Monday, November 22, 2010

Simply who I am..!!!

I am who I am, no two ways about it.

My Dad used to say

"The day Dyan came into this world, the Devil looked up and said "Lord help us".....", lol

and I love this quote

"The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where it seems that everyone is trying to make you be someone else".....

so it was great to read this fabulous bit of writing over on Connies blog
"It doesn't matter how much I paint--

How many classes or workshops I teach

What exotic locations I teach them at

Or what fancy wancy folks are there to hang with.

It doesn't matter how many hits my blog gets

How many readers click follow before leaving-

Or how many friends I stack up on Facebook.

It doesn't matter if Stampington thinks my blog is artful or not.

It doesn't matter if I show my Art work in a gallery in LA

a coffee shop in NYC

or the hallway leading up to my messy, dirty bathroom.

Truth is there is always going to be someone that beats me to the punch-

Who's been there-done that--and posted photos on twitpic immediately afterwards.

Who can paint better then me-bigger then me-more realistic-more abstract-and definitely more pretty too.

There's always going to be someone who sells more then me and

that someone who is always at the center of the hooplah I secretly wish I was at.

There is always someone you see.

Someone I could dream of being like.

Someone I could spend my time chasing after--watching their every move.

Someone that seems to have it all sitting right there in the palm of their hand.


But there is no one like me.

And when I decide to paint like I do

teach what excites me

be where I'm needed most

and welcome those that resonate with my soul-

I put myself in a whole new category

Where that someone is simply who I am"
Heres a few spreads from The Babes journal.....


(all photography by the fabulous Kirsty Wiseman)
The most important thing to remember is.....

"All you have to do is breathe...!!"

Nuff said

Enjoy xx


Rhayne said...

Love that you've finally used those photos in pages you have shared with us all.

Can I add a quote on today's theme?

"It's better to be a first-rate version of you then a second-rate version of someone else" - Judy Garland

It's always been one of my faves!

Kaz said...

Well that woman deserves a medal for services to confidence.
Love the pages - the quote from the song on the first page reminds me of my time with my ex!! x

Muckypup said...

Wow, I love that lady's sentiment!Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Love it, love it, love it !

me x

P.s. Love you too x x x x

Carol Q said...

wonderful. what fabulous words.

Cardarian said...

Great post - I hope a lot of people read it! Thank you for sharing all these lovely thoughts with us!

olive said...

truer words have not been spoken..... you are who you are if people can't cope with that, then they are not worth bothering with! oh by the way love the pages..... xxxxx

Chris said...

Wow what a great post thanks for sharing Connies writing and love how you incorporated those fab photos of you in your pages... Wonderful art!!
Chris xx

Quote of the Century

"You are an extraordinary woman.

How can you expect anything ordinary to happen to you"

Louisa May Alcott