
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Did you.....???????????????????

Did you join in the hop..??

How frikkin fantastic was that...???

My over is truly whelmed, my gob is truly smacked and my flabber is well and truly ghasted.!!!!!!

I can't even begin to express how I feel at seeing all the fabulous work out there from all you lovely bloggers. I expected to see cool projects, but I never expected to see such quality of projects. I don't mean that as it sounds lol. I am just totally amazed and humbled by the amount of time and effort that went into all the projects, and I can't thank you enough. You are all my heroes and I salute you, one and all. I visited each and everyone of you at least twice, but unfortunately Blogger doesn't seem to want me to comment to some of you, despite numerous tries. Please accept my deepest apologies if you were one of the blogs with no comment, it wasn't intentional as I found you all fantastic. It was also a complete honour to see such love for Art from the Heart out there, thank you.

Extra special thanks go the absolutely wonderful bundle of wonderfulness....The gorgeous Janet... who organised the whole event for us, co-ordinated all the hops, and put right any of the glitches that popped up. You are a little star and I love you very muchly.

If you haven't yet had a tour round the hops, you seriously need to!! Go HERE for the start and to be totally frikkin inspired like never before... You have until Sunday 11th Sept to send in your answers. If you have already been round the hop, why don't you do a rerun and really take in and savour the fantasticness of the projects on offer, trust me when I tell you it's even better the second time around...

I am sat in my bad having a cheeky vimto and eating pistachio nuts whilst recovering from a fantastic beginners Art Journaling course. I have just taught the most fantastic group of women, and seen some fantastic work. They can all now proudly say that they are not only Art Journalers, but in fact artists.!!! We shared many experiences over the weekend, laughter, sadness, many emotions, painting, eating, sharing, blossoming, and bonding. In fact the only thing we didn't share was Jean Luca ,aka Derek, the Italian waiter as I wasn't there, and I feel it only fair not to spill the beans. Because as you know, what happens in the studio...stays in the

Ok I am going to enjoy my last free evening for the distant future, as tomorrow I will be chained to my desk, with QVC work, workshop previews, Ranger top secret stuff, and shop samples. I have my supplies of  bottled water....forgot to mention to you all I have finally kicked my habit of 10 cans a day of Diet Dr Pepper.. Yes sirree I have indeedy, took some doing but I got there.!!!! So I am stocked up with water, bagels, Quality Street and Ginger nuts...

Enjoy xx


  1. it truly was a fantastic hop and kudoo's to Janet as well!!!! loved everyone i was able to visit!!

  2. I hopped and loved every bit of inspiration along the way. Now I have a crazy bad hankering for your paints and mists. Could you kindly make them available in the US please?

  3. It was great to be a part of it, thanks for having me! :D

  4. Sounds like a great time..have had problems with the internet but will be checking it out!!
    Good luck at QVC WOOHOO!!!

  5. You rocked it hun.... big time loved it thank u hunxxx


  6. Hi Dylan,
    Your workshop sounds fantastic.

    My friend and I are visiting your shop (for the first time!) on Friday afternoon, then after we have been to GNPE we are calling back again to do a workshop at 4pm Saturday....Oh We cannot wait to see you all, so excited about the workshop. Happy 10th Birthday by the way. See you Friday. Debbiexx

  7. Fantastic blog hop and enjoyed seeing lots of new blogs but still can't work out one of the anagrams, went again and still confuddled. Don't work too hard.

  8. Janet is indeed a star ... She did a truly fabulous job! Congrats on 10 years and I shall raise a glass of summink to the next ten! Gotta go ... My peel offs are a calling x

  9. It's been an absolute pleasure and delight to be part of one of the blog hop teams! I shall being saving the mirror I decorated to bring over with me on my next trip to your fabby shop.. Here's to the next 10!

    Have fun with your prep work..Xx

  10. Aww thanks Missus - but you know i loves you too xx AFTH will always be a special place for me as its where i found myself. Thats a gift you gave me so this was a pleasure xx Hugs sweet lady and see you next week xx

  11. Yay! The blog hop was indeed super-amazing and kept me quiet for a few happy hours (no mean feat my other half says)!
    Do tell about the italian waiter though ... pretty please?

  12. I had so much fun with the blog hop...some of the words i couldn't figure out, but it was still loads of funnnnnnnn!

  13. Had a great time blog hopping, everyones projects are brilliant, very diverse and inspirational - Sara

  14. So in enjoyed entering into the fun of the blog hop.Enjoyed every minute. Thanks for eveyones hard work. So I will hop off now.

  15. It was a pleasure to be involved. And you weren't the only one who said they were tempted into scrapbooking with Stampotique! Maybe that's my life's mission ... to convert you all ...

    Happy 10th Birthday!

    Julie :-)

  16. Such a magic, inspiring and fun weekend on the course Dyan. Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much from Yvonne! XXX

  17. I hopped like crazy and had a super time. I agree with Tammy- we need your paints and sprays here. Congrats on the Diet Dr. Pepper. That used to be my major addiction too. Happy 10th!

  18. I just finished the Dylusions hop & will make my way through the others. It was great-my 1st hop. I too need your mists in the US!

  19. it was such a fantastic idea, five hops in one :) And as you say, great, great artwork :)
    lol, the word verification for this comment is mentl ;)

  20. I spent the whole day on Saturday hopping from blog to blog & loved every minute. There was so much gorgeous & inspirational art, I was constantly oohing & aahing in awe. Everyone involved did a great job.

  21. I hopped and enjoyed the inspirational journey I was taken on. Really inspirational !!

  22. The hop was fabulous! It was a really pleasure to be part of it! Janet was a star and made it really easy! Cheers to the next 10 years!

  23. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of this and hope people will still Hop until 11th - let the hop go on - thanks AFTH for the last 10 years and roll on and on and on (((HUGS))) Liz

  24. This hop was something! never seen anything like it before! I loved the variety!


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx