Well we finally headed home and started on the decorating. We are painting the lounge and dining room with natural Hessian , and the kitchen with white , yes white! I was in charge of the part above the delph rack because I am the tallest and she was in charge below seen as she is a short arse lol

Yes they are circa 1985 leggings, coordinated beautifully with ankle socks.

Just after tea the lovely Carolyn turned up and we quickly cracked on.

Time passed quickly and tummies were rumbling so i was dispatched to the local Chinese for a takeaway, yummy.
This is just Cas,s order Lmao!!
After filling our bellies we didn't half crack on. Kirsty was painting so fast she seems to have worn out the brush. I, ll dock it off her wages!!

The lovely Liza T finally polled in about 10m ish. You know on 60 sec makeover when the designer comes swanning in and moves everything around? Well you get the idea!! So we banished her to the kitchen with a roller.
We painted until 2.30 am (well me and Liza T stuck it out!!), then curtains were hung rugs were hoovered and cushions were plumped. Apparently its called "dressing the room" lol, and here's the result so far.
Its going to look sooo fabby when its finished isnt it.. I have to say that I think I have the bestest, bestest bezzie mates in the whole world. Thanks each and every one of you ladies, I love you all!!!
Havent time today so tomorrow is all the lowdown on Mr Pickles visit.
my dear, sweet girl............ as much as painting pains me to the core it was apleasure to sprinkle newness upon your cosy lounge.
Thanks for the B&B, the chinky and crap brushes. I had a reet laugh..... loves you LOTS xx
Wow! beautiful.
wow!! looking great Dy you have exellent taste lol...same colours as my lounge hehe..love it
Wow! How beautiful and calm! Can we see a before shot, too? You know, just like they do on all the best makeover shows.
Cool! Looks v nice indeed. And as for lists - we all need lists - they clear your head :-) Kate
Lists! You and lists....what a fab idea! if Kirsty can get you to follow through and write in the beautiful book she really is a super miracle lady ;o)
Loving the paint job, just need to sit in it now, relax and enjoy.....whilst you write a list or two ;o)
Love you xx
Fabby makeover - love it
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