Friday, October 8, 2010

I seem to have cauliflowers in my vase..!!!!

Aaaargh, I finally get round to blogging a long post and I have had nothing but disaster all the way. The camera has somehow deleted all the precious images I wanted to show you, includin g the fantastic work of the kids classes.!! Grrr..!!! Then I come to upload other pictures to find that the upload method has changed..!!!! Why can' they just leave the frikkin thing alone..??? The old method was easy peasy, but now..Jeez..!!!you have to find the file, find the image, up load it and start all over again right from the beginning..!! Holy mackeroly, do they think we all have time to fart and fanny around.?? I certainly don,t or the patience. My brush with the lurgy has left me with an inability to concentrate ( yes, even worse than normal, lol), short attention span and ability to fall asleep if anything takes more than 15secs.!!  My tolerance levels are full to overflowing and my laid back attitude has packed its frikkin suitcase and gone for a long wander. I have one thing to say to the people behind Blogger.

"I have only one nerve left and you're frikkin standing on it..!!!"

Anyway, on to more pleasant news. Drum roll please..........

My new paints, which have sold out 3 times, no less..apologies to those who havent managed to secure them yet!! Ooh you dont know what you are missing...

Heres the official blurb from the website, lol

A new range of beautifully vibrant acrylic paints. They are packed with pigment to give them a rich and luscious quality. They are a semi translucent paint which makes the building up of layers, in your work, simple to achieve. No muddying of colours and a dream to work with
They have a beautiful matte finish, which is perfect for writing on. Extremely important in your art journals or Atc’s.
And my favourite bit, the jars have big lids so you can dip baby wipes, splodgers, lids, or whatever takes your fancy into them. Even the traditional brush!!
This first collection comprises 10 luscious colours for you to dabble about with. (50ml pots)

They have been made specifically to my requirements, and the only downside , at the moment, is I neeeeeeed more colours, lmao.  Just look at the big lids, made for dipping things in..  Fabby dabulous..yayy.!!

 The teal is a must, as is the pink, green, blue, red orange, yellow, purple. Not forgetting the black and white, which are an absolute necessity.

So here's a treat for you. Do you fancy owning your own set, free of charge, compliments of us..???  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and I will pick one at random on Monday.

Heres some pages from my altered, altered book. It is a copy of Tolkien's, Lord of the rings, which was on the verge of being thrown away due to fire and smoke damage. Now I couldn't allow that to happen, could I.?? So here it is rescued., many of the pages are works in progress, but then again nearly all of my work is, lol.

The fish images are from the gorgeous Patti at Lisas altered art. Go check out her fabulous site. If you order any of the downloads, just mention you were recommended by me and she usually sends you a little something as well. But be warned you will be on her site for hours, lol

I,ll keep you informed of their progress.

Are you free next Tuesday..?

Do you want to make a fabulous Christmas project..?

Well get yourself down to mine to produce this...

An unusual take on the festivities. You will be altering a hardback book, inking, spraying, grunging, diecutting, sticking, stamping and generally having a frikkin whale of a time.!! You can book HERE

Right better shoot as a certain little grand daughter will be landing very shortly. I picked her up from school yesterday and we went shopping for a halloween costume for her We also called in at Lidl where she insisted on buying me some of those "cauliflower roses", lol. They are actually the cabbage roses that I love (of which the lovely Sue bought me a fabulous bunch on the Ranger 2 weekend), but from now on they will be forever known as the cauliflower roses..!!!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to leave a comment.!!

Enjoy xx


Unknown said...

Hi Dyan
It's lovely to have you back in blogland. I've most certainly missed your cheery banter. Look forward to your next post.

Kirsti said...

Been wondering where you have been...glad to see you!!! Loving the altered book pages, they are fabaroony and your new paints look pretty faberoony too, especially the pot shape - very inspired!!! Take care and have a great weekend...we are now on school hols for the next fortnight - thank goodness...tho ask me again in a few days and I will probably be regretting saying that ya!!!!

daisy said...

Loving those altered book pages - right up my street.

JaneyB said...

'give your stress wings and let it fly away ...'

Personally I'd have a massive glass of something naughty then take a baseball bat to the laptop lol!

Missed your blogalaciousness xx

Deborah said...

