
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Think I might finally be up to date.....

with all the news after this post....

Last weekend was our second of the back to back Ranger U's, and I seem to be missing tons of my photos.!!!! Not quite sure where they are on my laptop, but sure they will turn up eventually.

I was quite excited as Kaz and Kate from my design team were attending. Not because they are on my design team but because they are both proficient in their respective fields of blogging, teaching and Stampington magazine fame.

I had told themselves to behave in New York and not to look too touristy.!!!

Of course we had to pose with our signature mustaches. See who's sneaking in on the picture..??

Kaz and I gave an impromptu display of Malteser blowing. Strangely enough this was a first at Ranger U. I feel that mebbes it should be integrated into the curriculum. That would soon sort the men from the boys wouldn't it??

Not sure what was going on here but it looks as though he caught me out doing something I shouldn't, lol.

Here's the Dylusions techniques tags, made by Kaz

I bet shes got this framed in her shed now.!! lmao

 The gorgeous Mr Stampers anonymous sporting a metal tash.

Also modeled by Kate

Ooh you can't beat a good old pout.

And here's the motley crew, all newly certified.

So we came to the end of another successful Ranger U. Although absolutely shattered we high tailed it into the warehouse to shoot an impromptu video that literally had us rolling on the floor in stitches. Can't wait to share with you. And then it was home to pack for my early morning flight to Texas.

6am flight equals 3am pick up....frikkin hilarious...

at the moment I am teaching at The Crafty Scrapper in Waxahachie, Texas.

Only in America, lol.

I managed to squeeze in a trip to Hobby Lobby, where I had to sell a kidney and donate my retinas due to the mahoosive amount of gorgeous goodness there is for sale in there.Just love this wall hanging.

many of you will know of my obsession with deer heads and skulls. How frikkin excited was I when Carolyn's hubby gave me a set. Yee hah, hop skippety. Yup that excited. They will take pride of place in my Penthouse suite back home in Reaveley Towers.

Carolyn's store is a fabulous space, and she has two classrooms, so we set up in one, taught the class and then switched straight to the other classroom and so on. Very cool way of organising it. This is one of the classrooms at the start of the day.

I had some fabulous students, many of whom had travelled far and wide. Some driving for over 5 hours to rake the class. How honoured I was that they had taken all that time and effort, Fair warms the cockles of your heart.

I also had a visit from the local reporter. Apparently it was big news all round the town that a Brit had flown in to teach, so we had to do an interview and photo session. How cool.

 Here's the gorgeous Carolyn groveling around on the floor. It's a glamorous life...

And how about this for devotion. This is quite possibly my oldest student, at 85 years of age. Affectionately known as Grandma, she kept up with the pace and is returning for round 2 tomorrow. You go girl...

After driving over 6 hours to get to me, the least |I could do was crouch and pretend I wasn't very tall lol.

After a long day, tired but happy.

I am back at the hotel, repacking my cases. Tomorrow sees me teaching 3 more workshops and then heading over to Plano to teach at The Stamp Asylum with the lovely Monica.

Back in England it seems as if someone is missing me.

Myself and the gorgeous Dina Wakley appear to have had a very busy day indeed.

First we were taken out for a cooked breakfast by Bezzie Su and pretty parcel wrapper Ali.

Taken for a lovely cup of tea.

Strapped in tightly for a trip to the Supermarket.

A quick nap before the evening activities commence.

Here we are at King James school production of Guys and Dolls.

Which featured my gorgeous Saturday girl Bekah.... Bravo Bekah...more...more..!!

And then back home for a quick nightcap.. Phew no wonder I feel shattered, working my little ass off over here in the States and partying my little ass off back home in England. Think I need to lie down in a darkened room with a glass of sherry.!!

Enjoy xx


  1. Not sure how you keep going so well on both sides of the Atlantic at the same time, that is some party trick, lol! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip... sounds hectic!

  2. Looks like you've been having a delightfully busy and wonderful time since I saw you at April Ranger U! thanks for sharing your grand adventures!

  3. You are so silly! Love this post! Isn't Hobby Lobby the best? It's my home away from home.

  4. YOu certainly ARE burning your candle at both ends aren't you? Be sure to wave hello to yourself as you pass in the hall!!

  5. Ah, the price of fame, having to work in the USA! Sorry, I can't feel anything other than envy...Enjoy the rest of your trip and don't forget to take a few minutes for yourself every now and then.......

  6. I wish I was there - a little Norwegian troll at your shoulder - don't miss a thing! :0)

    Have a good weekend!!!

  7. I so love reading your posts, always such fun! thank you xx

  8. my turn to *giggle* reading this - best is you are still both on the sofa reading over my shoulder -lol

  9. These posts have been a joy to read & the photos really capture the fun & excitement. I predict world domination for you Ms Dyan!!!

  10. I've been to Hobby Lobby tonight and had to be very very good as I've had 2 visits to Michaels already this week and I'm gonna be waaaaay over on my luggage allowance back to UK :(

  11. Dyan,
    I don't have the words to describe how totally WONDERFUL your classes were!! I thoroughly enjoyed both classes I took from you at The Crafty Scrapper!! I LOVE your sense of humor and had to giggle everytime you told us to poodle to
    the inks.

    I feel so blessed to have been able to meet you and spend the day learning from you!!!

  12. Hilarious Dyan the pictures of you here and in the USA at the same time. So glad you got your deer antlers and hope you dont hav to pay too much excess baggage on the way home. Love Kaz's tags. Keep on laughing lol Susiesu xxx

  13. The best time ever, ever! Miss you loads xxx thanks for being the best teacher ever mwah xx

  14. Looks like you had a ball! Somehow I get the feeling that everything you do, everyday is a "ball" to you. Hope to meet you someday and take a class when you're in the USA.

  15. Love the pics! So fun! TFS!


  16. you are freekin hilarious; love ya!

  17. Malteser blowing!! I must say, I've only heard of/seen this amazing skill within the past two months. My first glimpse of this feat was a video of my fav hottie from Downton Abbey, Dan Stevens, showing his prowess with a Malteser. Definitely worth watching..


  18. I want to be Dyan Reveley when I grow up.

  19. I miss you, my awesome friend. I know her, I know her,!!


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx