I have been going to these woods since I was knee high to a grasshopper and I haven't come across this until earlier in the year. I have a big thing about religious icons, I just love them. Maybe it was being brought up in a large Catholic family. And yes I did have dreams of being a nun. Can you imagine..?? It would be like Sister Act on acid..lmao.. I think this one, although small, is really beautiful.

We spent a couple of hours exploring and then we went to the famous Betty's for lunch. It was "truly delightful" lol. I think tha'ts what you would say in there..!!
I spent the whole day out in the sun and it was so energising... I think that's what I am missing in my windowless studio. Seeing the sun and bright sunny days.. So there's my June resolution, more trips, even if its only out in the car park with a cup of tea...
I started and ended the day wearing these little beauties. Yes they are high, yes they are strappy, but whats that..??? They aren't black.. Yes I'll say it again THEY AREN'T BLACK..!!

What more evidence do you need that Summer is just around the corner..??
Here we go with the pages I promised you from my Art Journal that I did on Sunday..I'm not going to explain them at the moment as I feel they are really personal to me.
Oh Dyan,
Your Journel is beautiful, it really shows what you are feeling.
It's so powerful, I cried, am still mopping the tears.
Would love to give you a big HUG, get Masie to give you one from me.
There is nothing like a cuddle with a child to cheer you up and give you strength.
Big Hugs,
Michelle xx
Trees are marvellous in the healing process, if you ever look above a dense wood you can sometime see the energy simply streaming off it - magical! Sometimes it's nice to try and make life that little bit more simple!
Your art journals are spectacular - as usual - I love how you seem to manage to find the right image to meet the journal page - where do you find such images from? Is it a good supply of magazines or something else - if it's something else please share! I've got a sister who could do with a whole heap of art journalling therapy but I'm not sure how to start her off LOL.
Hope you have a fabulous day and don't forget your resolution for June - a little bit more sunshine - its good for the soul!
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