Dyan, I always use Windows Live Writer (it's free) to write my blog and upload photos. The photos are really easy to resize (unlike the old uploader with its small, medium, large - don't even bother with the new one).

Sue said...

Loving the Cauliflower Roses, agreed they should be hereby known as that.

Ahh the lovely Sue, sure that was not what you were calling me at the weekend!

Amazing pages!

Sarah said...

What a great idea the size of those paint pot lids is, another reason as if I needed one for them to be on my want list.
Amazing altered book pages too :)

Darcy Marshall said...

oh what gorgeous paints, heaven in a little pot. Good to see you posting, I have missed reading your blog.

VickiA said...

So nice to see you ranting at blogger. I use writer live as well and that's changed and caused a ranty post on my blog.

Love the book! And the paints, I can't stop smooching mine with my fingers! Happy days.

Cardarian said...

Oh did I have laugh reading about your blogger problems! Your art is lovely and I hope to win the new paints, but I will be ordering the sprays anyway!
Cardarian (the crazy women that came all the way from Slovenia to Ally Pally!)

Traceyr said...

So glad you have posted and I thorough enjoyed your demo at Ally Pally. Didn't buy any of the paints then but I did buy all of the mica sprays - they are lovely. Think I will have to put the paints on my wish list for my birthday.

Enjoy your "vegetable roses" tee hee

Thanks for the tip of journalling in old books. I have a broken dictionary I rescued from school so might start using that. :)

Moose Ridge said...

I want to see a picture of the cauliflower roses!!!

Dunlap TN

Diane said...

Fabulous work, Dyan - so glad that you're up to blogging again! Only sorry that I can't make next Tuesday.
Diane x

Elaine said...

Great idea to have wide pots so you can use lots of things and not waste any paint. Great bright colours.

olive said...

thrilled you are back in blog land...... as always the pages are stupendous. glad your life is back to normal:) Ciao xxx

Helen said...

Good to see you blogging again, and with a giveaway!! I was lucky enough to see you demo these beauties at Ally Pally and if you care to chuck some in my direction, that would be so cool!
Have a great time with the baby! Cauliflower roses - how adorable.

Siobhan Brignull said...

how lovely to have you back, temper tantrum and all, I can just picture you stamping your foot in sheer frustration, ROFL, hope Im lucky If not will have to save some pennies up for them, obviously free would be lovely :) :) :) :)

chrisg said...

Delighted to see you back to blunt bloggyness. I have received my paints this week and they are sooooooooooo scrumdidlyumptious. Loving the matt finish for journaling and the olours are lush lush lush x Love your samples but hey guess what - I never actually thought of using the paints for actually painting LOL - jush smooshing them about for my backgrounds - need to dig out some paint brushes

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pages Dyan, and I have missed you online. Loving the new paints, the winner of those is gonna feel so lucky to have them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dyan, it was great to see you at Ally Pally. Looking forward to my next trip up North - I'm waiting on a delivery of shakey pens and portfolios from Dina. (I'm not totally over excited, honest) Take great care of yourself. x

Clare with paint in her hair said...

blogger is totally doing my head in at the moment!!!

Loving the paints and I do agree need more colours!!!

Unknown said...

If those paints are as good as the spray inks ... well I shall definitely be getting me some :0)
Beautiful work as always Dy!

Jacqui Chimes said...

Glad to see you back

Maz said...

Wow, those paints look gorgeous, they will be added to my must-have list (if I don't win them of course). Blogger is also annoying me - the pics things is annoying esp as if you don't add the pics straight away it doesn't seem to save them in there like it did before...AND my dashboard has gne wierd. Hmph. x

Anne Essex said...

Hi Dyan,
I'm loving the altered book pages, shame I only have Wednesday to Friday as leave next week.
Thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous paints. Anne E x

Conny said...

Hi Dyan,
welcome back!
Love your altered book pages.

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Love love the journal pages, such vibrant colours and they all work so well together. Fabulous details. Tracy Evans x

Pat Crossland said...

sorry I will miss next Tues eve tag making class but am off to 'my' straw bale cabin for a few days R & is our wedding anniversary but though I read your blog I don't normally leave comments but would like the chance to win your fantastic pots of paint.....

Kat said...

Hi Dyan,
I met you at ally pally,I was the lady dribbleing all over your journals lol. a few days later
I phoned your shop & ben sorted me out with all ten paints and all 16 of your ink sprays as well as your download sheets,so I am lucky enough to have purchesed them, but they arrived on wednesday and I love, love, love them so much I don't think they will last long, so I need to go in the draw for more as I'm already adicted LOL,
can't wait for new colours,
you have inspired me to create my own journal becaues you make it look so easy.
love the new pages.

Bev said...

Hi Dyan
Welcome back. I've missed your blogs. Hope you'll soon be back to your normal self. When are you going to move your business to Stoke??? LOL

Kaz said...

Oooo such fab pages, love the woman with clocks for eyes. I'm hoping for some birthday money this month so I can invest in some of your paints. I need them so i can dip my various lids in them to stamp circles!
Hope you feel much better soon - rest if you need to xxx

Janice said...

I love your gorgeous paints. I bought some at Ally Pally, where I was very impressed with your demo. Currently working on my journal, early days yet, but definitely inspired by your 'slap it on' style :p

Serial Crafter

Virginia said...

Oh Dyan a posting and some art journal pages - absolute bliss I tell you - just gorgeous pages as always! Yes the uploader is a pain isn't it I'm hoping to get to grips with it better but it seems slower than the old method LOL!



SueC said...

It was so good to see you when I dropped by your place last month. Mind you I haven't had clean fingers since then - the sprays have been used and used!
You hadn't released the paints so I wasn't able to buy them but they are on my Christmas list in case I don't win any in the meantime.
Hasta luego xx

cla16e said...

Oh it's lovely to see you back, I've missed your posts & have kept checking for updates so was soooo excited when I saw you were back in blogland.

The paints are deeeeelish!!!!!
Well done on them.

Jude said...

Hello! Loved reading your post - I've missed blog-hopping and catching up with all the goings on...I must try harder!! Loved visiting today - thanks for letting me have a mooch around the shop after-hours. The new paints look fabby, can't wait to try them.

p.s. Paul was lookin' a bit tired driving so I popped a Blue Lolly in his mouth and he's perked right up...!!

Meggymay said...

Love your altered book pages, just wish I lived near enough to get to some of your classes.

Annette said...

Lovely to have you back - and love the pages - inspiration indeed.

ForgedinPaper said...

I'm so glad you rescued The Lord of the Rings and are taking it in hand with inks and paints. It's my favourite book and I think a water and smoke damaged one would make a great base. Glad you're on the mend and enjoy the shopping.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back big sis :-D

Did you know my new favourite colour is yellow ? Now I wonder what might have inspired that ? Hmmmmmm I shall have to have a custard cream while I ponder.

Hugs n other silly stuff
Red x

Bernice Hopper said...

Glad you're back. I've been waiting to order the paints when I get back to the UK from my Florida holiday. Back on the 12th to order unless of course you've picked me. Oh go on - you know you want to! :)

Unknown said...

Oh Wow - We chatted at Ally Pally as you demo'd these paints - they are amazing, just like you!

I really wish I had been able to buy some that day as I know I would have a lot of fun with them.

Your demo was truly inspiring. Thank you


Carol said...

I have really missed your blogs..I lurrrvvvee....your sense of humour, and ONE day...I WILL be brave enough to start an ART journal !!! So glad your back !!

ellen vargo designs said...

Your pages simply rock my world... they are just A-W-E-S-O-M-E... Wish I could pop "across the pond" for your class... I'll actually be there next month, but won't have the chance to come see you (*big sad face*)... maybe next time! I'm gonna be stocking up on all the Dylusions though! Can't wait!
~ ellen vargo

flutterbycrafter said...

Glad you're back in action, the paints are devine. xx

Pat Crossland said...

You've got to be in it to win it????
Pat C

Jackie said...

Hi dyan love the new paints and sprays just popping over to the shop to order some more sprays cannot wait to own the whole collection. Jacki

Jane HF said...

Hi Dyan
Welcome back! I think I read your opening comments as you wrote them - without breathing! .... and breathe. It's always good to have a rant and let it all go - plus it makes any of my niggles magically disappear!

Take care and I'll see you next week. Antonia says "Hi!"

