
Thursday, February 17, 2011

woop woop ...

Yesterday was mine and Tim's annual shopping day out. We set out very early on a beautiful sunny day. First stop Starbucks, of course, can't go anywhere without.!!! I also introduced Tim to the delights of fiery ginger beer...yee hah... when we parked in the multi storey we all piled into the lift.Just as the doors were shutting another lady jumped in and then a man, making 6 of us. We waited and waited, but the lift wouldn't budge. Eventually the man got out but the lift still wouldnt budge. It became obvious that the lady wouldn't budge, so we threw Tim and Mario out!! They had to walk down the stairwell which believe me was only for people with strong stomachs...tee hee. Me and Alain, oh how we laughed..!!!!

Anyway a good time was had by all, as we tried on this that and the other.. Tim wanted to see what it was like in TK Maxx, so we piled in and jumped on the escalator. We were all engrossed chatting and were shocked when we fell off the bottom. When we turned round we were amazed to see that we had just been on the smallest escalator in the world. I think it only had 8 stairs on it. How pointless was that.?? Still we managed to put

We made mario try on tons and tons of silly hats...

Alain and Tim wanted to take this home...

Bet you cant guess who this is..???

Yup its Mario in long pants.!!!

Another of our concotions... Poor Mario...

We got back in time to teach the kids class and tonight they all managed to finish their pillows

Brilliant arent they..??  Katie managed to sneak in  a piccie with her idol...

Some people will just never grow up, unfortunately...

Oh....that'll be me as well then. We are such a bad influence on each other..!!! We have laughed our little socks off these past few days, and there is nowt better than having a ball.

You don't stop laughing because  you grow old, you grow old because you stopped laughing..!!!

So down to business with the setting up of the workshops.

morning workshop up and running...

Yes itr is what you think it is, lol.

The lovely Sexy Susie brought Tim and I a pair of beautiful tin birds each.

Enjoy xx


  1. Mario in LONG PANTS! OMG!

    Great pics!


  2. this quote:

    You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stopped laughing..!!!

    i am going to put this on a wonderful dyan style wall hanging and hang it in my room!!!

    perfect!!! thanks for sharing your Tim and Mario time with us all!

  3. okay .. i totally need one of those paper bags hat !!!! u peeps look like you are having too much fun without me !!!! *sobz *

  4. We love Tim in the US. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  5. Thanks Dy, for sharing all the pics. I love your shop! Just a hop, skip and a jump from Seattle, right? LOL. The colors in your art and your style are a real lift to my spirits. It's just plain fun to see the whole day take place.

  6. I am green with envy. Looks as though you had a fabulous time and T!m sounds as though he's had the time of his life, you're all just plain crazy....just so jealous,lol.

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and a great class. I can't wait till next Thursday for my class with Tim at Artsy Crafts. If only I had known about yours before.... I used to work at the Old Swan. Love Cynthia x

  8. Looks like a good time was had by all!! The journal looks beautiful!1

  9. oh I wish I was there! so much fun drooling out of the pictures! TFS!

  10. Looks like everyone had a good time ;)
    xoxo Sioux
    The quote is one of my favs....I try to follow it as much as possible LOL

  11. We had an AMAZing day, thankyou all soooo much. Can't wait to come back for more workshops.

    Karen xx

  12. I think I am stunned that Mario is in long pants also. I can't remember ever seeing that!

  13. Fabulous day! Thanks for hosting such a awesome class Dyan!

  14. Thank you so much for sharing! So much going on and so many smiles, your journals look fantastic and those kiddies projects look fabulous, thanks for the beautiful quote too is so true


  15. I had such a great time at class in the morning,so relaxed and full of good humour!Love that saying about growing old because you stop laughing!

  16. wow...wish it was me, it should've been me ( sounds like a song!!) looks like a fabby time was had by all especially T!m. Maybe next time..... I love the quote, like Missusq I'm going to print it out and pin it up. Have a great time at the Stitch show. Hugs xxx

  17. Dyan

    Thanks for continuing to share - you're a grand woman!


  18. ha - really enjoyed reading that. so happy and cheerful it's left me feeling cheerful too!

  19. Good thing it's not against the law to have a good time because you rocked the scale with pics and classes and fun! Thank you for sharing yourself with us!

  20. Hehehe! Wonderful piccies Dy - Loved seeing what you got up to on your shopping trip :) and I see that the pile of choccie n nuts grew as the day went on!
    x x x

  21. You know it's cold, if Mario is wearing long pants. I didn't even think he owned any!!! Must have been a special purchase for the UK. Sounds like you have been having a ton of fun!
    Aloha, Kate

  22. I love this. I found your blog via Ranger and this is so much fun to see and read about the trip. The photos and the moments are so funny.

    I'll be back often. Thanks

  23. Looks like a great time was had by all. love the hats on marioand the paper hats are fab. Angela

  24. Thanks for sharing the fab photos, glad you all had such a fantastic time.

  25. wait just a darn tootin minute...Mario? LONG pants? did u check the man for fever? omg u are all having so much fun...tis the way to live! and LAUGH your arses off! I love your work..and will own some of your stamps when they are available here..I feel like you have been a big secret! ty for keep having fun! xo cher from ATT-US

  26. Looks like you all had a lovely time making those great journals :o)


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx