
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From small beginnings...

 When I was teaching at Ink About It, in the States, I had a bit of spare time, so I played around with my inks, making backgrounds, on 6 x 12 in Manilla card.

I then made it into a journal, stamped my Dylusion stamps all over and added a load of tags.

The long plane journey home was perfect for adding the words and for ton's of doodling.

It's not finished yet, still not sure where I am going with it, but it sure was a lot of fun!!

Enjoy xx


  1. Wow love this idea -the colours are amazing. Zo x

  2. Hello
    This was a great idea. I love your colors- and did get me all your inks. So I am in playmodus. It is pure pleasure to see what you make.
    And I love how you put your journals together, getting inspire by your colors and they made my day so much greater.
    Wishing you a great day.

  3. WOW WOW WOW WOW! What a great way to spend a long flight home. I love it.

  4. Just fantastic Dy. I have just had another ink order from Ben (oh he's a star, and so helpful) and the London Blue is my new fav colour.
    I still cannot get the perfect effect, but I am sure practice makes perfect. Kaz and Kate have given me some advice, and I did not realise I had to spray water on the pages until I saw your demo's on youtube.
    Thanks for the inspiration and see you in the Summer when Angie and I call to see you at one of your classes. Still looking for a wall mounted "Real Deer Head" (up here in Cumbria!!!

  5. OMG!!! How cool is that! Love the colors1 And to day your spray is arriveing my home!!!!! Can't wait to play!!!

    Love your work, Dyan!

  6. Hi Dyan, these are amazing, utterly inspirational!I bet people were fascinated on the plane!

    Your sense of colour is extraordinary and I love your white highlighting. Fabulous sentiments too.

    I've just used your beautiful stamps for the first time...Petunia went to New York and London! I'd love for you to come see!

  7. I am inspired by what you have created, Dy! Looks like a great way to spend the hours over the ocean.

  8. Awesome doodling Miss Dy! Your flying time was well spent! :) I really love all of the positive wording! Makes me happy jut to look at the pages! <3 Candy

  9. Fantastic!!! Love all your work and the inks, stencils and stamps are just gorgeous to work with. Makes me happy ♥

  10. Fab idea...must lift your genius idea ;)

  11. These look AWESOME!! I love all the colors and the big words and tags. I also think it's great that you did it on the plane - I'll have to try that!

  12. WOWZERS, these are all supercalifratilisticly GORGEOUS.
    Just got my dylusions sprays today and I can't wait to start playing with them

  13. Hi! Tomorrow your inks are coming my way (yeah!!!) and this is the most wonderful, colorful and inspirational blogpost. Wow!
    Bye, Diane

  14. WOW so very BEAUTIFULL all of them!!!!
    I just got my spray today just like Miranda we love to play with Dylusions.....
    Greetz Patricia

  15. Wow!!! It's brilliant:0) thank you for your wonderful inspiration again.

  16. No-one doodles quite the way you do. This album is just brilliant!

  17. What can I say that everyone hasn't already said. It's all so bloody true though! I'm amazed you knocked it up so quickly. Experience accounts for everything. Art just runs through your veins. I was in AFTH this morning, I practically fell through the door when Ben opened it first thing. I had a moment in there when I was looking at all the little works of art everywhere, it's a life dedicated to something you love. So many pieces of card and paper that you have lovingly opened your heart onto, and allowed your customers to see inside your heart. It's really special. The same goes for all the other arty peeps who've left amazing pieces for your customers to look at. Visiting AFTH is like visiting your most favourite spot in the world, be it a beautiful countryside view, or listening to the sound of waves on a beach. It just makes you smile. Thank you Michelle x

  18. What an absolutely gorgeous journal! Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Hi Dyan thanks for sharing your journal pages with us - so inspirational! How have you joined the pages together?? I have been playing today with your 'doodle parts' stamps and inks. Just love those mushrooms or are they toadstools??? Glad you are home safe lol Susiesu xxx

  20. Love the colors. I am now the proud owner of your 12 new spray inks. I haven't been able to do anything but spray and spray since Chemistry 101 ended.

  21. Wow Dyan they are wonderful, bright, breezy and just what I needed to see on this damp dull morning. Wish I had been sat next to you on the plane - I hope whoever was - realised how lucky they were. Cheers Anne

  22. Love the journal goes without saying. Great to see you back.xx

  23. Wow I can't believe I've never heard of you before O.o one of my fave online shops just got some of your stamps in, and I couldn't read one so I went searching for a larger photo and stumbled into your site. LOVE your work! LOVE your stamps. Following now so I can see all your great work :)

  24. Ooooooooh! Colour! It looks fabulous :-)

  25. Woooow!!!! SO gorgeous! Love the colours & the doodles & the stamping.....

  26. Bloomin faberooonie! I love love love!
    Big snogs

    Kaz x

  27. What beautiful colours and artwork. You are an inspiration. I love looking at your work x

  28. Total eye candy! Love seeing how you've colored these pages.

  29. This is a bit good hun I love all that colour Dawn xx

  30. Oh my goodness, a complete colour explosion! The pages are awesome. I have just had my first two Dylusion sprays and a stencil delivered. I have other types of sprays and stencils too and am going to play! I have an art journal book but haven't dared have a go yet. Maybe I should?! xx


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx