Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here it is....Drum roll please!!!!!!

First, heres some cards from Design Team member Bezzie Su. She has used my ghosting technique as the backgrounds and my alphabet downloads. She then stitched them onto the cards.

Yes she used a sewing machine.!! she can't burn that !!.. I know she's gonna kill me but I have to tell you this, now that I have finally stopped laughing. She came out with this little beauty last night...

"I need to get a new toaster, I didn't realise you couldn't put eggy bread in it"

How frikkin hilarious is that..??? lmao.

Here's the plaques from the Wednesday night girls. Great job there girls.

And now onto what you all have been waiting for...

Heres the Golden ticket rules.

  1. You need to leave a comment on this post to be in with a chance of winning a ticket for the morning session with Tim on the 17th Feb.
  2. Tickets are not transferrable, so if you already have a ticket then this is not for you and please do not enter
  3. You must be available to attend that session, the ticket is not transferrable. The session starts at 9am and finishes at 1pm.
  4. You will need to make your own travel arrangements and accomodation if needed.
  5. You will need to bring Nobby's Nuts with you. Not actually a requirement but will get you brownie points, lol.
  6. The winning ticket cannot be exchanged. If you can't attend we will draw another winner.
  7. Only one entry per person will count.
  8. members of my own family are excluded from entering. !!!
The winner will be picked by random generator on Sunday eve 13th February

Enjoy xx


Unknown said...

Bezzy Sue's stitched cards are fab ... Nearly make me wanna get my sewing machine out ... Nearly :0) Eggy bread story is hilarious!

Sarah said...

Those stitched cards are fab!

I would love to enter the Timmy draw, but am away on that day, so I'd just like to wish the best of luck to the rest of you :)

Maz said...

I never win these things but I'll give it a go! And I promise to bring Nobby's Nuts if I do win! x

Jayne C said...

I have been practising my 'ghosting' following your You Tube instructions....have EVEN got mum doing it!!.....but I LOVE Bezzie Su's cards SO MUCH that now I need to order the alphabet download to complement my reams of background sheets!!!
I have to add that if I win, not only will I bring Nobby's Nut's, but also some of those Toaster Bag thingies for Su, so she CAN cook eggy bread in her toaster!!! LOL!!!


Handmade Hannah said...

I love stitched cards as I can't sew in a straight line for toffee. Thanks for the chance of winning. By the way, I have caught my husband frying dried pasta - he thought that's how you cooked it. I just despair.

patcrafts said...

Love Bezzie Sue's stitched cards didn't know she could use a sewing machine LOL. Eggy bread in the toaster ROFL, she didn't have me as a Domestic Science teacher.
See you Sunday
Hugs Pat xx

Chris said...

squeeeeeel... eggy bread in the toaster.... that is soooo frikkin' funny lmao!! I guess bezzy Sue is better at cardmaking than cooking cos the cards are ace :D
What better excuse could I have for leaving the house than Timmy so count me in... if I win I WILL get there... although never heard of nobby nuts... will chocolate weetabix do...rofl
Chris xx

Annette said...

Fab cards - inspiration - just need to get the sewing machine onto the table - and cover it with spray ink (like everything else in my house including me!)

Anonymous said...

oh my thanks for the chance to win - it would absolutely wonderful to join you all on the day

flutterbycrafter said...

Wow, now I knew that Bezzie Su was clever, but to use a sewing machine, what's all that about??? Seriously her cards are fantastic and the Wednesday night girls have done an amazing job, stunning. Hope you're ok, hugs xx

oneoff said...

Love Bezzie Sue's cards, and the Wednesday night designs - all really fresh colours.

Like the tale the eggy bread in the toaster. I'm used to the smell of something burning, as OH doesn't consider toast done until it's reached charcoal stage.

I promise to bring nuts if I am lucky enough to win an audience with Tim...

Juliet x said...

Excited or what! Actually coming to my first of your workshops on Friday! My sister, Donna has been working me up into a frenzy by showing me all she has done at your workshops - and spent day looking for great old books to use for journals - brilliant! Would love to come to play with the great Tim Holtz - but am I that lucky!!!?? See you Fridayx

Angela Weimer said...

