Yes I am still here, I have just disappeared under a sea of wrapping paper and shopping.. The house is spotless ( that's cos I wont let anyone in ) the shopping is done, the presents are wrapped ( OK I,m fibbing on that one) lol. It has become a tradition at our house that the presents for the stockings are always wrapped on Christmas Eve. Yes you heard correctly, despite the kids being 20, 22. 24 and 26 they still have to have stockings on Christmas day. A couple of years ago I decided to scrap the tradition. For one thing you cant sneak in and leave it on their beds when they don't come in until 5 in the morning. Well there was uproar in the household, with sulks and long faces all day , so it was quickly reinstated . I dont know why cos I always fill them with a load of junk really. But if it means peace is restored then so be it.
I got given a gorgeous handmade gift today from one of my sweetest friends the lovely Julie. It is a wooden wine box beautifully decorated in Blonde Moments Christmas .. How gorgeous is that???

Cool isn't it ?? And the bottle of Baileys in there wont go amiss either!! She also included a little booklet in there about the true meaning of Christmas and this quote really struck a chord with me.
"Remember if Christmas isn't found in your heart you wont find it under a tree" Charlotte Carpenter.
We had a great Kids class today, 15 of the little darlings , Age 5 - 11 yrs all making Beautiful Christmas decorations. I forgot to take pictures of the projects so I will post them tomorrow. They were all as high as kites, as you can imagine, and I practically had to sit on them to keep them in order. Don't you just wish you could get that long forgotten feeling of excitement back for yourself?
One last pic of some cool bottle boxes that I came across. I just love them , they are perfect for protecting your bottles, unlike those flimsy bags, but they also look fab as a decoration afterwards. And you know me and my decorations!!! See you laters
Hi Dyan, just want to wish you and your family a happy christmas and a properous new year, and thanks for blogging I really enjoy your posts! Angie x
awww thanks sweetie, and I love it that such lovely people read them xx
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