Unknown said...

Hi Dyan they look fantastic,and brill to play with will look forward to a class with them beauties. Glad your back miss you loads take care see you soon love giddierxxxxx

Unknown said...

Missed ya loads (((hug))) would love to come and do the book but when I checked my rota (at the time of the workshops being released) i and not only am I working that day but have a hosp appointment boo hoo( long time since last Menieres attack though so fingers crossed about driving license :0)). Loving the paint sets - genius idea about the pots being bigger so the lids take the splodger and babywipe etc you clever thing you x

Melva Bates said...

So glad you're back in blog land again. Missed you. How I would love those paints. What a super idea the large lids, less clutter for my work station. Ha Ha......

Melva Bates said...

Great to have you back in blog land again. Missed you. The paints are great especially the thought behind the pot lids. Saves space on my work station ha ha.......but I could soon fill that up with some more thinks.

Cath said...

Miss reading your blog each day but it makes when you do blog all the more special. Love the pages and the fish, will have to have a look at Lisa. The paints look wonderful can you mix them?

Stampersue said...

Hi Dyan - Glad to see you are back. Love the altered book pages.

The new paints are on my Christmas list unless I get lucky. Fingers crossed.


patcrafts said...

Lots of peeps are having problems with Blogger like you say why can't they leave things alone if they work why change them.
Love your altered book pages, fab!
Glad to see you back we always worry when you disappear.
Can't come Tuesday, working but will see you Sunday.
Hugs Pat xx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Dyan, glad you're back. As for the blogger thing did you know if you have a blog you automatically have a Picasa account (I know you use it anyway) and the default settings in Picasa allow anyone not only to view your pics but able to download them and order prints! If you're not aware of this go to Settings then Privacy and Permissions.
Fabulous pages as always Dyan, gogeous colours.
Anne xx

Unknown said...

Well I would totally love the set of paints but it would cost too much to post to me now in Australia so I am out of the running....however I am sure they are just the creamiest smoothest most luxurious paints in the world evar!

So good to see you back bloggin' x

Anonymous said...

Love the Lord of the Rings pages! Hoping that your paints are on them cuz if so I NEED them! Glad to see you back.

becslb said...

Glad to see you back blogging :) Those paints look fabby! I'd love to go in the pot to win some but if I'm not lucky do you think I can persuade someone to buy me some for christmas?!

angie's blogspot said...

Hey, lovely to see you back and blogging, really miss reading it, your paints look fandabbydosy, take care
Angie x

Carole said...

fantastic ! love your books:) saw you at Ally Pally, & loved all your work xxx

miranda said...


You work is an inspiration. Your demos at ally pally were the highlight of the show.

i have the mists and blonde moments paints now NEED your new paints

Tracie said...

Thought you had disappeared! Love the new paints, the pics look all bright and shiny

minnie_mac said...

Love these book pages and the fabulous vibrant colours of the paints.


Colour Splash by Cath said...

Missed your updates. Lovin' the look of your paints :) I've been crossing my fingers that Santa might realise quite how much I NEED them!

Juliwan said...

hope you are managing some you time in amongst all the work, love those new pages, more inspiration for those of us you have made addicts :o)

Annette said...

Hi Dy fab paints, good that they are shallow but broad less chance knocking them over. Hugs xxx

inkyfingers said...

Oh how I've missed you blogging Dyan! Paints look absolutely fabulous and your pages are terrific too , as always!!

Stampersue said...

I love the look of your new paints and they are on my Christmas list! Unless I get lucky:-))


A Hovel to Home said...

Ohhhhhhhh those paints look fabberoonie.

Kay (Toodles and Binks)

pigglet said...

pleased you are back, i have missed reading your blog. the colours are gorgous. my hubby now thinks i am even more loopy than normal as i have just rescued!! one of my sons old primary school books. lol

Nancy said...

Hi Dyan

I saw you using your lovely paints at ally pally, I really wanted them all.

Your pages are brill tanks for sharing

Sarah Louise said...

Wow Dy, your journal is looking wonderful, so bright and colourful. Well done

Artyjen said...

I'm leaving a comment because I love the pages :) But Hey! If it means I'm in the draw for some fab freebie paint I'm not going to refuse!!! LOL
xoxo Sioux

Debo said...