Love Bezzy Sue's cards. The backgrounds are great. Too funny with the toaster story. Reminds me of coming home from a business trip to find my toaster oven out on the front lawn all charred. Hubby did not realise you needed to put something under the pizza when re-heating it. the cheese caught on fire and you can image the rest. .Will bring you some Nobbys nuts next time I stop in. Have a good one. Angela

craftyrufus said...

I nackered a toaster years ago melting embossing powder over it( and a few fingers also!) oh for the chance to win a ticket for Timmy/Dyans event, that would be a dream come true!!

olive said...

well lets have a go and see what happens. I will bring food if I win!!!!! good luck everyone.... loving the pages Dy, Bessie Sue is brill designer. Hugs xxx

thekathrynwheel said...

I'm at work that day so good luck to everyone else :-)
Love Bezzie Su's cards and am v impressed with the stitching.

gayle said...

When I started this year I was determined that 2011 was going to be an awesome year :) so I simply must give this a try, mustn't I?? You never know, it could be YOU :-D

The cards are gorgeous btw :) I am glad she makes gorgeous cards, I would be worried if she had to make a living from eggy bread! Good luck with that ;) xx

Mario said...

Pick Me! Picke Me Please.....

Judith aka materialgirl said...

I am loving the stitched cards - and as someone who has a severe allergy to needle and thread I'll just have to keep admiring it from afar.
I would LOVE to win a Timmy ticket but I would probably not be able to come so good luck to the rest of you.

Ginger said...

He may not wish for a share of your nuts lol. Great cards and great give away :D

Caroline said...

Love those backgrounds and would really love a chance to learn more by doing the class. Take care.

Sarah Anderson said...

woo hoo, what a fab idea for a giveaway! And love the eggy bread story :)

Lynn W. said...

Lovely cards from Bezzie Sue - those alphabet downloads look really handy.
Lol at Jules depriving Nobby of his nuts!
I'd love to meet Tim - how generous of you to give a ticket away.

Lynn Wild

nerllybird said...

The backgrounds look fab, it's a wonderful technique. I don't think it's reasonable to expect a super crafty type of person to understand how a toaster works - now if only I could convince my children that I've forgotten how to cook.....;D

Lizzybobs said...

loving Bezzy's stitched cards, eggy bread - oooh have not had that for years mmmm. Would love to be in the draw and you can have all the Nobby Nuts you can eat. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the draw - Good luck to everyone.

borgqueen said...

Lol- I'd like you all to know I'm not completely useless in the kitchen...I can stand and chat for hours and have really well organised tins. And I got a grade A in my needlework O'level but have never heard of this domestic science lark. Will stick to zig zags, veruccas and coils and Dys fabby inks and downloads. If I win my name is Emma. Lol Xxx

BondGirl said...

OMG nearly wet myself at the
eggybread comment.... altho my ex did try cheese on toast in ours once!

Would love a timmy ticket pleeeaaaasssseeeeee

Karen said...

Loving the plaques. Thank you for offering such a great prize, i've got everything crossed, LOL!

Trace Dee said...

I have that week off work and would love to win a morning with you and Tim.
I promise to bring Nobbies nuts.

I have all my fingers and toes crossed (just hope cramp doesnt set in before suday)

x x x xx x x x x x x

Unknown said...

I cant believe it I am not working on the 17th so could actually make it, would need hubby to bring me which he will possibly be non too chuffed at but wow how could I pass up such a golden opportunity to be in with a chance. Meghan's a dab hand at eggy bread she makes the best stuff I have ever tasted so if bessie Sue needs lessons megs ya Gal x I promise to bring Nobby nuts too x

Leanie said...

Now there's a chance - I've heard such amazing things about you all, and your shop, and this would be mega! Good luck everyone :D xxx

Unknown said...

Nobbys Nuts Well I have a great big box of them and I would love to have a morning tiwth you and tim because I never manage to get in on time to book the days. Emma xx

Lyn said...

lol.... will Manx Knobs do instead ? xx

Anonymous said...

lmao @ nobby's nuts. fingers crossed :)

Ann said...

