Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The magic faraway room....

Had a truly, truly scrumptious day today.  I was commissioned to paint a mural in a little girls bedroom.  Now its a long time since I last did this, so I was really nervous but extremely excited at the same time...!!! It was her birthday and when asked what she wanted,. she replied " I want Dyan to paint me something."..!!! How frikkin cool is that...??? So we have been plotting and planning to keep it a complete secret, and today was the day it was all going down.... Once she was safely ensconced in her school, I started to base out the design. These photos are hard to see as it is all just a light coat whilst I get the positioning right.

I then started to add some of the details in.

The design was to go up and around a double head board.

Even more detail going on...

And here it is almost finished....I just need to come back another day to add a drooping flower over her name.... I am sooooo pleased with it, and so is she. She came rushing into art class tonight with her sisters and I thought she was going to burst with excitement. awww bless..

Showed Maisie the pictures and guess what I,ll be doing next week..???? lol.

Tomorrow I,ll give you more details on our Mad Hatter birthday weekend, so until then.....

Enjoy xx


Unknown said...

That is just beautiful. What a treasure she will have. It is cool that she loves art.

Virginia said...

Oh Dyan what an absolutely gorgeous gift and what a beautiful way to spend your day - in all honesty it was far more fun than my number crunching spreadsheet day believe you and me and I'm not surprised Maisie wants one - I want one and I'm 37 LMAO! Hope you are well, it looks like you had a blast at the art journaling weekend and you arrived back safe from Egypt although that seemed like an interesting holiday to say the least LOL - can't wait to see you in a few weeks at the intermediate class - starting to get giddy now!


Virginia said...

Oh Dyan what an absolutely gorgeous gift and what a beautiful way to spend your day - in all honesty it was far more fun than my number crunching spreadsheet day believe you and me and I'm not surprised Maisie wants one - I want one and I'm 37 LMAO! Hope you are well, it looks like you had a blast at the art journaling weekend and you arrived back safe from Egypt although that seemed like an interesting holiday to say the least LOL - can't wait to see you in a few weeks at the intermediate class - starting to get giddy now!


Kirsti said...

That is stunning Dyan...xox

ForgedinPaper said...

Love it and yes I want one tooo!

Jude said...

Hia! That's SO pretty...loving toadstools just now and the flowers and lettering are just perfect. xx

olive said...

is she going to take the wall when she moves out??!!! Its gorgeous, you a diva! Ciao

Clare with paint in her hair said...

can you do one of them manly cowboys over my bed!!!

Lyn said...

Oh wow Dy - this is just gorgeous !!!! When are ya coming over to do mine LOL !
Lyn xx

Laura (Faerielore) said...

WOW this is absolutely amazing !!!! i bet she was soooo excited and pleased, can you do mine next, my room is black and red hehehehe xxxx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Oh it's absolutely beautiful Dyan :)
Anne x

Blueyez49423 said...

That is soooo awesome!! Love, love, love the mural. So glad that you were able to do this for her!!

Sandra Hall said...

Fantabulous! What an honour for you Dy! And great artwork it is too! No wonder she was so excited. x x
PS Can I still come on Saturday without a hat - haven't had time to create one - I did try to enlist some help but I don't think anyone loves me :(
Ok pity party over - I just haven't had time! I know, YOU could make me one hehehe - if only!

SANDRA said...

What a brilliant present. Just stunning, I'm sure any little girl would love this. 10000% better the boring wallpaper. Love it. Love Sandra x

Val said...

Wow - just super duper gorgeous. What a lovely gift, and will obviously be treasured.

Kate Creates - a lot of mess, just ask my family..... said...

Wish I could have one too.
See you a the weekend.

Mrs Hedgehog said...

That is absolutely fabulous. Lx

Caroline and Jayne said...

OMG the painting is wonderful...you can't come to Bristol & paint one for my 4 year old could you lol !

cockney blonde said...

WOW! Dyan that is stunning. No wonder she was so pleased with it. You really are so talented, x

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is amazing! I want one!

Quote of the Century

"You are an extraordinary woman.

How can you expect anything ordinary to happen to you"

Louisa May Alcott