I'm another who has missed reading your blog! But your health is more important so don't be stressed into doing more than you can!

Your paints and pages look BEAUTIFUL!

Can you use them on fabric? (if I win, I could try it out and let you know!!!)

Laura (Faerielore) said...

LOVE this new pages hun they are FAB and yes please i would love to win your gorgeous paints, please pretty please ... then i can let jay use some hahahaha lmoa !!!! xxxxxx

sam21ski said...

WOW What a fantastic prize. The colours look so bright and vibrant, would love to get my hands on a set - thanks for the chance to try xxxxxx

Judith aka materialgirl said...

OMG I love love love those pages. They are gorgalicious (my new word for the day), I love the page with the birdcage!!! and your paints look fabulous aswell. Love the big pot shape as well.

humel said...

Your book is just *gorgeous* and *stunning* and *amazingly lovely* :-)

And oh, how much do I want a set of your paints?! Thanks for the chance to win xx

Lesley said...

If your new paints are as scrummy as your sprays, me thinks i had best get some!!!!! And quick!!
Gorgeous pages in your journal.x

Claire said...

your art journal pages are gorgeous Dyan, I've been playing with a journal, but I don't think I'll ever be that good. Your paints look stunning, maybe they'll improve my art journaling skills :D Thanks for the chance to win.

scrappyjacky said...

The pages are fab....and would absolutely love some of those gorgeous paints.

Jayne C said...

I love, love, love this altered book....but I have to work on Tuesday :( can you do it again on a different day??? Pretty PLEASE??? :)


Donna Arkle (DizzyDee) said...

Hi Dy hope your energy & concentration improves and that the computer gremlins dont keep changing things and making them harder to use - especially when they say they are doing it to make it easier!!!! Looking forward to the altered book tomorrow, it looks like good messy fun!! Luv the paints they are on the top of my christmas list!!! Caulifower roses are just to cool!!!

scj said...

Just got your newsletter so popped over here quick. What beautiful pages - I just love this look. And the paints! Wow, how I would love to own a set. Thanks for all you share.

Lou-Lou said...

After seeing you demo the paints at Ally Pally I would love to own a set. They are on my shopping list along with lots of other things I saw on your stand that day.

I have bookmarked your blog so that I can keep up with what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Those paints look scrummy, can't wait to get my hands on some.

Carol Q said...

I just love your journal pages. Hope to make it to a class next year!

Debs said...

Hi Dyan
Got to use these gorgious paints at the papercraft show, and they are every bit as good and more as you describe. It was like opening a pot of liquid coloured toffee, so creamy yet soft mmmm.. mind wandering on to the toffee a bit there, sorry.
Lovely to see your creations, brill as usual. Deb x

Iolanthe said...

Wow those colours are scrumptious. I am new to altered books, I have only done one, but I have the bug already.

Thank you for the inspiration.


wortley girl said...

So sorry you're still not full of beans. You need to STOP and think of yourself for once. Only discovered you recently - how could I be so blind and obtuse! loved your Christmas Tags workshop and can't wait to leave home at 7am tomorrow to do the altered book.

Craphty said...

These are fabulous paints just love them will be needing a second set very soon. Thanks for the chance to win. x C

Suzii said...

So love the look of these - nothing like a good splodge of paint and mucky hands to make this girl very happy ;-)

elli said...

Hi Dyan, loved loved loved your paints at the GNPE workshop. They are so very very on my must have list. Your "off balance" page sums up my life at present and made me laugh.
Keep bloggin - we really do appreciate it. kissies Ju

TracyW said...

Love the altered book, looks like a great project.
And goes without saying that love the paints, look so lush.

Shirley said...

Love those paints!! I'm coming down on the 26th so hope to buy some stuff then. :D

JT's crafty blog said...

love your blob and look at it most days Im into altered art now and love your pages etc.I just wish that i lived nearer so i could do some classes
Julie Taylor

borgqueen said...

Please could you change the prize to some magic time to play with the gorgeous paints I already have?
That would be wundebar.
Ooo and best use for the Lord of the Rings I'd say - lol - sorry to all the fans out there, got pressure sores watching the films and couldnt get past the first page when I tried to read the book - think I actually took it back to the shop!

