S , but no thanks.
Everyone always thinks that Jay is really quiet! So I just thought I would share these pics of her on nights out.
I have been working like mad on the new sample workshops for Jan/ Feb. Here's a few sneak peeks of unfinished samples

Cool eh , Dont tell Ben though!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Birthday tutorial by the littlest Reaveley
2 Smother with as much glue as possible and add the flowers.

7 We then decided a birthday drawing was needed, so I started it off with a cup cake. Maisie quickly drew a whole party including streamers, balloons, sausages! and a snail eating the cup cake ( maybe I ought to cut her E numbers back down?)
8 Reward yourself with a big bowl of Vienetta.
Hope you enjoyed her tutorial as much as we enjoyed making it. Watch this space for more!!!! lol
Kirsty, does this next shot qualify as arty??? LMAO xx
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas in the Reaveley household

And here's the one that no one ever sees. Love this photo of Tom but doesn't Maisie look like a little urchin???
No the girlie's never touch a drop!!!!
Here's my favourite pressies of the day. Mr Unbribeable chose this himself.

And from Ben this is my fave author. I own every one of her books, all in hardback, and was itching to get this one.

Ben's girlfriend Katie came round after tea with more Thornton's .

So there you go - Christmas at the Reaveleys. I am sat here typing this with champagne in hand, so please excuse me if its not up to scratch!!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Its all about the kids

First we took a plain wooden spoon and transformed it into a Santa

And finally we finished with an old favourite of mine. How does Santa get in the house?? With his magic key of course lol

You see why they had such a good time???.
Only one more sleep until my favourite day - Christmas Eve. I love that day the best. There,s always lots of excitement in the air.. I wrap most of my pressies on Christmas Eve whilst listening and singing along to cheesy Christmas songs lol. I make sure the house is sparkling and get all the washing and ironing up to date. Doddle this year seen as there is usually only me around in the house. Maisie is coming at tea time and spending the night so that to me is the best gift of all and as the adverts say "priceless".
Quote of the Century
"You are an extraordinary woman.
How can you expect anything ordinary to happen to you"
Louisa May Alcott