Today was making the journal we will be working in from scratch. I love to make a loose leaf bound journal that you can fit pages in and out of. The pages in this book are all made from recycled newspapers and have a great textural feel to them. I like to leave them a little bit wrinkly as well, adds character.!! Because it is newspaper you can imagine that we all got really mucky from the print. Here's some of the ladies hands.
It is really messy but that just adds to all the fun. It is really satisfying creating your own pages to work on. I first saw this technique on Donna Downeys blog and as I have become friendly with her I mailed her to ask if I could use it. Her reply. "Jeez girl its just newspaper , do what you bl**dy like!!" She is hilarious that babe, so down to earth. And even though she is such a big name always happy to share. it is a principle that I totally agree on, the more we put out and share the more we will receive back. Its like ripples on a pond. I cant teach everyone, but teach lots of teachers and hopefully they will be passing things on and on. We don't own our techniques we "just acquire them" lol, slap them around a bit, shape them up and pass them on. lol. If you fancy this technique pop over to Donnas blog (see sidebar for link) where she has a downloadable vid of it.. You could watch it on my blog but I still haven't mastered the Flip, Boo hoo!!
After gessoing all the pages to make them less absorbent, we then started on the paint effects, all done with my famous baby wipe technique. It is sooooo simple that anyone, yes anyone can look like a fabby creative artiste!!! A dimension line here , a flick of the wrist there and Voilla!!
Here are some of the finished results. Gorgeous aren't they?? Sometimes I think its a shame to cover them up..

I did notice that some of the students have acquired a peculiar habit of stroking their finished work, I wonder where they got that from??? lol. After the painting was finished we fastened them into the book with book rings ready for the next class - Decorating the journal covers on Sun Dec 7th.
What more could you wish for on a wet, miserable Sunday?? Good company, Motown music, pratting around with paint and choccie biccies.!!
Okay little competition for you now. This technique don't half go through some glue sticks. This was today's little haul. How many empty ones do you think there are in this bin. Leave me your guesses in the comments box and nearest to the correct answer wins a prize. Try not to put the same number as anyone else, as the FIRST correct answer will receive the bag of goodies.
I guess 4898 do I get the prize?
That class looks great fun Dyan! Wil have to try and come if you are running it again.
I guess 31 used glusticks.
Love Anne x
Ummmm ....... 80? :)
37 gluesticks.... which is actually a lot of glue sticks!! What were they doing? Eating them? LOL
Looks like a fun day Dyan!
I think there are 39 glue sticks. I really like the look of this class but didnt realise thats what you did.Will have to try and get to a preview day next time cos you have sold me this one already. Thankq for sharing
Steph x
I guess 42. Must have a go myself sometime.
Looking forward to next weekend with the lovely kirsty.
Hope this is the same as the extra journaling class at Scrapattack next year. I can't wait it looks fab. I guess 38 glue sticks.
Hey Dyan
I guess 37 gluesticks
Mell x
Wow what a lot of glue sticks - about 43 me thinks. Wish I'd been there. How about another challenge - what to do with the empties!
Lucy C-T xx
Hi Dyan
the class looked great fun - must admit didn't fancy it....but do NOW!!!
I guess 41 glue sticks!!
love Elaine x
gonna guess 52. wow the colours of those pages are fabby i wish i was closer to yours as i wanna do a class..
eeerrrrr 61 glue sticks. You all look as if you had a fabulous day - can't wait to see the finished journal....
Vron xx
I think 35 glue sticks
Hi Dyan
I guess 52 gluesticks. Class looked great fun - can't wait until Scrapattack next year.
guessing 50 Bet its way out :)
They were very tasty ;o)!
hi dyan fabby looking journals, my guess is 49!
My guess is 96 - hope I'm close :-)
I guess 27!!
i have just found your blog and think its fab i love the look of this technique i think that there are 45 used glue sticks
What a fab class - my guess would be 57
that sure looks like great fun! Hope this is what is planned for the Scottish Scrapattack nest September!!
My guess is that there are 44 glue sticks in the tub.
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