
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

News from the Mad House....

Soooooo it seems as though you all got the very big hint due to my late posting on here and Our Ben's late night newsletter, and so it was a mad dash 7am start at the studio to unpack these...

 They actually arrived last week but we are so snowed under we couldn't find the time to unpack them, lol.
They had to be quickly sorted and priced ready for the shop.

Yup its Tim Holtz and Wendy Vecchi's latest CHA release of stamps.

 and Yes as you can see, they are physically HERE in our studio, not just on pre order.!!

This was this mornin after we picked a ton of mailorder

And also Wendy's Art parts

As I was saying that was the piles earlier should see them ow..trashed..demolished..ransacked...
We have parcels and bags all over, many trips to the Post Office, sore fingers from pretty parcel wrapping.!!
Many of Tim's are sold out or on limited remaining. Unfrikkinbeleivable...

Speaking of Tim, himself, the Gorgeous Mario and the Lovely Alain all arrived at mine late afternoon, just in time for my kids class.. They amazed Tim as they showed him some of their work, especially things made with his products and he was genuinly excited as they explained their techniques to him.
 Many of the kids were missing as some started their half term early, but this enabled us to concentrate on the remaining few finishing pillows.

And heres the result

 How fabulous sre they then. The designs were sourced, hand drawn, paper pieced and then felt pieced. They hand stitched the design together, and the stitched it on to the gingham And then the pillow was made from scratch and sewn on the machine.. Stuffed with batting, they make a gorgeous cuddler. Well done girls.

Now you all know the old saying

"when in Rome" !

well hears my version

"when ooooop North" and all that palaver.

Thought I would treat the lads to some traditional Yorkshire Fayre

Ooooh hes not at all convinced at the mo.

oh, not quite sure what  to think.

So what Yorkshire delicacy di I rock up with

Yup its "one of each" x 4, with mushy peas and not forgetting the scraps.!!

Ooooh think he loves them...

As did Mario

and Alain

Yayy the Northern delicacy was a massive hit with one and all.

And then into the studio to rope in the class ladies to help make samples for next Mondays TSV on QVC..

Heres Bezzie, trying not to burn anything..

And not quite too surewho this is...!!!!

See you tomorrow for more studio reveals..!!!

Dyan xx


  1. OMG... Northern Fish n Chips are THE BEST food EVER... am ever so teensily jealous cos I could just mullah some now LOL Have a fab time with Tim and Mario x

  2. Fun, fun, fun! But fish n chips? What's up with getting Su to cook 'em a roast beef and Yorkshire pudding dinner? Oh. I forgot, she burns stuff!
    (Sorry Su :D)
    Anyway, those pillows that the kids have made are a real treat!
    Also, I can't believe you have sold out of the stamp I wanted :(

  3. I want to come over to your house to play!!! let me tell you...teaching art to children is da' are giving them skills they will be able to use down the road. Well have a rockin' time with Tim & crew...lucky girl ;)

  4. fish and chips rock big time, its the best meal ever hahahahaha mind you, you can keep the rank mushy peas for yourself YUCK hahahahaha have fun xxxx

  5. What's not to like about fish & chips?!
    Have fun
    xoxo Sioux

  6. I've just arrived in Harrogate and am a tad excited about the class tomorrow and I so love those'crispy bits'with fish and chips!Going to have a nice cup of tea at Betty's now :-)See you tomorrow..

  7. Thanks for sharing today's excitement Dyan. The kids did a fantastic job with their cushions. AND they got to meet His Timness - I'm jealous!! ;)

  8. how exciting is that, he is here in the UK, yipee, try not to tire him out to much for next week when he will have the pleasure of meeting me, LOL

  9. How awesome that Tim is THERE in person!!! Enjoy every moment with him! Can't wait to see what you all create!!!

  10. Wow you guys are really inundated with boxes there! Great job on the pillows girls. they arel all fab. Fish n Chips my fav. Definately a must have. Have a great time with Tim and Mario. Angela

  11. Is that a bag of scraps too? I so miss fish and chips. It is one of the things I miss about not living in UK (Yorkshire) anymore.
    Love the work done by your talented kids group. Inspired!

  12. wow those fish & chips look good enough to eat,
    fab pillows,
    I have a reninder on my planner about QVC thanks for the heads up
    (I might of missed it)& I can't have that, lol
    Tim's new stamps, not suprized they are flying (thats coz they are FAB!!!)

  13. Hey guys look like you have had an awesome day with Tim. Thanks Mario for the pics so we could all feel jealous as heck!! Well done everyone for all the work you put into making it such a great day! Cant wait until Donna gets home and I can get all the gen!! ANd you got to stay in class Dy - no cherry pickers for you! Hugs, Juliet x


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx