Sorry I didn't blog last night , I was on the phone to the bootilicious bezzi Kirsty . And yes , you're right , I was all snotty and sniveling on her shoulder. I had some horrendous news yesterday about a good friend , who was in so much despair that he took his own life. It was such a shock and really knocked me sideways. I cant even begin to imagine the inner pain and torment that he must have been in, and just wish he had thought to reach out to some one for help. Keeping fears and worries bottled inside build, like a volcano waiting to explode. This is why I am so passionate about the art journalling and getting those feelings out. I dont for one minute think it is the total answer, but if you know what your worst fears are, then you can take the first step in facing and conquering them. Know thine enemy, as they say. For years I have kept everything bottled up and only let people see what I wanted them to see. Not many people have ever known the real Dy, and I,m not really sure if I have. But now I have taken the steps to open up by talking about my "issues" and although it is really scary it is proving to be extremely cathartic. My fears that people would treat me differently if they really knew me have proved unfounded and it is true that a problem shared is a problem halved (well maybe not halved, but eased slightly,lol). My heart go out to the family and friends that he left behind and my greatest wish for him is that his torment has now ended and he is at peace with himself. God bless babe xx
Unfortunately the news was broken to me at the start of the art journalling workshop, and I apologise to the students for not being my usual loony self. They all still managed to have a fabby time though as you can see from the pics.
Unfortunately the news was broken to me at the start of the art journalling workshop, and I apologise to the students for not being my usual loony self. They all still managed to have a fabby time though as you can see from the pics.
L - R Helen, Steph, Janet, Jacqui, Pandora and Sarah.
Sue, Pat, Teresa, Annette and Dawn.
The students were completing their inner covers, fabilicious aren't they..??

Su and Sarah were attending their first workshop and were busy making the books structure. I think they must have wondered what on earth was happening, lol. The day was saved by the addition of cake. This was one of the best sniffs for ages. We all use the Asda magazines for images in our journalling , but this time Pat put it to its proper use, by using the recipe for this gorgeous lemon cake.

Mother and daughter Sue and Sarah are mates of bezzie Su, and so she brought along a cake to celebrate Sarah's 24th birthday.

I spent a lot of time yesterday just gluing and sticking, it was about all I was capable off, lol. but I now have tons of new pages to journal on. Its a good job cos I,m sure gonna need them. If ever you have something on your mind, just find a normally mind numbing job to do. You will be amazed how therapeutic it can be in focusing the mind.
Mother and daughter Sue and Sarah are mates of bezzie Su, and so she brought along a cake to celebrate Sarah's 24th birthday.

