It started off badly and then quickly went downhill for me. As you all know I always have trouble sleeping but just lately it is getting out of hand, and I am so tired sometimes. As my life is so busy I think I have an overload of adrenaline shooting through me. I am existing on just a couple of hours a night and it caught up me a bit this morning. I looked at the clock and was horrified to see it was 8.58am!!! WTF!!! My class was due to start at 9am...!! Now I am always very organised with my prep and had done everything the night before, but I still like to be there ar least an hour early, if not more. I jumped out of bed, splashed my face, brushed my teeth sprayed deodorant and put on the first clothes I came across. I drove carefully within the speed limit ( what a crock of shit, lmao!! ) and ran into the studio. All the lovely ladies were assembled in the corridor, intently studying my numerous display boards. I was mortified and extremely apologetic, but no one seemed bothered in the slightest. I of course had it in my head all day and was really beating myself up about it, but all they said was it was a great opportunity to take in the art work. How nice was that..??
Other bad things to happen today were:-
I ripped my new shirt on a peg in two places.
I sprayed above new shirt with Pink Dye ink
I only realised after a few hours I actually had no make up on ( yup, sorry about that ladies, lol)
Pam smashed the biggest glass bowl we own.
I tried to be proffesional and rise above it all, and I think I pulled it off. Actually I was lying about that bit..!! Thankyou students for bearing with me, you are the best students ever..!!!
Now you might remember seeing these shoes on my blog a while ago. They were altered by the lovely Bee and here she is modelling them in person.
Essex Anne, Rosemary, Bee and Emma.
Which part of " try to keep your areas clean" did they not hear..??
We had a surprise visit from mell's sister, Emma and her gorgeous baby, Archie. I tried to make as much noise as possible and even kicked the chair a few times, but no he just wouldn't wake up. What goods that, eh..??
Need to say thankyou for some lovely surprises. My faves from the lovely Janet.
And gorgeous flowers from the lovely Emma. There is of course a tale about them and yet again, somehow it is all my fault. !! She raced into ASDA early sat morning, bought me some flowers and was out again in 5 mins to find she was being issued with a parking ticket. She had forgotten to put her disabled badge on display. Now despite the fact it is obvious from her stick that she is entitled to park there, the fact that she was only 5 mins, and the fact that the car park was very empty, he insisted she was in the wrong. So she is going to have to contest it and see what happens. Now I hope you rethink about buying and bringing me flowers! No, silly, I don't want you to stop, I just want you all to be more organised and buy them the day before, lol.

Ben rocked up at the end to attend to the ladies in the shop, sporting his latest black eye. It looks quite minimal here, but let me assure you it looks worse in real life. Ha ha can I just point out before you get carried off on the wrong train of thought. This is a Rugby injury not a gang related set to, lol
What a sacrilege. To paint over a Blonde Moments Original piece of art..!!!! How could she. Does she not realise that in a few years it will be an extremely valuable ( sticks tongue firmly in mouth) She will regret it, oh yes indeedy, and I shall remind her of that at every opportunity, lmao

Aaaaaargh !!!!! The worst part of the day came in an e-mail entitle "can I still be your bezzie?"
With photographic evidence to show the demolition of the enchanted forest. Yes you've guessed it, my trees on bezzie Su's wall are gone, finished, finito, never again.
Here in all their glory.

I have taken myself off work tomorrow in favour of doing art at home, thus giving myself permission to sleep late on the morning)
Here's some art jounally fabuloso for you to feat your eyes on...
When I showed my hubby the gorgeous painted Christmas trees he said they would have to carve the plaster board off the wall so it could be framed and used again LMAO! Looking at the photos - they haven't actually gone - they will always be there on that wall behind that wall paper and all the love spent painting them will still be there. A few years ago when we were moving house we had to paint over Celtic Knotwork - now don't get me wrong this knotwork wasn't minimal if anything it was extreme - someone looking at the house as a potential buyer said she'd never seen anyone who'd actually tattooed their house before! The time and hours we'd spent on it were unbelievable and it was the hardest thing we had to do covering it over but we had to. However as far as I'm concerned that house is still tattooed with every Celtic image we painted! Hope you manage some more sleep - sending you sleepy vibes! and have a great art journalling day!
I like everyone else yesterday did not mind in the slightest that you were fashionably late and a Diva like yourself should always make an entrance, just maybe not like a whirling dervish!!! LOL. I had an absolutely fab weekend and can't wait to do it all again in the future at other classes.
You truly are an inspiration and I love it. I really really enjoyed this weekend.
I cannot believe that Bezzie Sue has covered over the original artwork of blonde moments. Sacrilege.
Until the next time
Emma xx
Aaaw you could come and paint some murals on the kids walls for me lm(ws)ao (Guess what that means!!! lol. That is a real shame.
When we re-papered our last flat we did an "Allan loves Kirsti" in a great big heart on every wall before the paper went on....
Kirsti x
PS Am loving the tights on the avatar on the comment you left on my blog - where did you get them - nearly bought tartan ones in Edinburgh the other weekend - wish I did now...x
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