Monday, November 14, 2011

Ledger Pages

This was the class I taught and made on Friday. Double spread in the Ledger.

Short and sweet today as I am all tied up with designing for January and the days seem to be merging into one.!!

Enjoy xx


Kaz said...

Ooooo lovely jubbly!! This is totally gorgeous....big snogs
Im eating party rings in your honour...yum!

Kelly said...

Really nice, love the colors and the border. Hugs and blessings

Sid said...

So many elements in these pages and what a palette of colours !! Great stuff !

Photocat said...

Wished I could find a large ledger book like you have! I have seen it in real life and it rocks! I could rummage through the pages for days in a row said...

love your scarf but really love the journal work. keep having fun.

Quote of the Century

"You are an extraordinary woman.

How can you expect anything ordinary to happen to you"

Louisa May Alcott