Apologies tonight but this is going to be quick . Don't want to sound moany but I am soooooo tired. Just look at this pic and this was taken this morning with make up so you can just imagine what I look like now lol!!!!

Plus don't feel too good ( No, no sympathy its self inflicted.) I hardly ever eat sweet things ( big exception when faced with the ladies of Macduff!!!) but I have been craving chocolate since yesterday. Don't know why but as a great believer in doing what your body tells you I gave in. Whacked open a box of Quality Street and tucked in .

Will definitely live to regret this as you know my stomach and sugar don't really mix. But sometimes a girl gotta do what a girls gotta do, don't ya think.??The only ones I eat are strawberry and all the toffees, with the penny toffee being my absolute fave.
I have had lots of comments about the new stamps from Stamptivity, and they are now up on the website. I don't expect them to last long though at this rate!!!
Talking about things not lasting long, the new Ranger and Tim Holtz products are flying. Favourites at the mo seem to be the new grunge board and the hardware.The Goddess can hardly keep up with the packing!! By the way thank you to all you lovely people who take the time to email us and thank us for the care we take in packing the orders that we send out. It means a lot to us, and of course pretty parcel wrapper is in Emmi,s official job description!!!!
All the upcoming workshops are now on the website, you can browse them here(not sure if that link is going to work lol). If it doesn't go to http://www.afth.co.uk/ ,click on go shopping rather than workshops, then select workshops and they should all come up with photos of the workshop as well.
Right gonna sam up now and get to sleep, but before I forget, no shoe watch has not been abandoned, just slightly postponed. here's a cracking pair for you tonight . Sorry there is only one foot but i was on my own and couldn't get the angle right -lol!!!!

Peep toe ,faux croc, patent shoe boots -very Sex and the City dont you think???
I think that every time you come to a workshop you should bring your fave and most special pair of shoes with you to wear. Oooh heaven. What could be better than crafting whilst wearing pretty shoes. Not even quality street toffees ( or firemen , Ahem!!!) could top that.!!!!!!!!!
Awwww Dyan, self-inflicted or not, it's not nice to feel under the weather. Have a cyber hug {{{hugs}}}. Hope you're feeling better today.
Absolutely LOVE the shoes! Verrrrrry sexy! Not sure about crafting in heels. I like my comfy Crocs too much. Lol
oooohhhh I got them too - they make me feel a real vamp when im wearing them lol
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