Beautiful stitched cards by Bezzy Sue!! And boy would I ever love to win a morning class with Sir Tim of Holtz.....please add me to the draw & good luck to everyone xxx

Davielle aka Princess Magpie said...

just want to wish all who CAN enter GOOD LUCK. if I had a ticket from Cali to the UK in hand, I'd be putting my name in the hat, 'cause I'm just feeling that lucky. HA. Lucky for the rest of you, I don't have said ticket, I have no idea what nobby's nuts are (but plan to google that!). HAVE FUN, all. xo - Davielle

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

I have Nobby, his nuts, a slice of bread, an egg and a new toaster all packed in my overnight bag! Does bribery and corruption help? lol
P,S, I am a dab hand at making eggy bread!

Gabrielle said...

A session with Tim and Nobby's Nuts?! Too good to be true even if I'll have to scour the area to find someone who sells them! Thank you for the opportunity to win and the eggy bread tip!

Paper Paradise said...

Wow, a special treat is in store for someone! Love Sue's cards! x

Marion said...

Fabulous cards! Will have to retrieve my machine from the back of the wardrobe.

Thanks for such a great prize - good luck everyone.


Anneliese said...

Loving the Wednesday night girls plaques ... Think they're Fab ! Bezzie sues cards are beautiful too :) x

Lesley Ratcliff said...

Will have to get me sewing machine out!

Sue said...

I LOVE Sue's cards, just goes to prove I need yet more downloands. For the chance of a morning with Tim I would bring a whole Nobby, not just his nuts lol x

JT's crafty blog said...

I would love to win a Timmy ticket and will bring a bucket load of nobby nuts if im lucky enough to win
thanks for this opotunity :)

Margie said...

Oh how I would love to win a place. Really like the stitched cards and those plaques are just fantastic - what a great job. Keeping everything crossed!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for such a great chance to spend the morning with you and tim, promise to bring nobbys nuts!

Jackie xxx said...

Yes please ... this would be just awesome xxx

katy said...

Oh yes please would love the chance to win Dy xxx

Lucy said...

ME, ME , ME AND ME (WITH NOBBY'S NUTS) WOULD LOVE IT IF WE WERE PICKED TO COME TO TIM'S DAY. If I said I would bring birthday cake with me too, would that be classed as a bribe? Love the eggy bread story and also know someone (male) who tried cheese on toast in the toaster LOL!

Maggie said...

Fabulous cards and technique eggy bread in toaster had me crying with laughter ROFL, have dried ribbon over toaster when using DI to change the colours and burnt fingers!!!

Thanks for a chance to win a ticket for a class with Tim missed out when they were on sale :-( fingers and everything crossed.

Gemma said...

I'll drop everything to be there if I'm lucky enough. Best find my lucky hat and firmly put it on!

Dawn Doodler said...

Love the stiching - eat your heart out Dame Westwood. I've got my great aunts sewing machine it's great for stuff like this, goes thro everything - not sure it'd manage eggy bread tho.
Well that's my first comment ever, got everything crossed and I mean everything.

juliaD said...

would love to enter draw never left a comment on a blog before

regards julia

Sarah Louise said...

Wow, thanks for the great opportunity to see Tim. Might be a bit far to travel from Scotland but i would give it a shot, lol.

chris hennen said...

Wow, a day with Tim. I have been dreaming of this. Thanks for the chance.

jayneyd said...

Love the stitched cards- they're FAB! inspired me to dig my sewin machine out and have a go which is no easy task as i'm snowed under with uni work at the mo! Thanx for all the brill inspiration you always bring to us all. XXX :)

zafira said...

I would love to come to the workshop and 17th feb is my 60th birthday so it would be doubly nice and I would bring cake
janet diggins

Gio said...

Cross my fingers!!

Unfortunately there's no Nobby nut's here. Hope to get at the airport!

Debs said...

I am one of the lucky ones who has a ticket, but my sister became redundant at Christmas and would love to come with me. Her name is Alison Fryer.

Love the cards, they are ace!!!

Deb xxx

Unknown said...

What wonderful back ground to the sewn cards but I have to say the ATC with Art from the heart and tim on are just gorgeous

I will bring Nobby's nuts (although I will have to hide them from my hubby)! But for a place on one of Timmy's classes in Harrogate which is also a wonderful place to say (I will have to to be there for 9am) but I don't care I would really love this day I tried for tickets I am even on your waiting list! And all the friends from Blog land that are all ready going I would get a chance to meet up with them too.

Yes PLEASE enter me in the draw!

Love Dawn xx

Joanie said...

