What do you think this is...???
Yes its my one and only pot of cream for my tea, flooding all over the concrete floor..??? Wtf..???? That is the worst disaster known to woman ( well this woman anyway..!! ). Isn't it illegal to spend all day demonstrating at a show without cream for your tea..??? And if it isn't then it blooming well should be..!!!!!
Talking about illegal activities, I have been sat here all night expecting a knock at the door and being carted off to the clink. Remember I got stopped for speeding last week..?? Well I have to present my documents to the Police Station. Now I could have sworn he told me 28 days, but I was really struggling to understand a bloody word he was saying anyway. but today half a dozen people have informed me that it has to be done before 7 days which was actually yesterday, oops... So tomorrow when you see the boys in uniforms come in, handcuff me and read me my rights, please don't go all giddy, ask them to strip and squirt baby oil all over them, or you will be just as much in the sH*t with them as I am..!!!! lmao.

I spent the rest of the day doing what I love best, pratting around - sorry, I mean, demonstrating...!!! lol. Ooh look at me, finally remembering to wear my Ranger pinny. And I managed to find one that I hadn,t graffitied with Blonde Moments paintings. Ooh the sacrilege to do that to not one, not two, but three of the highly coveted garments.... I think Alain (Ranger head honcho, he who must be obeyed, and mighty fine eye candy..!!) must despair of me totally at times. ha ha .
I am working, honest..!!
Working at shows is tiring and you need dedication to duty. You must appear responsible and professional at all times. Don,t think Simon has quite got the hang of it yet...lol
The stand eventually cleared of the masses and we were able to take a few photos.
Not sure what Kirsty is doing, but we,ve all gone.
I had a fabby day and the best bit was meeting lots of you blog followers. Its great cos you all say hello and I haven't the foggiest who you are, and then it clicks... I,m used to it now and so is The Goddess and Ben, but it was a bit of a shock to Bezzie Su and the Lovely Katie that people where chatting to them like long lost friends, lol. If you are coming tomorrow do come and say hello and let us know who you are, and forgive us if at times we look a little blank. It doesn't take a lot to confuse us..!!! Oh ok, that's only me,lol. The lovely Vikki came up with a great new acronym for me today for all my absent mindedness. In future I am just going to say that I am having a "craft" moment. As in -

The lovely Ann came to see me today and brought me her journal in to show. Now I have been gently guiding her (ok , intensely bullying her ) for quite a while with this and I am delighted to say she has finally taken notice. here she is. Look at the size of that journal, no wonder it took her a while to get going.

Err does it look like we sell Peel-Offs...????

Love my new stamps, especially coloured in with my faithful pearl pigments.

Kirsty, Ben, the lovely Katie and the Goddess.
Thing ....
Enjoy xx
You look like you had lots of fun! I managed to cram in both the Craft Barn and Worthing today!! (By train in between to each. To say I am cream crackered is an understatement. I take it this means you'll be at Ally Pally in a fortnight, can't wait! See you then.
The peel off photo is a cracker. Love the look!
Helen, sorry to burst your bubble, but I wont be at Ally Pally. I am teaching a mini Ranger U weekend at my place. sorry hun, please forgive me..!! x
Sonja, that look has taken forever to perfect, lmao x
One day, who knows when, I will get up North and come and get you all confoosed. I may even stick a peel-off on my forehead just for the shock and horror of it, tee-hee.
The spilt cream was sacrilege, I nearly had a panic attack just thinking about it. How did you cope?
Looks like you had a great fun time with 'Mad as a Hatter' Kirsty.
Luv Dee xxx
Will you be at the NEC in nov?
It looks like you had a lot of fun, wish I could of been there.
Sonja, I too loved the peel off look photo LMAO
Looks like you all had a great day - hope you got cream for your tea in the end :-)
Wow it looks like a brilliant time was had by all.
I reckon you've not presented your papers so a man in uniform does come to find you! Good plan. Send him to me once your done.
Hi Dyan,
The new stands look fantastic.
Your little helpers did a great job. :-)
I love the peel off face, it made me laugh. I know how you feel. :-)
Your new range of goodies are fantastic, can't wait to get my hands on them.
Michelle xx
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