
Friday, February 18, 2011

Remains of the day.....

As you can see as the day wore on we became more and more seriousl.....not..!!

This is the lovely Mell, she very kindly bought all of us a little treat. Thanks darling...xx

Mine was a new bandana. As I am trying to grow my hair out, I wear them constantly, lol. Here is a very rare shot of my hair on display. It grows up and out before it grows down...Crystal tips eat your heart out..

There thats better...

Today we took the long trek to Birmingham for the trade show. Via Meadowhall, oops, naughty naughty..

Tomorrow Tim and I are teaching 130 retailers

Here are the projects we will be making. Oooh lots of yummy yummy goodness from the Ranger family.

Enjoy xx


  1. Oh, it looks like you're having so much fun! I can't wait to see close ups/details of the projects.

  2. Fab photos and fab time in studio on thurs - thank you all
    Am scared of hairy Dy - but its a means to an end so keep going and especially keep on with the bandanas (good call Mell ;o)
    Thinking of you espesh today darling.

  3. I'm loving the new bandana - looks fabulous! Hope you enjoyed yourself in Meadowhall - I had to giggle at your comment about the shortest escalator in TK Maxx in Leeds - TJ Hughes in Sheffield has one of those too! You look like you've had a riot whilst Tim's been over! Hope the trade show goes well - loving the beautiful workshops that you're doing! Sending hugs from a very snowy Rotherham (I kid you not!)

  4. Wonder if I can become a retailer for a day?! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  5. Wow looks like you are having such a blast! love the samples you have made too!

  6. Tee hee, looks like fun! Have a good day at the show, that bag of goodies is just crying out to be played with :)

  7. Looks like you had a heap of fun there - and love the boxes the retailers are making - really like the one with the dress form on it

  8. you lucky girl.... seems you're having a busy, productive time. Good for you. have a great weekend... love to T!m & Mario..... hugs xxxx

  9. You guys are having waaaaay too much fun! LOVE all the posts about what's going on over in the UK! I'm buddies with Shirley're American Mum! Love following your blog and your work! You are a stitch!

  10. I like the red bandana Dy - nice contrast with the bouffant hair :)
    The canvases look great for the stitches show - hope you have (more) mega fun. x x x

  11. Looks like you had fun. Have just seen some of the class pics on Twitter. They look fab!

  12. Ooh, I wish I'd known you were going to Meadowhall - I'd have begged some time off work to come and say hello to you all.

  13. Wow, how fun was that to see???!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Love the pic of you and your hair! Got to see so much of your personalities here and enjoyed that the most. Piqued my interest in Meadowhall (?)......

    Enjoy your trip and teaching. Thanks again for sharing with us, too!!!

  14. Have fun...miss you! Mwah! Love the hair! hee hee

  15. I just love to see your pics Dyan... always something to put a smile on my face.
    LOVE the hair one pmsl and how you can take the pith out of yourself...go girl
    Chris xx

  16. Fab photos Dyan,thanks for the brilliant day on Thursday, I really enjoyed class and wandering round your lovely studio and shop - have blogged it on my nlog. Look forward to your online classes whenever they come up xx

  17. Looks like a great day. Have fun at the trade show. Angela

  18. Thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, thank you Dyan :)

  19. Thanks for a great afternoon in Birmingham Dylan.

  20. Hi Dyan

    It was great fun to meet you at the gig, and thanks so much for suffering through a photo op, lol. Here's my post in case you wanted a look (also on Blade Rubber's blog, which I write for them). I hope it all went well for you at the actual show, too! Hugs etc...

  21. and I can confirm that the seriousness continued into the trade show!!! lol :) So great to see you happy and relaxed and full of fun Dy :)

  22. Yay, I was there, I had the best time, did not want the afternoon to end and I love what we made, thank you.x


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx