Ha ha there was nearly a mass walk out of the students today.. We had 3 projects completed and had just started on the 4th, which was the following canvas. They were really enjoying themselves, paint effects done, background stamped, when they suddenly realised all the vines were hand drawn. Soooo was I gonna draw them on for them?? Was I heckerslike..!!! They were going to learn how to do it themselves. Aaaaargh mass horror, a few even stopped breathing for a few seconds.

I swiftly took them through a step by step masterclass on vine drawing to which they were suitably unimpressed. But with the combination of locking the studio door and severe bullying they gave it a go.

And look at the results. Every single canvas had a beautiful hand drawn and painted vine on it. When the canvases are fully finished you wont see that much but but I was suitably impressed by them. Although it was well out of their comfort zone they showed true grit and succeeded. Way to go girls.
From L-R Marie , Sue, Barb, Pam, Pam, Steph, Chris and Janet.

They seemed a nice quiet bunch when they arrived yesterday, but that illusion was quickly shattered and they have been giving me jip all day lol. Bet they wont tomorrow when they are knackered and I am working the a***es off them lol.
Tomorrow is gonna be a toughie really, seeing as it is Mothers Day. I just want it to disappear and never happen, but I know how important it is to my kids. To all you mums out there have a fabulous day. To all those with mums, make sure they have a fabulous day. And to everyone else , you are fabulous already, just enjoy... xx
As you say, tomorrow is difficult for all of us who only have the memory of our Mothers. I found this site and thought the sentiments might help you and others - http://www.todays-woman.net/article1145.html
Originally Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent, was when peolpe returned to their 'Mother' church.
However we perceive it - 'Children and mothers never truly part - Bound in the beating of each other's heart'. - Charlotte Gray
By the way - I think your Blog is amazing!
Derbyshire Ann x
Loves and loves to you. And I did the tag thing for you, I look stunning... not!
Lots of hugs sent to you on this special (but very hard day) Have a few moments to remember all the good times you and your mum had
lots of love
wow looks like the weekend is FAB! Hope today oes as well class wise. Huge (((((Hugs))))) for today x
Thinking of you Dy - hugs 'n' snogs xxxxxx
Thinking of you today especially.
Big hugs
Sue from Spain xx
Dyan, I can just imagine your face when you saw their faces re drawing the vines lol :D Bet they had a fabby weekend the lucky blighters ! :D wish I was there x
Hugs to you, Hope you got through the weekend ok x
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