Ooooh what a shock, Blogger is playing up again. Now it wont let me move my pics around..!! So when you get to the sideways one, please just tilt your head 90 degrees and you,ll be fine. That is one of the reasons I didn't post last night. First of all, I now have to copyright most of the pics and it takes frikkin ages, I only know how to do it in Flickr, if you know an easier way then please let me in on the secret. Then I transferred them to here. I normally do them backwards in the order that I want them, but last night I was so tired I just put them where they landed and then Blogger wouldn't let me move them. So I talked nicely to it, I then argued with it a bit, and then I took my bloody ball home and sulked.....Not that it got me anywhere, cos I just had to start all over again today..Oh how I laughed..!!!!!
We have a new kit in the shop as from today. It is Bezzie Su,s present of presents, and you can purchase it HERE. It comes with full step by step instructions and colour pictures. Hopefully there will be a few more joining it i n the next week or so, but don't hold your breath,lmao...

In our Tuesday night class we are making a special tag a week . Here's the tag that we made in last nights class. It was collaged and beeswaxed. I just love it when we have Beeswax classes as the room always smells sooooooo gorgeous. Anyone can come and join us, but booking is necessary as we are nearly full.
*EDIT* Aaaargh , how could I forget to say, the gorgeous images on this tag come from the lovely, lovely and the stamps are the gorgeous Tim Holtz. Sorry about that chappies...

And here's yesterdays wardrobe remix. Oh bugger that means I'm a day behind now,I think.??
Reverted back to my favourite black. Love this dress which was a pressie from the gorgeous Jude ( Mwah, Mwah ). The Goddess takes the photos and tries to get me to be a bit professional in my stance, as in the pose below.

But more often than not this is what she has to contend with..!!! lol

Well it was never boring growing up with a Mum like me, that's for sure...
Need to show you my latest addiction. Ha ha yes its porridge.. Soldiers porridge, made with water and salt and a sprinkling of soya milk on the top. Gorgeous, just how me Dad made it. Mind you, these days I prefer it with some movement in it. When me Dad made it the spoon stood straight up in the bowl, lol. Then we used to let some of it cool, and later in the day slice it up like cake...!!

So, more journal pages. Just need to clear something up. I had an email the other day from someone who saw that I have just copyrighted everything. She was really concerned and upset because she had saved 2 of my pictures and put them in her " inspiration" file..She was really apologetic and said she would delete them straight away. NOOOOOOOOO that isn't the reasoning behind my actions. I love it when people get inspiration from what I do, that is what I am here for, and if my art inspires you then by all means use it, and save it somewhere where you can easily access it. What I don't want is those who try to pass it off as theirs, or parts of it. That is not on, a big fat no-no. My art is here for YOU , to look at, to learn from, to ignore, to love, to hate, to criticise, to do WHATEVER, except pass it off as your own.... Enjoy it..

This is one of my faves, the houses are Blonde Moments papers and book pages. They look soooo neat..

This is another "Teesha" inspired one. I have just found out she is doing a journal tutorial on her blog. You need to go see, it is fabby, she shows you collage, borders, doodling and lettering. And its all free...!!!! As you know she has always been my idol, I just love her stuff and find it amazing and soooo inspiring that someone of her calibre is giving away her knowledge. I love her even more for that, and can feel a lot more lady love coming on, do you think she would like to have my babies, lmao. they could be little Art Journaling ones, with pointy hats, wings and stripy legs, lol. You can find all the videos Scroll down till you get to the first one and work backwards, ok.
This page has had a lot more doodling added since I photographed it, so I will update you all tomorrow.

I wasn't happy with the eyes so I have added large specs...

Ok off to indulge my fantasies now, with a Danny Dyer film, swoon , swoon.
Enjoy xx
I love the houses on one of your journal pages - they are stunning!
Do you have photoshop? I use a limited edition version and just have to open the photo and watermark and put them together. I don't know if that's easier than what you are doing already? I have to photo resized for uploading to blogger first, so the full size original is saved and once I've uploaded the resized one i just delete it.
Have I explained that ok? LOL I confused myself!! xxx
Hi Dyan....try Photoscape, a free download to edit easy to add a watermark etc. Off to check out the link to Teesha's blog, thank you :) Katy x
ps....yuk porridge....i try to eat it i really do but never's the texture i think :)
oh and fabby pages as always x
You wondered where the Goddess got it from mmmmmm. Nearly spat my drink out at the idea of small cherub like babies flying around with stripey clothes flinging paint everywhere. Ta.x
I love porridge!!! Ok, got that out of my system LOL
Those tags are too cute! And I love the kit, great warm colours. Thanks for the pointer about that blog, I always wonder how you get that journalling in!
Loving the pages as always Dyan, I agree with Kaz on the photoshop and watermark thingy. I'm sat eating porridge whilst reading it and I too like it like concrete but not keen on the savoury salt variety LOL.
Porridge YUK YUK YUK!!! Hate the stuff - mind you I hate any kind of breakfast cereal full stop... Can't stand the stuff...
Pages as ever are absolutely fabulous.. I have actually done another background a la Sonja's Altered Book that she bought back from the States and lent me (Ta) but that's been it for me.. Have a great day... Kirsti x
Just passing on a lovely blog award - you are such an inspiration...x
Oohh, I keep seeing that bird stamp and love love love it! I need to find it :o(
thanks Dyan!!! :)
cant help you with the photos I am more useless than you, lOl
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