Saturday, October 27, 2012

New addition to .....

...the Dylusions family...

Wait for it...

The Design Team family..

Yes you heard correct...we have someone joining my fabulously, awesomely talented bunch.


Who could it be..??? Who could be joining the ranks...??

Maybe this little clue will help

Did I mention I love Mexican Food.??

No.?? How about this...? 

 I recently found another new passion to add to my paper crafting love....Stamping and spray inks!  Who knew how addictive it could be!  I'm hooked!

Are you getting warmer...??

Here's another clue..

.I'm Father to many dogs, ducks and a cat named Buzzy out on a farm in Granger, Texas.  I'm a city boy who moved out to the country 10 years ago.  You want adventure....I got it!  I love to use my hands and what's left of my mind to create anything!

You must be getting really warm now, surely..??

   My favourite things are paper crafting 3-D objects, Top Hats, Mexican Food, Italian Food, teaching, creating, designing, crafting....?

Who else could it be, but, the one, the only........

Yes it's the truly, truly, lovely Jim Hankins aka The Gentleman Crafter...

I first met Jim at Cha in July where to my surprise he was a little bit tongue tied, lol. But we hit it off and I made him promise to dip his toe in the world of inks. Well, he didn't just dip his toe, he only went and blooming dived in, head first, and I don't think he has surfaced since. Just look at some of the fantabulous things he has come up with ...

and my flabber was well and truly ghasted when I saw this project...

To see all these beauties up close, pop over to Jim's blog The Gentleman Crafter  Whilst there give him some big old love and welcome him to the team.

After looking at his last lot of pics I have no doubt he will fit right in, lol

He he even the dog is looking confused..!!!

I am sooo pleased that Jim did me the honour of agreeing to design for me, it has been in the pipeline for quite a while now, but with being poorly it has taken me an age to actually blog about it...sorry about that. 

Jim thank you for being so patient and welcome to my Dylusional world.

 I salute you Sir...

Enjoy xx


Helen said...

Wahooo! Can't wait to see what magic Jim comes up with.

Sue said...

Total no brainer. Match made in dylusional heaven.

Kaz said...


A huge mahoosive welcome to sir jim!! Cannot wait to see what jim creates next, welcome to the team jim xxx

Kaz x

The Hardy Stamper said...

Fantastic news! My good friend Jim will be such an asset to your Design Team, I'm sure. Please can you persuade him to come over to the UK to teach at Art from the Heart? I do hope so!

thekathrynwheel said...

Woohoo! What an awesome addition :-)

Neil said...

Fabulous, wonderful news!

Sharon Y said...

So excited! Wonderful choice. Looking forward to the fab creations!

Anonymous said...

I've followed Jim's blog for a while now, and have just been blown away by his creativity, talent and attitude towards life. He generously shares techniques, instructions, etc. with all of us. I think you made a wonderful choice to add to your design team, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of his dylusional projects.

jackib said...

Perfect addition!!! Congrats to Dyan, Jim and the team!!

Michelle Webb said...

Fantastic Jim & Dyan, Jim's a wonderfully creative person and oozing inspiration. Can't wait to see what we have in store from Jim. Great choice Dyan. Michelle xx

ellen vargo designs said...

Fabulous!!! Jim's Dylusions projects have all been jaw-droppingly *AWESOME*!!! Welcome to our Dylusional Team, Jim!!

kay(texfolkart) said...

Yahooooooo.....can't wait for more of Jim's magic! Y'all will make a great pair!

Laura said...

Jim is the sweetest gentleman on the planet! He is crazy talented and sometimes just crazy! So excited for both you and my Jimbug for the this fun ride you are starting. He has promised to introduce us in January....I so look forward to it!

Laura Denison

TonyR said...


julie case said...

How exciting! Can't wait to see what Jim creates next! Congrats to you both!

Pam Phillips said...

Can't tell you how stoked I am about this! Gentleman Jim is one in a million and I know he'll be a wonderful addition to your design team.


Miranda said...

wow that's really awesome....such a fab addition to your team Dyan, I love Jim's work its so inspirational
will hop over to his blog to leave some love

Tracey-B said...

