Wed night older girls art class is always a riot . They are a great bunch and have been coming for a long time. They are in the middle of exams at school and are working hard. Every now and again they decide to come to the class in fancy dress and tonight was no exception. They had already told me last week and asked me to dress up for the occasion as well. Having no fancy dress to hand I nipped to the loo between classes to get changed into my oh so sexy pyjamas. I sauntered back into the kitchen to be met by this sight.

Imagine my face when I found out that they had arranged a surprise birthday party for me, with food and pressies. Bless their little hearts.

As most of my make up is cried off at least 5 times a day, and cameras were wielded it was necessary to do a bit of touching up, ok a lot of touching up!!
Not ones to miss any High Society do, the girlies popped in to partake of the party delights.
The students planned and brought all the food themselves. Two of the girls provided home made birthday sponges, and one even came with home made lemon meringue pies. How cool were they to organise it amongst themselves.
They even made sure I had things I could eat. Especially brazil nuts and cheese and sausage sticks.

I got some lovely gifts, including make up and brushes. Do you think they are trying to glam me up with 4 new smoky colours of eyeshadow. Yes that is a halo on my head.!!
Maisie's were beautifully wrapped, she is so thoughtful and such a sweetie.
Two birthday cakes to choose from and not a morsel allowed to pass my lips. Not hat i mind at all, the last thing I need at the mo is an IBS flare up. So as usual I was in sniffing heaven.lol.

As most of my make up is cried off at least 5 times a day, and cameras were wielded it was necessary to do a bit of touching up, ok a lot of touching up!!

I got some lovely gifts, including make up and brushes. Do you think they are trying to glam me up with 4 new smoky colours of eyeshadow. Yes that is a halo on my head.!!

A fabby time was had by all. Thanks girls you are the best. They achieved the impossible and brought a small chink of sunshine into my storm laden world.
Really need to show you these tags that Sophie has completed for her GCSE art exam. All the chipboard letters are decorated with different effects.
They look fantastic babe.
And hows about these next Art Journal pages from Maisie. They express a maturity beyond her years. You go girl, I think you've found your niche.

The star book workshop for next Weds is filling up fast and is over half full so don't leave it too late for booking . You can book a place HERE.
The star book workshop for next Weds is filling up fast and is over half full so don't leave it too late for booking . You can book a place HERE.
I am going to leave you with 2 quick peaks of an upcoming canvas workshop. It is painted with glazes of the fabby Studio Line by Claudine Hellmuth. I will try and post a date for this workshop tomorrow, but I think you will need to be quick off the mark to gain a place.
Hey gorgeous - love the pics NY is mad, crazy and just BRILLIANT.
Lots of love xxxxxxxx
Hey Babe - love the pics, looks like you had fun - like the look of the canvas corner ;o)
LOts of love S & H ;o)
My GCSE students wouldn't even have dreamt of doing anything as cool as this - fab fab work !
Can't wait to see you on Saturday - save the naughty chair for Jane !
So pleased you had a fabby birthday xxxxxxxx
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