OMG to be able to attend the class would be fantastic. Thanks for the chance even though I never win anything I always live in hope x

Debz said...

Absolutely love the cards, it amazes me just where creative ideas come from, and I love your quote about eaxtra ordinary women - every time something bonkers happens to me I will remember that and have a proud giggle, would love to win the tickets - it's like Charlie and the Chocolate factory for grown ups!

HelenP said...

Fingers Crossed x

jacqui said...

fingers, toes and boobies crossed i win......whenever i am feeling make me lol x

Anne said...

I never win anything (well once I won a bottle of home made fig wine in a raffle but I couldn't bring myself to drink it) But 2011 has been a good year for me up to now so here goes..................

Unknown said...

I feel inspired to learn how to thread my sewing machine!

Diane said...

Those stitched cards are fabby dabby - they communicate the message in a really fun and colourful way and could be for any age group, male or female!
The eggy bread story had me laughing out loud!
Diane x

crafty creations said...

Wow and how amazing that would be - please pick me :):):) I will definately bring Nobby's Nuts

Good luck everyone

Artes Decorativas said...

oh my god, I would love to be at the workshop on 17th.

LindyLops said...

How super to have cards to help make on the sewing machine, wonderful blog and I just think the stories are hilarious

Isobel said...

OMG It would be a dream come true to attend a Tim Holtz class.

I have learned a lot from Dyan but to meet the master himself would be fantastic.

Fingers crossed.

Jackie said...

In the words of Mario ..."Pick me Pick me please .."
I just want to say Dyan just keep doing your own thing - we love it...

Laura (Faerielore) said...

Hey darling, peeing myself about the eggie bread hahahahaha I'll bring nobbys nuts, just need to track the little bugger down, i have a knife at the ready hahahaha poor nobby !!!! good luck to everyone, but i still want me to win HAHAHAHA xxx

squizzels said...

I love the toaster tale...Bezzie Sue your a star and love what you have stitched with the alphabets...LOL. If Random is feeling like picking me I will find a Nobby and his nuts and do the class in my best FM shoes! That will need a drum roll as I cany frikking bend down to do um up anymore as the rolls of Nobbys nuts and scrummy cakes get in the way....For Tim and you it will be worth it...Mind you with my weight and those spindly heels it would like a new dance the way I would walk in em! Teeheeee...Paulaxx

Anonymous said...

Are you going for the world record of how many blog comments you can get?! I'm just as desperate as the next girl but either way the person who gets it is lucky and she can think of the rest of us when she's at the class!

I've had a word with Nobby and he needs his nuts himself that day so can't oblige with that one. However, desperate times call for desperate measures so instead I would:

Catch a dylusion grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a scalpel blade for ya
Jump in front of a peel off train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
Oh oh
I would go through all this pain
Take a mini fastener aka staple through my brain
Yes I would die cut for you Dylan
But you wont do the same
No no no no
But pretty please you will grant a Tim Holtz golden ticket ...

Pathetic I know. Incidentally when dad used to work he needed hot milk for a flask so he decided to put it into the kettle and boil it that way! Didn't make him very popular!

Janet said...

Lovely cards Bezzie Sue.

Would love to win a place with Sir Tim and you Dyan.

Janet x

Kat said...

Hi to you all,
what a grate oppertunity you have up for grabs,
not sure what I can say to make you pick my comment other than,
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want to win this fab ticket,I can conform to the rules of entry, I can make it,
I will stay over night in the carpark if I have to, to be there, OK are you convinced I sooooo want to come? if not ill try this,
if it's not me I will sulk & sulk & sulk untill I get over myself lol
have a crafty day,
Kat x.

Stampersue said...

Love Bezzy Sues' cards the ghosting technique is fab - Dylusion Mists are deffo on my birthday list.

I promise I'd bring Nobby's Nuts if I won. Fingers crossed.


Craftylass said...

I love Sue's cards as much as the Eggy bread story, she obviously went to same cookery school as my daughter, she tried to microwave a ready meal in a foil carton, good job we live just over the road from fire station. I'm working a full night shift on Tuesday but I'd give up sleep on Wednesday if I'm lucky to win the ticket for Tim's workshop

Val Wagstaff

Alisonph said...

