
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Take one of my journals...

Tims Idea ology Letter Press, some multi medium and a handful of Posca paint markers. Mix them all together and what do you get?

This little beauty that's what…

Start by adding the letters in a random fashion to the journal cover using the Multi Medium to stick them down. I placed a heavy book on the top and left them to dry for about 30 minutes.

Now they good even like this, but you know me… I neeeeeeed to add colour.

So out came my paint markers and I began colouring in.

I used the orange and colour one letter on each line.

Then swapped to a green and continued.

Then blue..

Until I had covered all of the letters. I then doodled the letters and their bases.

How frikkin cool is that. My journal is now truly a work of art and I get questions wherever I go with it. Now before you start Letter Press are not the cheapest product and it took 4 packs, but omg it is a fabulous result and I love it.

If four packets sounds too much, how about decorating one of my smaller journals? I made this one yesterday for the lovely Ted, aka Mr Stampers Anonymous, whilst demoing at Stampaway in Cincinnati. This was made exactly the same way and took me an hour to complete. Plus it only takes just less than 2 packs of letters.

Have you spotted the words I put in there??

Ted loved it and I feel the need to make another for myself lol.

I'll blog all about the show and the fabulous people I met there, tomorrow.

Enjoy xx


  1. Fabulous idea, totally transforms your journals. Also like the way you put words in it. The Posca pens look really bright on them too. Xxxxxx

  2. that is such a fabby idea... LOVE it!

  3. Love it. Fantastic idea and "stamp" is very appropriate xxx

  4. Definitely got the WOW factor Dyan, looks stunning and fun TFS ! :-) xxx

  5. This looks ace! Expensive but so is the precious work inside so worth it.
    Look forward to hearing more about your arty antics xxx

  6. These turned out awesome! The colors are so vibrant! Thanks for sharing! :)

  7. that really looks awesome Dy...stunning

  8. Love both journals. What a creative idea. The color is fantastic and I love the "hidden words". Brilliant!!!

  9. OMG, Dyan!
    This is just spectacular! Of course, I'm going to HAVE to do one for myself!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  10. This is super cute, I love the way you made a cover out of them!!

  11. That is so cool! I've been working in one of your journals that I haven't started the cover for yet.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  12. You are so stinkin' clever!! These journal covers are absolutely spectacular! Please bring it along when you come to Betty's in October... would love to see and hold this one!! :D :D

  13. Fantastic idea!!! And one you can relax & not have to think about. Just doodle away & have fun with it!!! Fabulousooooo

  14. Totally Freakin' Awesome, Dyan!! The hidden words in both covers are fantastic--That's a great way to personalize that special journal that you've made for Ted :) Lucky Guy!! XOXO-Shari T.

  15. Fan-freakin-tabulous!!! Love how both journals look!! Thanks for the tutorial and the pictures!!!

  16. Absolutely awesome!!! Brilliant idea and love the colours and doodles!

  17. What a great idea..that is simply GORGEOUS! It also doubles as a piece of wall art when not in use. :)

    Thanx so much for sharing!


  18. Absolutely fabulous, dahling......

  19. Love it, Dy!! Going to see Ted very soon in Westminster, MD's stamp show. My fave every year. Why don't you come over and go the the show with me?!!! Love, Sue your fave girlfriend from Queens Ink. lol

  20. I can understand why Ted loved this so much and to include his name and stamp in there too is brilliant!


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx