Well, really busy day today. First we had the beginners Art Journal course. Full class as you can see and today we were doing a technique class to decorate the covers.

From L-R, Ann, Janet, Pandora, Irene, Chris and Liz.

And L-R, Jane, Dawn, Annette, Janet and Pat.

I taught them 4 techniques, Crackle , altered book page, embossed pearl painting and clear tiling. These were all then attached to the front cover of their journals. Everyone started out with the same but every ones ended up totally different. Amazing how that always happens, isn't it?

Ann had made a page at home and brought it to show me. Imagine my surprise when I found it was all about me. Awww, I was really touched. Not so touched when I clicked on her blog to find a rather unflattering photo of me .Go
HERE to take a look lol.

Need to tell you as well that one of my regular journal ladies has had her first article published in The Craft Stamper magazine. Unfortunately I,me sold out of copies but go and grab one as soon as you can. Kate is a very talented artist and I often point you all over to
her blog, . Congratulations Kate sweetie, you did a fantastic job. xx

The lovely Pat brought me some of fave white lilies. Emmis comment "You are just soooooo spoilt" and its true. My ladies are the best in the world.
Bit of excitement during the kids teatime class. We had a fire alarm and had to hang around in the cold wet car park. But every cloud has a silver lining. We got 6 hunky fireman to ogle at. I even had to escort one of the up to my studio to check it out. The things you have to do in the line of duty eh...!! lmao
Then it was on to the regular Tuesday night ladies were we are all making garden canvases. You may remember that they have just finished silk painting. Jane has had hers framed and brought it along for me to see. Looks fab doesn't it??

Well that's it I,m absolutely knacked, and its same again tomorrow, 3 workshops in a row. ..Happy days...
Sounds like you all had a great day. Lynne x
Woo hoo! Thanks for the linky shout :-))) What is it with you and firemen? You seem to have more fire alarms going off than anyone else I know......hmmmmm..! So, when is your next Sunday journaling class?
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