The cards are wonderful and the plaques are fab! OH, to be able to create like that. Would love to be at Tim's class - feeling a little srt deprived at the moment. Nobby's Nuts - COUNT ME IN!!!

cla16e said...

Bezzie mates cards are lovely,
I LOVE the eggy bread comment!!!!!!!

Helga said...

Those cards are fabulous - must give the ghosting technique a go!

Kirsten Alicia said...

OMG, the eggy bread story made me howl with laughter. Which was just what I needed today.
Bezzie Sue's cards are gorgeous; fab backgrounds. "Squeezey Kisses" is my favourite.
Good luck to everyone, I promise I won't be jealous of the winner, (fingers crossed behind my back). :) :)

Anonymous said...

I would really love to win a place on Tim's class, so I will keep my fingers & toes crossed!

Tracy's Crafty said...

Great cards and eggy bread is delicious glad I know now not to use the toaster. Fingers crossed I win, just love Tim Holtz style. Not been to Harrogate before so would be an adventure.

Unknown said...

nuts, nobby's and brazils, sardines, all will be offered as bribes (sorry gifts) for a ticket. I will even offer to burn my peel offs in a ritual ceremony in the car park whilst ripping die cut decoupage sheets into confetti to strew in your path . (Well I would if I had any) Glynis

Chris Steer said...

Could this be that I may have a chance of not only seeing the lovely talented Dy again but meeting the great man himself -don't think I'm that lucky but one never knows!!

Hugs from Chris xx

frazzled2day said...

ooooooooooooooooooo, would so love to get a chance to do a journalling class Dyan....keeping fingers crossed now until sunday lol!!!! xxx

inkyfingers said...

I have everything crossed........please pick me! I've so missed coming to your classes Dyan ,but have been so to win would be fabulous, totally absolutely.....I've even been granted the day off work if I am lucky, lucky lucky!!!!!!!!!!

Sylvia said...

Would love to win this, It would be my dream come true, but what the flip are Nobby's Nuts ?????

Lucy :) said...

Bezzie Su must be related to my friend Deb for her kitchen disaster, though it sounds like she needs to be introduced to toaster pockets - it's mazing what you *can* make in a toaster with them ;)

Dan said...

Bezzy's cards are GREAT! Everyone will have the time of their lives at Tim's class, I'm sure! I just hope I get to be one of 'em! LOL

Janee said...

no Mario back ...... me me me ..... I need an injection of Tim ... my mojo and crafting has all gone awol and I feel so sad .... need help to find it again ....

JT's crafty blog said...

I would love to win the golden ticket
Imagine how much i could learn in those few hours
p s will bring nobby's nuts with me

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

hehehehe well Bezzie's cards are great anyway, looks like a fab technique :-) Love the plaques too.
Thanks for the chance to win Dyan, well not to win you, perhaps I should've said thanks Dyan, for the chance to win :-)
Just read Handmade Hannah's story too - hilarious
Anne xx

chrisg said...

Ohhh good luck to you all in the draw, although I know there can only be 1 winner - And it wont be me coz im counting myself out as car is due for MOT next week and Taxed the week after - sheeesh what bad timing LOL.

Gorgeous cards there Sue.

Barbara said...

Eggy bread in the toaster, thats the sort of thing I'd do LOL

A chance to win a spot on a class with Tim Holtz, yes please count me in!


Teresa P said...

Fab cards Bezzie Sue. Thought they were bought cards when |I saw them. Love the technique. Will try it myself soon. Mojo needs restoring "Sir" Tim would do the trick!!

Pinksparklegirl said...

Well firstly i think poor nobby should be able to keep his nuts to himself! As the proud owner of a Bezzie Sue original i can say they are just as gorgeous in real life. Anyway dont think there was anything else was there???????????????????????????????

Oh yes a chance to win the ticket please
And by the way if i win my name really is Emma

Lesley said...

If I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all but I've got everything crossed as I would be so honoured to watch Tim at work cos he is a creative genius. Not had eggy bread since Brownies in the mid 70s but happy to bring Nobby's nuts.

Mrs Wonka said...

Well to be honest who better to win the golden ticket than Mrs Wonka herself! I will of course bring nobbys nuts (as long as I can find a bloke called nobby before then) and I recon I could hitch a lift from sussex easily! The only problem I have is I don't want to upset Tim! I know he looks to me as his inspiration and I would hate to show him up! I presume he won't mind me bringing my penny black stamps to colour in with his inks????

