Busy , busy day today. We have all been really busy transforming the studio, ready for Tim's visit tomorrow. We have scrubbed, we have tidied , we have cleaned, we have miraculously doubled the space. OK maybe I just imagined that we achieved miracles lol. Well we have done all we can. Ben has moved all the shop around to give me space to demo and you all space to shop. Emmi has transformed the kitchen area, rounded up 100,s of mugs for all the teas and coffees, and even baked lots of cup cakes. I have prepped loads for the demos, stocked up on food for all my gorgeous helpers and been out and bought new boots. Yessssssss!!!!! new boots. OMG wait till you see them they are not very lady like but they are very Dy like. No photos at the min, I am going to keep you all in suspense a bit longer. I will be wearing them tomorrow cos they are soooooo comfy!
Please remember that we will not be open until 1 0'clock tomorrow. We still have lots of prepping etc to do. If you turn up early we will be shut - be warned!! lol. Remember to bring your printed out emails as your entrance ticket, just makes life a lot easier at our end and speeds up your entrance procedure.
I am sat here writing this with one of my bezzies, the gorgeous Kirsty Wiseman. We are drinking tea, eating chocolate ( OK that's only me!!) and putting the world to rights. Check out my new blog header she made me. I luuuurrrvvve it and hope you do too. I've told her she ought to offer this service as a side line so get your requests in now, before she gets inundated.
Shoe watch
Mystery shoe watch tonight . Bet you cant guess who is sporting this fab pair of Merrells?? Hey when you spend the day shopping with me you always find a half price bargain lol!!

Okay my luvvlies see you all tomorrow, but not before One remember lol xx
Cant wait! We are all so excited the country bumpkin 6 heading your way tomorrow - will be great to see Kirsty too - if she is there x Would be a Fab pic the 3 of you together!
love the new look blog - just switched on and had to blink whilst I asked 'who's pinched my home page?!!'
See you and your new boots sooooon
Have a blast with the boys, Ms Bubbly!!
I'll be thinking of you & can't wait to see some photos of THE EVENT!
Take care...
your Ranger U roomie...
Love the new look. Am so, so jealous about tomorrow! Say hi to Kirsty.
Just love the style of the new blog, so clean, easy to read. Just got home after having a fab u lous couple of hours with you and Tim. What a nice young man (showing my age there, calling him a young man)he is. Thoroughly enjoyed all his tips and his creativity. Loved your Dy as well.
Thankyou for such a fantastic afternoon & the chance to meet luvly Tim Holtz!!!
I have blogged about you HERE :o)x
Loving the new look blog. Had a great time today and feeling so inspired after watching yours and Tim's demo's. Can't wait to play with my new purchase's.
Alison x
Love your new look blog :-) Also love your new boots - I think I NEED some like that too. And I also love Tim Holtz hee hee - he is completely fab fab fab :-)I am feeling inspired to get my distress inks out again.
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