Here's the students.
L-R is Katie, Amanda and Sarah. ( Sarah isn't having a fit here, she is laughing at Amanda who although looking innocent was actually reducing us to tears..)
Barbara, Lisa and Maz
The students were fantastic and picked it up really quickly. I was feeling quite redundant for a while there. The smell of beeswax melting is extremely calming and I think this . rubbed off on the class.
We started by making backgrounds with Claudine Hellmuth paints and then I gave them a quick demo of the beeswax technique. We used images from Lisa's Altered Art and Paperstreet.

And here's what they came up with. Looks like they have been doing it for years don't they..?

And then they moved onto the canvas's.

I think they were absolutely fantastic students, they quickly lost any preconceptions or inhibitions that they might have had. Nothing seemed to faze them and I think they were all very quickly hooked. Well we didn't have a lot left in the shop, put it that way..!! If they got away with buying all my equipment then I think they would. I had to keep a close beady eye on it. If this has wetted your appetite then , don't worry, there is another beeswax class in the next lot of workshops released on Saturday.. But its always first come first served remember.
Bows and nails to match...
Five of the ladies travelled from Grimbsy especially for the workshop. My good friend Sue, former owner of Paper Paradise, organised it now that she has a bit more time on her hands. They were a great bunch and hopefully will be over a bit more often.
Here's the promised shoe watch. Pink, patent and high wedges.. Just the thing for summer..
L-R Barbara, Maz, Lisa, Me, Sue and Sam.

Sue was a student of mine from 8 yrs ago and we quickly, along with her gorgeous husband Paul, became good friends. She is a fabby altered artist and now that she has sold her craft business is concentrating on her teaching and her own art. If you have been following her blog Paper Paradise

Sue was a student of mine from 8 yrs ago and we quickly, along with her gorgeous husband Paul, became good friends. She is a fabby altered artist and now that she has sold her craft business is concentrating on her teaching and her own art. If you have been following her blog Paper Paradise
you may have seen the fabulous tissue box that she has been altering. I was admiring it from afar as I have always had a thing about angels, so imagine my surprise when she came and told me it was especially for me. I was quite overwhelmed and struggled not to cry. Yes, ha ha , I actually managed it. Isn't she a darling..? Thanks babe, I love ya lots and hope to see more of you now... xx
Here it is in close up

Isn't it gorgeous..? And seen as I seem to spend a lot of my time in tears these days it will be extremely useful. She has also got a write up about the day on her blog.

Another of the students, Chris, has also written about it on her blog Rubbaluvva . She is also a big Northern Soul fan , so was over the moon at the music played. Don't know what she made of me dancing in the aisles though, lol. Well what else are you supposed to do when you are surplus to requirements..?
What a gorgeous day today. I was supposed to be completing lots of the workshop samples for preview, but you know what they say about best laid plans, don't you. I spent most of the morning uploading old Northern tunes to my face book. And of course I kept having to get up and have a dance. On the landing, in my home studio, rolling back the rug in the front room (love it on the laminate floor) and my favourite, out on the patio around the garden furniture. This always produces two smashing results, it annoys the hell out of the neighbours (ha ha , no love lost there) and it frightens away the squirrels, yayy..!!
I then shot up to the studio with Bezzie Su to prepare Tuesdays workshop kits. She was in charge of the Bind it All machine 225 separate sheets she had to punch) and I was wielding a sharp scalpel through mount board. I know every one thinks that I have a little secret army of Oompa Lumpas to do all this tedious and time consuming preparation, but unfortunately I haven't. If you spot any hanging around can you point them in my direction. Failing that any redundant firemen are always welcome to come and hang around. The pays lousy but the perks are good, woop woop.
I then shimmied on home to find the girlies sat in the garden , with lunch prepared . Our Emmi , The Goddess, had made a beautiful chicken and Balsamic salad. Yuuuuummmmmyyyyyyy. We washed it down with Raspberry and Pomegranate juice. How healthy are we..? We are on a bit of a health kick, ever since Bezzie Su told me that fruit and nut chocolate did not count towards my five a day..!! What a shame. Anyway it would have been rude to rush off to do work when they had gone to such an effort, yeah..? lmao. So we lingered a while in the gorgeous sunshine and put the world to rights , yup that's right, we had a bitch fest, ha ha.
Then it was hanging washing out, twittering, face booking, in fact anything but samples.!! If I don't get my act together tomorrow, our Ben will be having my guts for garters. Oops.
But seen as I am not a telly fan, the blog is already to post and only the ironing is beckoning , suddenly the samples seem like a fabulous option. Unless I get distracted by something bright and shiny on the way up the stairs, pmsl..
Enjoy xx
*EDIT* Just found another of the students blogs. Its the lovely Sam from Grimsby and you can see her work HERE She has samples and photos from the workshop, and also has some fabby stmped samples on there. Dont forget if you have a blog you think my lot would be interested in then let me know and I,ll give you a link..
Thanks for a fab day and letting us play - it was great
Also thanks for the edit and the mention of my blog xxxx
Will be seeing you again soon xx
We all had a fantastic day Dyan and look forward to coming back for another workshop soon. So pleased you liked your tissue box.
Sue xxx
Dyan thanks for a great day, only the fab weather has stopped me carrying on. Not sure I approve of the photo of my fit though....!
It was a brilliant day! It was certainly worth getting lost in Bradford! I'll be back for more one day.
Thanks for the link to my blog too.
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