As usual some followed my example to the letter whilst others just did their own thing. I always say its up to you which approach you take as it is your project after all.
In one of my redundant moments I started sorting through one of the cubby holes near one of my many work areas. I came across lots of sample squares. These are all made when I am demonstrating techniques and those I don't use to decorate my many mirrors and journal covers are thrown into bags ready to use another day. Well today was that other day. I thought I would make a new board for the studio wall. So I faux mosaiced them onto a large piece of mount board ready to hang. I am really pleased with it and think it will look stunning hanging on the wall. Just goes to show what you can make with leftover odds and sods, doesn't it?

Fabulous! Love it.
These are great and really what a wonderful piece of art work it will be hanging on the wall.
Just wanted to say a Thank You!!
I was looking for some inspiration last year and came across Blonde Moments, and loved everything but had no idea how to use half of it, so parked it as 'something for the New Year!'.
Well, New Year finally arrived and I managed to drag my Mum with me to the studio. Slightly unsure of what to expect (or indeed, where we were going) we were given such a warm welcome (and a cup of tea for Mum)when we arrived. So many ideas! New stuff I'd never seen, much less knew what to do with it, we spent a small fortune between us! Any plans I may have had for the weekend were gaily thrown aside to make time to play, but where to start?? Your blogs have made sense of all the idea jumble I had after leaving the studio, and I now know just what to do with pearl pigmenets! (shame I didn't but any, tho Mum did and 1 was rolling around in the boot when I got home so I've played with that, sorry Mum!).
Can't wait to get my days off sorted with work so I can book in for somw workshops, in the meantime I'm keeping fingers crossed for a lottery win so I can come back and buy 2 of everything!!!
Many thanks and hope to visit real soon!
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