Here's some sneeks.

The double spread
Love this page and feel it is really me. Two people trapped In the same body. The person who everybody expects me to be and the real me. The two pulling against each other all the time. I need to stop trying to let every one elses preconceptions shape me and just be the person I am. The problem is when you lose sight of who that person really is.

This is a "don't mess with me page"
I think the model in this picture gives off a real confident glow. She looks good and she knows it , but not in a big headed way. She just knows her mind and would never be taken for granted or put upon. I find it really hard to say no to anything or anyone, and can then end up feeling resentful.. I have always thought it was easier to let people do whatever, but its not in the long run.

I just love this quote and really need to take more notice of it.
"I am w ho I am - your opinion is not required..!!"
This is a "don't mess with me page"

Another spread.
This hasn't photographed too well. (Yes I know its me who's crap,lol). Again this is all about being yourself. Just because you may be different doesn't mean you are not good enough. We are all unique , each and every one of us, and that should be a cause for celebration. I am fed up of trying to fit in and "appear" normal. Who defines normal anyway. What if i,m normal and its actually you lot who are all barmy, lmao.

I hope showing these pages helps to inspire others to start journals themselves. We run regular Art Journal workshops at the studio, that you can join in at any time, just ring and I will advise you. But don't be frightened to start one yourselves. People ask me all the time where I learnt to Art Journal, and the honest answer is - I just made it up as I went along..!! I feel there is no right or wrong to your art. We need to shake off the chains that stifle our creativity and just dive straight in. It comes from within, deep in our souls, it just needs a trigger to signal its release. Some people like to use words, others prefer images or symbolism. Sometimes I start with a colour scheme, other times an emotion or sometimes an image torn from a magazine or a favourite quote. It is all freestyle and there are no rules to break, you can colour "outside the lines" to your hearts content.

I,m going to do as it says
Be original
Be creative
Be yourself.....

Of course this is all going to be an instant transformation and happen overnight (as Jim Royle would say "My arse..!!") Its alright talking the talk, but walking it talks a lot more courage. It could be a long job, watch this space.
This next page is has an extremely personal meaning to me, which I am not going to explain, but I,ll still show you it.
This next page is has an extremely personal meaning to me, which I am not going to explain, but I,ll still show you it.

Go on give it a go and send me some of your work. I dare you..!!!!!
Tomorrow I,ll be giving some linky blog shouts so if you have a blog you think my readers would be interested in let me know. Until then....
Ps. I have now ventured into the world of Twitter. Amazing that 8 mths ago I couldn't even email very well and now here I am blogging, face booking and twittering all day long. Please feel free to become a follower and keep up with all the regular daily comings and goings. I,m following loads iincluding , would you believe it, a Northern Soul twitter. Yes you would believe it. I am still trying to work out how to upload music onto my blog so I can bombard your ears with my passion for Northern Soul. I ant understand why I cant do it as it is a doddle to do on face book where everyone is subject to my eclectic musical taste depending on my mood. Love my music and I think you can always tell what type of mood a person is in by the music they play. When I post Leonard Cohen everybody run, lmao.
Enjoy xx
Love the snesk peaks. and the beeswax collage is looking good. And how cool is your journal. Thanks for sharing it all.
Like the expression cuppa(s)
I hadn't heard it before.
I can't thank you enough for sharing your art journal with the world Dyan. What a fabulous idea and well done for being so brave! I am collecting bits and pieces to start my own... you have given me the push I needed. thank you again. Love and light from Yvonne. XOXOX
Hi Dyan
It's great to see you have found some outlet for your emotions, I know you sum up how many people feel, we are all lost souls in this world, my Mum always says life is going from one crisis to the next but I don't see it like that, life is challenging and our greatest gift is to learn to be who we really are. I've spent years trying to find myself, I can thoroughly recommend a couple of self help books - they help put life in perspective and also allow you to realise you are not alone. For dealing with life when things get tough I recommend either "Feel the fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers and/or "Embracing Uncertainty" by the same author. Both of these have proved great starting points for my recently started art journal, sometimes I sit with a page and don't know where to start but just a little bit of reading can let the mind ramble and the soul to download. Hugs today hope its a good one
Hi Dy I cant imagine your personal take on art journals upsetting anyone. We are all vulnerable and sometimes forget that someone else who appears ok could well be crying on the inside just putting on a face. Its good to be reminded that we are emotional and insecure at times - I love your journals (tho you know I love everything you do!) I love it that you are so honest and upfront - makes me feel normal too xx
Oh Dylan! I love this post!!!! So awesome and sooo speaks from the heart! I took an online class from Mary Ann Moss about Stenciling... it has opened sooo many doors for me artwise! Freed me to make a mess, freed me of my fear/dislike of some colors! Now I love all colors! And now you along with many others are freeing me to make an art journal! I am just setting my butt down to do it!
Here is my blog...
I love your blog and have followed you for about a year via Tim Holtz! I cheer for you every day!
Keep doing what you are doing on your blog Dy, that's what it's all about. It allows others to realise that we are not alone when we feel like this. Hope you can give me more info for your journal classes, I really fancy havin a go now I have more time.
I CAN'T WAIT FOR SATURDAY even more now I have seen the peeks of the beeswax collage workshop, only 5 more sleeps yay hey!!!!!!!!
oh Dyan, you make me laugh out loud, and then you make me well up, all mixed up with your beautiful creativity, love reading your blog and your soul searching helps me look at life in a more positive way as well, take care and keep crearting (new word-do you think it works, LOL), all the best Siobhan
Houses are one of my passions! Great stuff!
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