I am so pleased, Jim's projects are fantastic and he is a great addition to your talented team!

Marijane said...

Wow, I am thrilled to see Jim added to your team! I have been checking his blog after being introduced to him from Linda Cains blog and he is brilliant! His take on your stamps and products is a match made in heaven! Great choice, Dyan!

texasbarb said...

WOO HOO!!! Love Jim and his amazing creations! I know he's pleased as punch and totally over the moon to be part of the crazy Dylusion-als. y'all say across the pond...totally gobsmacked...LOL!!

Linda M. Cain said...

Jim is brilliant! Congrats on the new gig to both of's perfect!


Judy Anderson said...

Great!! I have just started looking at Jim's site, thankyou Jo Ann that works at Clipper Street with the Dylusion teaching classes. She is an amazing artist too.
I heard, perhaps just a " wish" that you may be coming to Clipper Street, in Langley, British Columbia. When Deanna told me this, I said, sign me up now, and Jo Ann was there, and said, NO, I am going to be first on the list.
We love you out here, in B.C. Canada.
Judy A.

Judy Anderson said...

I have just started watching Jim's webpage. He does some fantastic work. Jo Ann an artist at Clipper Street in Langley, told me about him,and showed me his fantastic witches hat on his own rendition of a carved pumpkin.
Deanna at Clipper Street said that she is hoping to get you to come to Clipper Street and I said, immediately, sign me up. Jo Ann who is teaching the Dylusion Classes ( and I am doing a great Dylusion Christmas Album in November with her), said, "I think,I should be FIRST on the sign up list. So, everyone is waiting with baited breath to see you here in British Columbia, Canada.

susiesu said...

Welcome JIM what a fantastic asset to your design team - his imagination is amazing just don't know what he is going to create next! lol Susiesu xxx

Marie R said...

Oh wow! What more is there to say?!?! Perfect!

Marie R said...

Oh wow! What more is there to say?!?! Perfect!

Carol McCready said...

Wonderful addition.

My Studio Voice said...

Wow, you two will be a creative team unmatched. Masks are my favorite, and these do not disappoint. Incredible colors, so imaginative.

Anonymous said...

The week's best news!!!

Cinde said...

What a great announcement. I, too, have started my journey in spray inks, a la Dyan, and am totally hooked. Congratulations, Jim. I'm very excited to see what dylusional designs lie in the mind of Jim.

Cinde said...

WOW - what a great announcement; adding Jim to the creative staff, well done. I have just begun my journey into the dylusional world of spray inks, stencils, etc. Welcome, Jim. I can't wait to see what dylusional designs you come up with.

Miss StampAlot said...

Cant`wait to see more of him =) Love this type of art, just in the learning face myself.

Love you`re work !!!

Hugs Marielle aka Miss StampAlot

Caroline D. said...

Congrats to you, Jim , and your DT!! I know amazing things will happen and cannot wait to see all the fantabulous creations Jim makes!

Creatique Candy said...

Congrats! This is just incredible!

Playing with Paper said...

Wow...... I think he does amazing work!! A fabulous addition.

Playing with Paper said...

Wow...... I think he does amazing work!! A fabulous addition.

Justine said...

Jim was such a great guy, he took the time to answer my questions about cutting chip board...and he opened up my crafting world. I'm glad to see him join the inky world of Dylusions!

Justine said...

Jim was such a great guy, he took the time to answer my questions about cutting chip board...and he opened up my crafting world. I'm glad to see him join the inky world of Dylusions!

Marie R said...

Perfect, what more can be said? Can't wait to see more of Jim's creations.

Varah Musavvir said...

I recently came across your work.. and all I have been doing is watching your demos and reading more about your mixed media techniques and products! I wish to sit for one of your classes/workshops one day and would be a dream to meet with you! You're super awesome! And I absolutely am awed by your brilliant and spontaneous art journaling! LOVE.

Quote of the Century

"You are an extraordinary woman.

How can you expect anything ordinary to happen to you"

Louisa May Alcott