Only jesting, I hope you have a FAB time with Mr Inky and can't wait to see the pics on your blog. xxx

Anonymous said...

i'm happy to exchange nobbys nuts for a golden ticket!-

Siobhan Brignull said...

am already meeting uncle tim the following week, but best of luck to everyone else .. x

Ann-Marie said...

Eyup chuck.....
Another one with the sewing machine- cards look luverly! I have also been productive sewing, will bring what I've made on Saturday for show and tell!
If I was so lucky to win the golden ticket I'd be singing it all the way to Harrogate! Mwah x

Saintly Lisa said...

I'd love to win the chance to craft with Tim!

Christine L said...

<<<<<<<<<<------- running out of the door to find nearest Nobby's Nuts vendor......

Magda said...

All cards are fantastic!
Waiting for Sunday ;)

Tracie said...

OMG nearly wet myself at the
eggybread comment.... altho my ex did try cheese on toast in ours once!

Would love a timmy ticket pleeeaaaasssseeeeee

Mel said...

For reasons I don't want to think about we call eggy bread, wet bread!

Love the cards and would love to win and be there for all the fun and excitement.

Jacqui aka Morgana said...

Nothing I can say, Nothing I can do,
Only you have the power to make my dreams come true,
I have no other plans that day, Its really rather sad,
But if I were to win your golden ticket, Oh Boy would I be glad,
I wouldnt scream and make a fuss,
I would be a very good girl,
Quiet as a church mouse as my head would be in a whirl,
Learning from such a man, the Da Vinci of altered art,
Along with superb Dyan, Courtesy of Art from the Heart.

PS - As I dont eat Nobby's Nuts that means the ones I bring mean more to go around

Suzii said...

just realised that I'm on holiday next Friday and could come along if I won! So nothing ventured, nothing gaimed, and in the meantime I'll keep everything crossed ;-). Thanks for the oppportunity.

Gill J said...

I'd like to enter the draw on behalf of my friend Jane (if that's allowed!) who has had a crap year. She had a ticket for a workshop with Tim somewhere down south but had to give it up as she's not up to travelling that far. She is just finding her creative heart again and it would be so good to give her a nice surprise. She'd definitely come with Nobby's!!

suzyq said...

Hi Dy, missing you all:0( I haven't been able to do any journaling for ages, but i have been spreading the news of all the wonderful things you do at AFTH. Bezzie Su's cards are fab, and as for toaster stories my neighbour discovered that the burning smell from her toaster was due to a mouse now dead and partly cremated. Hope to see you soon, sue x

Luna Art said...

I love these stitched cards. I would love to win the Tim Holtz ticket . Thank you for the chance to win it.

tee said...

Would love the chance to spend a morning crafting with Tim!!! I would defo bring Nobby's Nuts also! :D :D


'A Timmy Ticket'- not a opportunity to be missed,would love the privlidge to have a class with the master of all things inky :)

bizzydee said...

How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to be in draw for Tim Holtz workshop.
I do not get nearly as much time as i would like to craft. When i do find tim Holtz products so inspiring. I can escape and relax.
All my fingers crossed xxxxxxxx
would make my year.

lyn said...

Hi-I would love to win the 'GT'-and I have taken leave from work this week so I am here and waiting for the call/email !!! How exciting is this!!!

ingrid said...

It will be great to meet the great Tim. Will definitely bring the "nuts"!!!!!

Stamping Helen said...

Ohhhhhhh please, please, please, please, please. I am not worthy but please, please, please, please . . .

TonyR said...

As a rare bloke-type crafter I would give my naughty bits for the chance of winning the ticket for the Magical Mister Holtz' class ... even though its a looong way to you from the south coast!
Tim Holtz has inspired me so much!!
[and i'd love to meet Dylan too!! :o) ]
TonyR in Brighton

Tracy's Crafty said...

Pick me please.
I would love a chance to meet and learn tips and ideas from Tim Holtz.
OMG what a great adventure, So excited and cant wait for the draw.
Pick me please again, but now I have my fingers crossed.

Anne Essex said...

Wow, I love Bezzie Sue's cards and the children's art.

