So here's a puzzle , if there are more hours in the day, due to lack of sleep, how come the days go by much quicker.??? Cant believe it is Thursday already. Only one more sleep until the fabby dabby weekend. I am busy putting finishing touches to the projects and packing all the kits. That always seems to take forever to do, as I end up checking and rechecking them. I am terrible , no matter who packs them I wont rest until I have personally double checked them lol.
Here's some peeks of what will be going on this weekend.

If the above projects have tickled your taste buds then the next Fabby Dabby weekend is the 20,21,22nd of March. Perfect way to spend a weekend. The last 2 weekends sold out practically straight away so don't leave it too late for booking. We also have the fabulous Ranger technique days that I am teaching the weekend before. These are jam packed with tips and techniques. Come for one of the days or treat yourself to both as everyone who has already booked on , are doing. Both these weekends are at least a 1/3rd full already, so don't dilly dally lol
Had to venture into town today, to get some essentials for mum. Its prob the first time I have been in since before Christmas. OMG every where you turn there is temptation winking at you. How on earth are you supposed to resist??? There are some fantastic bargains to be had. I did give in a little bit, 2 pairs of chunky high cowboy type boots (one brown and one black), a stunning pair of really high black lace ups ( Real FM shoes lol) and 5 t-shirts all for an absolute steal!! DONE !! Well we have to support the economy don't we?? What??
OK have to dash theres new footwear to be stroked and displayed. New shoewatch appearing shortly. Don't forget to bring your prettiest, highest, bestest, most impractical shoes with you on the weekends and workshops. Crafting with pretty feet is my idea of heaven. lmao xx
1 comment:
Hi Dyan
The weekend really does look fabby dabby. Just wish I could be there, as do Deborah and Angela!!!! Sadly no can do. Angela has just returned from a very expensive wedding in Ireland over Christmas...; Roger and I have just booked a holiday to go and see Fran, our youngest who is working in the Alps and Deborah, well, Deborah just hasn't got a bean!
Anyway we hope you all have a fantastic time and we are all just going to have to start saving again lol!!!!
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