Keltia Crafts said...

The paints look wonderful, such lovely vibrant colours. I'm looking forward to trying them out while I'm down on holiday this week and next. Yep, I've booked in for five days with you (including the one next Tuesday). Oh no I hear you say. lol


Jen said...

Hello Dyan
I think that your paints are such yummy colours, far too nice to use, I just want to look at them and drool over them..yum yum..

Keltia Crafts said...

The paints look wonderful, such lovely vibrant colours. I'm looking forward to trying them out while I'm down on holiday this week and next. Yep, I've booked in for five days with you.(including the one on Tuesday) Oh no I hear you say. lol


Sue said...

Wow, your pages are fantastic, and your paints looky yummy too. I bought a few (lots :o) ) of your sprays at the Harrogate show so now it's time to move onto the paints lol x

Shannon said...


Jen said...

Hi Dyan
I think that your paints look so yummy....far too good to just want to gaze at them and drool over them - yum yum.

Deborah Leeke - Fibre Arts said...

Hello all, my first visit to your blog Dyan and I am hooked, trouble is we are partway through walking the West Highland Way and I just took 5 minutes to check my email ... I will definitely give it all the time it deserves on our return, so much inspiration from the Highlands I can't wait.
Bye - for now.

Caroline said...

Loved the cauliflower roses comment - reminded me of Paris where you can be ornamental cauliflowers in the florists! Paints look gorgeous - glad to hear you are feeling a litle more yourself.

Carol Plume said...

Oh boy do I agree with you on the picture uploading on blogger! it must have been a man decision to change it - you know the scenario - if it works play with it break it and make everyone else tolerate it!! roflxx

Your paints are just gorgeous! would love more of them tho'!!

Hope you had a great time with your grand-daughter

Karen said...

graet to see you back blogging. I saw you t ally pally and bought a couple of your paints and they are just georgous and i have already made something with them. There bright, sheer and like you sa y totally unique. Looking forward to seeing more of your projects karenxxx

Jules said...

Your pages are fab, will definitely get myself to one of your classes one of these days. Would love to win the paints, but they'll certainly be on my Christmas wish list if not :D

maggie warke said...

Fantastic altered book pages! love them. Glad you are getting back into your blog you've been missed!
Love all the new paints and spray inks they've on my wish list.

maggie warke

Anonymous said...

l agree with you about the download from is driving me mad!! Now l h`ve that of my chest...glad to have you bad and that you are well. Missed your cheerful chatterx. Love your work and glad to see you are back on formx
When l am next up in Harrogat (where l was married 38 years ago!!!) l will come and visitx

Chris Steer said...

Hi Dy,

Been missing your posts hun! You always make me smile, even when you're not feeling well yourself you brighten up everyones day! Would love to win the paints it'll save me some money when I come to visit again very soon - they'll go gorgeously with your super duper spray inks xx

Anonymous said...

Okay, if you won't wholesale them I will just have to leave you a comment and hope I win some! as for Blogger, could not have put it better myself LMAO!!

holly3cx said...

To win some of your paints would be like Father Christmas coming early!!

squizzels said...

Dy it is soo good to have you back and blogging, sure did miss my daily smile and giggles from your the point that colleagues had to ask what I used to smirk at and they also have you on their daily blog smile list , we had a whoop of joy today around the desk today and a celebratory tea as YOUR BACK!!!!!!!!!! wooohoooooo! Looking forward to your next post and pay day to book some classes!!!!! take care!
PS I would also love to win the paints as my numpty other half thought he would use my others for painting the window frames and garden fence....we had words!!!! Do they look like gloss and wood paint?....arghhhhhh

Sarah Anderson said...

Oh those paints look fabulously yummy :) Will join the queue for some of those :) :) :)

Vicky Fothergill said...

Thank you for pointing me in the direction of Lisa's Altered Art. You were right, I did spend hours deciding which collage sheets to buy and she also sent a freebie - woo! I really enjoyed Ranger 2 the other weekend, thank you.

Raven said...

Welcome back! Thanks so much for sharing all these great altered book pages!

Unknown said...

Great article... I read this topic, and love to find some great infotmation. If there is more information about this article you will... I do share more... Thanks...
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