Oh no is that it? Is the summer finally over? Yesterday it was all about peeptoe sandals and floaty tops. Today it's back to jumpers and my trusty uggs.

You can say what you like about uggs - I know they are not the most flattering of fashions, but by god they are the comfiest. They are like walking on cotton wool, pure heaven! I feel I need some comfort at the moment as I have just realised that in the last seven days I have worked 86.5 hours! How bad is that? No won people twll me I don't have much of a life. (Note to self - calm down). I do have the oppertunity to take it easier over the next week as I have no classes scheduled in. This week was earmarked for CHA in Chicago, but we have since decided to postpone the Blonde Moments launch until January, so really there was no real need for me to be there. How will they manage without me? Who will provide Tim with bananas all day? Who will get drunk with the lovely Alain ( he who mustbe obeyed). Who will get windy and bubbly with the gorgeous Mario? Do I sound gutted that I am not going? Yes of course I do, but I reall, really couldn't justify it, so I will sulk quietly and turn green with envy at any one else that is going!!
Having some spare time will hopefully give me the oomph to tip out the studio and my working areas which are long overdue a sort out. I seem to come back from shows, dump everything, not have time to sort it out and shoot off again. Now I am struggling to find anything. As many of you know I am lucky to have a massive studio, but it seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Just through all my junk and it is now starting to drive me mad. I would start it today, but you know what, I have just decided to give myself the rest of the day off.
Bye for Now
Love Dy ♥♥♥
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