Received a lovely email yesterday that I just wanted to share with you.
Dear Dyan and team,
I received my order this morning! Thank you very much for such a prompt service. This is my first postal order (I have always brought from shows in the past). I have been looking forward to the arrival of my CH paints, but the package has been wrapped so beautifully that I am unsure I want to even open it!! My first project planned with the paints has now been bumped to second place, as the tissue paper, raffia and heart have all inspired me to create a completely different canvas first.
Dyan, I am very sorry for the loss of your mum, I still have mine, but suffered badly with the loss of my Gran, 5 years ago now and miss her just as much now as I ever have. It will never be right that your mum has gone and I personally do not believe that time heals and takes away the pain and loss, only that time enables you to learn to breathe through it. Continue to channel all the emotions through your work as I have never seen your work looking more beautiful.Thank you for continuing to inspire!
Kind regards
Lorraine Stone
It is always uplifting to receive praise for what we do, and Emmi (creative manager of pretty parcel wrapping) gets to see all your lovely comments, and we thank you for taking that time.
I also continue to be amazed that people take the time to comment and send words of encouragement on our personal circumstances. I have always said that I have the best students in the world, and I have to add to that. I also have the bestest ever blog followers that could walk the earth.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart xx
Dyan the question why? is one that will never be answered, I'm so sorry for your sad news at a time when your emotions are already very raw.
As people we go through life coping and plodding a lot of the time and the thought of taking our own lives is something so far removed that we struggle to comprehend how anyone can feel that much despair. But having a close family member who walked the path - thankfully unsuccessfully a few years ago - (she is still with us now), made me also question why? These are the people that need art journalling and hugs and kisses and cakes and to be told that we're their for them, hold your memories of him close and as my Daddy used to say
"May the road rise to meet him, may the wind be always at his back, the sun shine warm upon his face, the rain fall soft upon his fields, and until you meet again may God hold him in the palm of his hand"
my thoughts are with you once again today.
Hugs Virginia
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I think you are absolutely spot on with the power of release journalling has. Like you I have always bottled up my thoughts and feelings, leading to violent outbursts and several breakdowns. I was introduced to journalling a few months ago and although I am still very much on a learning curve I am finding it so therapeutic. Glueing, painting and drawing is fun and easy once I start but I've found the actual 'journalling' and writing the hardest. Finding your blog, where you are so brave to put your pages and feelings out there for us to see, has been a huge inspiration to me and I'm very grateful to you. You are wonderful person and deserve many hugs!
Ps Is has to be said that shoes help too! Just looking at the pics you post is daily therapy for me so please keep it up! Where to buy would be most helpful :)
awww thank you so much for your lovely words. As regards the "journalling" , just write it as though no one else will ever see it and then it will come from the heart.
Most of the shoes look expensive , but I can assure you they arent. Mainly New Look and , would you believe it, Matalan, lol Enjoy xx
Virginia, Art Journalling should be made available on the NHS, lol. x
HI Dyan
I agree that Art Journalling should be available on the NHS. I've got a close family member whose gone through counselling or as she calls it tea and sympathy recently and is now having cognitive behaviour therapy - which appears to be bullying her into change and I'm in the background saying - do some art journalling instead because the counselling resulted in her going around in circles and she's terrified of the cognitive behaviour therapy!
I even made her a basic book a while ago but she says it's too nice to write in and so it sits neatly in its little bag!
I've told her we might have to take a leaf (excuse the pun) out of your book and start some art journalling with newspaper as the base with cutting and sticking - only thing is I've never done pages like this but love the look - are they difficult to do?
Sorry to hear about your friend, sending my best wishes to all who knew him.
Wish i could have made it on tuesday but mum made me work!! in the soil no less!! and i got stung by nettles too!! cant take me anywhere it seems.
I have done my first journal page but i am not happy with it so i plan to try again this weekend if i get a moment to stand still.
So sorry to hear about your friend Dyan. Sending you virtual hugs.
Hi Dyan,
Am so sorry to hear your sad news.
I will say a prayer for you and your friends family.
You can be sure that he has now found the peace that he was looking for. God rest his Soul.
Big Hugs,
Michelle xx
Dear Dyan
I have been a lurker of your blog, for quite some time now.... and have always loved all the beautiful art and the "thrilled" look on the faces of the lovely girls, who create these wonders at your classes.....My heart goes out to you, for the loss of your friend....but my question, like Virginia is "How to start" an Art journal. I lost my Wonderful Mum 46 weeks ago, and some days it's a real struggle to just Move...Noone "GETS" it !!!! I thought I would have started healing by now...but some times I feel I am really going backwards, instead of forwards.....I used to journal many years ago, and feel I would benefit from an art journal...and would love to start one...but dont know how !!! Maybe, although I know you are busy, you could do a "how to get started"....
I know how carthartic this has been for you...and hope it may do the same for me.....Until your next post.....and my next fix of D....
My thoughts are with you
Carol x x x
So much to say and yet I feel like I shouldn' what I would say benifical.... will it help... will I be re-affected by my own experiences.
I would like to you to know at least this... my heart sincerely goes out to you and to your friends family.
Hi Dyan, I was up at 5.30 this morning, awake because we have some stuff going on at home that is making me restless. Having read your blog and wiped up the resulting snot (doesn't take much at the moment), I'm off to commit some thought to paper before the kids wake up. Really sorry to hear about your friend, guess the smart money is on shares in Kleenex this week?
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