Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chas n Dave splitting up, I,m gutted...!!!

Another journaling workshop today and I did exactly the same class that worked so well on Sunday, and guess what..?? Yayy it worked just as well today, here's some of the students work for you to see. Remember these are all quite newbies.

The girls did good..!!! I will squeeze in a total beginners day somewhere, so keep an eye out..!!

In the meantime I still have oodles of pages from my journals to share with you. The following two are from the massive journal.

Don't forget all the new workshops are online HERE. You have until midnight Thurs to receive 10% discount on your booking.
Enjoy xx


Laura (Faerielore) said...

newbies or not all the pages are FAB well done girls, wish i was making them with you :) and the new BIG pages are brilliant !!! love them both xxx

pinksparkley said...

The pages look gorgeous, cant wait for the newbie class (although slightly terrified too!!!!) Well done all

Lily Chi said...

My first ever effort at art journalling and I'm totally hooked. Had a fabulous time - Many thanks to you Dyan for the inspiration and knowledge you've given me...I've already done one more page & I'm looking at magazines in a whole new way, LOL! If I can do it - anyone can!!!

Quote of the Century

"You are an extraordinary woman.

How can you expect anything ordinary to happen to you"

Louisa May Alcott