You are so generous with the golden ticket. I was hoping to have my eyes lasered that day but as it's not to be :-( so now I have a day to spare. x

Kim said...

I whish I could attend but i live to far away I would be happy with just the ticket they are awesome.

Eileen said...

Love those wordy arty stitchy cards, loads of inspiration.

Would love to come and share some Nobby's Nuts with you and his Timness, but only if I can eat lot of them myself!

ROFLMAO at the story of the eggy bread!

Unknown said...

Ooh love those cards, fancy a toaster not doing eggy bread...

Oh can you tell me where Nobby is? I need to know if you want nuts.

Thanks for the chance of a Golden ticket.

Caroline Hallett said...

how will I get any crafting done this weekend with my fingers crossed hoping the random number thingie picks me...

Helen said...

I have no idea what Nobby's Nuts are or if he will mind me bringing them but I am up for giving it a go! Would love to attend the workshop too

rainbow_poppy said...

Love the stitched cards and the new toaster really made me laugh, the kind of thing my sister would do lol.

JudyL said...

Love the cards!

And, ohhhhh how I'd love to win!

Fingers, toes and everything else crossed!


Ruth said...

Well I'll give it a go and if I'm extreeeeeeeeeemely lucky I'll bring dobie gray and fontella bass with me,although my northern soul collection is old and warped now......a bit like me!!

Sarah said...

Nobby's nuts... and chocolate, lot's of it. Thanks for the chance

Kirsti said...

Oh well as Sarah says - Scotland is a bit far but you have to be in it to win it....

good luck everyone!!!

Kirsti xxx

Unknown said...

I am new to Tim Holtz's products and style, a little shy but just adore the products so here goes x
Eggy bread (wet myself!) x cards are wicked too! x so much going on!
x Leigh x

Dorrie said...

Thanks for the chance to have a great creative day.

After reading the other posts, can't think of any thing funny to add. Thanks for the smiles they gave and wish who every wins lots of fun along with those who are already going.

Meggymay said...

Love the cards.
Would love to enter the draw, don't know about Nobby nuts but will sure bring some biscuits if I were to be lucky.

Cat said...

Ooooh - Best prize ever!!

I told my sixth formers the eggy bread story in assembly yesterday - it was well received!! xx

Unknown said...

Here's hoping....What a fabulous prize. Thanks Dyan & all the team for offering this.....

Heidi S

dijit said...

Love the plaques. And preparing to start a rush on Nobbys nuts. Not sure whether he will like that. lol

Connie said...

Don't have a clue what Nubbies Nuts are, but hope I can enter anyway :-) didn't have a chance to get into Tim's classes at CHA, so lets try out this :-)

So nice to talk to you at CHA convention, and I love your stuff :-) Does that counts for some points as the unknowledge of Nubbies Nuts isn't :-)

Greetings from snowy Oslo,

Jen said...

Hi I would love to be entered into this amazing prize draw - the thought of meeting the great man himself is just mind blowing - thanks for this chance

JennyH said...

Well done Su. Please could I be in the draw for the class and thank you for the chance. Jenny H

Anonymous said...

You should see the pile of burnt out household goods we have in the back garden... I'm surprised the council hasn't been round with a huge skip lorry to remove them all!
That's my girl... and just for the record she's my Bezzie Su too :-)

pearshapedcrafting said...

Probably too late for draw but love the stitched cards - just need to practice straight lines on my machine.

sewinuk said...

Would love to win a "Tim" ticket as well as a trip to your studio and shop.

hazidayze said...

Suspect I'm too late, but good to read the blog anyway! Thanks,Dyan, to you and everyone for so much inspiration!

Melanie said...

hi not sure if you have already random generated or whatever it is called, but thought I would put a comment just in case! loved the eggy bread story, sort of thing I would do lol x

Jude said...

Hello!! Paul has instructed me to leave a comment and if by some miracle I win the much coveted ticket, he says he'll find a way of getting me down to Harrogate - even if that means driving through the night on Wednesday!! (I think secretly he wants to meet T!M...) Good luck to everyone and I think I may have found a solution for Bezzie Su's adventurous cooking style....if I don't see you on Thursday, I'll bring it with me in March!! xx

Quote of the Century

"You are an extraordinary woman.

How can you expect anything ordinary to happen to you"

Louisa May Alcott