Err, did I just say spotless?? Forgot about this after 48 hrs of creating. This is what my bed looked like...
Right I know I have been wittering on about my weight gain for a while now, and I am going to again. Three reasons really...
1. Went to buy new harvies and they seem to have made the sizes smaller cos they are still managing to roll under the roll..??(my ass cant have grown that much surely..?)
2. I have never really had a bust, never really wanted a bust, and do not like the way that it seems to have a life of its own. Don,t know how you lot cope all the time, but I bump into things when I go round corners. I also keep losing newly glued items when I am creating, only to find them hours later, stuck under my bust. The novelty has now worn off, lol.
3. Firstly I have to tell all of you who keep telling me I haven't put any on, GET TO SPECSAVERS, NOOOOOOW...!!!! Me and The Goddess finally got round to replacing the battery in the scales, and WTF...???
The last time I got on those scales was my birthday, in March, and I weighed 11st 2lbs. Now I weigh 12st 6lbs. That's a total of 18 lbs weight gain. yes Eighteen frikkin pounds. That is the same as 3 babies, a sack of spuds or Cheryl Cole... I mean sheesh, that is some serious lard we are talking about. I know I can blame some of it on the medication I,m on, I know I can blame some of it on the Menopause. I know I can blame some of it on trying to conquer my eating disorder, and I know I can blame some of it on middle age spread, BUT and its a big BUT, it needs sorting and it needs sorting NOW..!! War is officially declared..!!! Otherwise I will be as big as some of the Walmart people from my last post, and think it perfectly ok to go out and frighten other shoppers. Didn't you just p**s your pants at that website, gross but strangely addictive..!!!
And on that note, this is today's wardrobe remix. And no that is not my real body shape, despite the above evidence, it is in fact my Parka blowing up with the wind...And Noooooo, not my wind..How Ruuuude..???? lol

Yes you,ve guessed it, we went to the seaside. Me and the lovely Kenny went to the quaint little town of Whitby. I am ashamed to say that I don't think I have been there before.So it was a lovely surprise and just what I needed to blow my cobwebs away. We parked the car in Sandsend, and walked the 3 miles across the beach and it was just fabaroonydooby.
We collected stones and wrote in the sand. This is my word of the moment.

Not sure if that's his confused or intelligent face, lmao...
Oh and by the way for the many of you who ask me if the lovely Kenny is my gay friend, the answer is no. I don't know why so many of you are coming up with the same question , but it doesn't half make me laugh..!!!

Now what do you think hes standing under here..?? Its a pair of Whale bones...?? Yup you heard me correctly, whale bones. I tell you, you aint seen nothing till you see Whitby..!
The funniest bit was when we decided to stop for a cup of tea. As we walked into a large hotel Kenny commented on the fact that it was nice and quiet. I nipped to the loo, which was miles away, down a long corridor. Massive toilets with about 8 cubicles, with no one in. Apart from me and the person who followed me in with a mop and bucket, stood outside my cubicle till I finished, and then proceeded to mop out the cubicle when I came out..!!!
We had just sat back down with our tea when 3 coachloads of pensioners arrived and swarmed in like locusts. Suddenly the lovely peaceful moment was lost, as we were enveloped in a mist of lavendar perfume, mint imperials and Vic..!!!They were everywhere, including right next to us. So close you could hear parts of the conversation. Not all of it, just bits, wierd bits. The main ones that stick out were,
" Oh how lovely, nothings changed.." ( I dont think anything had actually changed since the War!!)
*Yes 53 years now we,ve been married" What the hell did the poor woman do to deserve that punishment..??
And, my fave..
" Oh yes , I have a large box of knickers" What..??
Now just imagine all that filtering in to your normal conversation and you will understand why we were in hysterics and had to quickly vacate the premises. He's not doing so hot, with his hip places to go, is he..?? lmao..
We then wandered down into the town, where everything went black. We were in the middle of a Goth Convention. Yup head to toe black. Everything long, even for the fellas. Some of the outfits were bordering on Victorian ( I think). Some of them were just fabulous, but it was completely surreal walking down the street and being outnumbered by them. The most gorgeous being a stunning, cherubic, little boy, bout 1yr, in the fish restaurant. He was dressed head to toe the same and was soooooooo well behaved, he was an absolute credit to his Mam and Dad, and I could cheerfully have scooped him up and taken him home, but my Parka pockets were full of stones.!!
By the time we set off to walk back across the beach, it was dropping dark and the tide was coming in fast. I just happened to turn around and caught this. It looked stunning in real life..

So here's 2 of the pages , from my A4 journal, I produced over the weekend.
Main image is from Crowabout, stamps are Tim Holtz.
Main image is from Crowabout, stamps are Tim Holtz.

Copyright Dyan Reaveley. You may NOT copy, download or use these images in any way without my permission.
This photo is actually one of my Dad. Wasn't he a sweetie..??

I,m worn out now, all that Sea air. Here's hoping for sweet dreams tonight.
Forgot to say that I am updating all the links in the side bar, but I am only half way through. Will try to finish them tonight, but at the moment only Places to go and Spceally for Dy are fully linked. If I have missed anyone please let me know, sorry I know there will be lots. Also if you want to be included on my blog hop lists, again let me know. My personal e mail is
Enjoy xx
Enjoy xx
Whitby corrections/clarifications
1. It was her wind as clearly my coat has not balloned and this also clearly dispels any further discussion on height.
2. Word of the moment my foot? It was a request and I had to add the 'B' later!
3. "I find heart stones"? Its all me me me, I in fact found the white heart stone a point that could have been lost to history forever!
4. Large heart stone with Goth nail! I repudiate any suggestion that the image in the background is me having a wee!
Thank you for letting me clear up those minor editorial errors. TLK
Yadda yadda yadda...!!!!! x
Aaw... sounds like you two had a fabby day out in Whitby... I am also a bit of heart collector tho not for a while now...have a great day Kirsti x.
Laughed out loud today which improved my feeling grotty. Maybe the woman with the mop was really waiting for the woman with the big box of knickers. Is the mother journal page for the crowabout challenge it's fab.
Love your journal pages!!
Whitby is so lovely glad you had a great day.
It made me laugh cos i always seem to sit near older people talking like that wherever i go, not sure why
See you soon
It made my day to know you had such a fantastic time in Whitby.
Your blog is great to follow. See you soon hopefully.
Sue x
Whitby is on my list of things to do before I die! Aww I feel for ya chick with the weight malarkey, I weighed 11st 6 earlier this year, I like to keep under 11, so I joined fat fighters and lost the 6 lb, but it's crept back on and I feel fat it always goes on my belly! So I'm with ya all the way, I'm gonna diet next monday LMAO! xx
Whitby is awesome, it's only 30 mins from us. You should have gone to The Magpie for lunch and then to Sherlocks for tea and cake.
Whitby Goth week is on every October and also every April...clearly April is better, less rain lol
Glad you had fun, it is one of my fave places.x
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