
Thursday, October 20, 2011

News from the studio...

Well she has flown the nest and returned to her native America, and life is sooooooooooooooo quiet without her. Here she is on her last day at the studio.

Here are the last two of her projects. I spent some spare time finishing them off and just love them.

this is the journal, that made you think where you where, where you are and where are you going. Very thought provoking.

And this was from the intuitive art journaling day. I just frikkin loved this day, messing playing and finding images in what we had done. I added extra tags into the slots and doodled it for all it's worth.

On Monday we went Vintage shopping in Knaresborough and came home laden with products. Tea cups and saucers, 50's tureens, battered wooden boxes, trinkets and tons of books. Phew all in the space of an hour.

We then stopped for a small snack

Not sure Dina has got used to British portions yet

We then skipped over to Leeds to continue our shopping journey. I couldn't resist taking her down the Victoria Quarters to see the Vivienne Westwood shop. Just happened to see this shop which is opening next week. Just loved the art work on the shop door.

It looks as though I have been let loose with my journaling pens, tee hee,.

We couldn't resist browsing in the Schuh shop. I managed to break the zips on a pair of boots, and all I did was zip them up. The assistant was amazed until she did exactly the same with the other boot. Much hilarity and red faces all around.

Still it would have been a shame to come home with nothing.!!!  Queue these little beauties... Ooops sorry Ben. :-

We came home to traditional Yorkshire fish butties, and then it was time for the great farewell. Soooo sad, missing her already, but I will get to see her in January at CHA and she will be back at ours probably in March.

It was the last kids workshop before half term and the older ones were all finishing off their canvas's. haven't they done a fantastic job.??

So proud of them

I need to run now to go and make me some shoe storage, as I popped into Primarni yesterday and picked me up 3 pairs for a bargain price of a pound each. Yes I did say a pound each.!!! How frikkin amazing is that.?? And they are just perfect, big clumpy wedges, just the ticket.

Enjoy xx


  1. I thought that you were going to be lonely once Dina left. It's nice to have an art buddie over. Great shopping you two did. Knaresborough is so lovely. Did you have tea in the oldest candy store?

  2. Wow wow wow! Dina's art is always great - but those kids are sooo talented!

  3. Aww looks like you had the best with I could of been time for sure x omg I love the art work from the some serious talent!

    Knareborough sounds like my kinda place.....may have to visit rude not too xx



  4. What great canvas's the kids have done well done all of you.Love the pics looks as though you had a great time.

  5. Dyan, Looks like a great time. Too bad it had to end. Love the shoes. Totally fab. the kids did great too. Great canvas's. Hope all is well. Angela

  6. Ahhh so jealous!!!!!!!! I want to come play and have British portions!!!! Looks like you had a blast. xoxoxo

  7. great cards i like the design and coloring it is superb brilliant effort.

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Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx