
Thursday, December 1, 2011's been a while...

...since I blogged..!! 

Sorry about that, not sure how I managed to go so long...

Apart from the fact I have a frikkin fantastic excuse...the best yet..!!!

I have been busy working on top secret stuff..!!! 

He he...told you it was a good excuse, didn't I..???

All will be revealed in good time, and you will love it..promise.

Well Christmas has officially arrived at AFTH headquarters. As many of you know I was a bit of a Mother |Christmas. I say was, cos the last two years I am just not feeling it really. So I have decided to bring my Christmas from home into work.

Pretty parcel packer Ali was round mine, bright and early, and we tackled the loft, hunting for all the deccies and trying not to get too distracted with all the things up there.!! I am not sure how my loft appears to be getting fuller since the kids left home. I think they secretly sneak in while I am not there and deposit stuff..!! Don't laugh, I once came home to find two mattresses up there that weren't there in the morning.!!!

Anyhow, I digress, so we hauled it all down, dusted it all off and whizzed it up to work. Now you may be wondering what Our Ben had to say about all this.!! Well.!!!!!!! as long as we get to Dec 1st before mentioning Christmas then anything goes. And 1st of December it is. Yayy.

Here are some of my favourite decorations that I have made over the years. These are painted lightbulbs.!!!

And these are glass baubles I painted.

This was painted in 2002 and it was my first ever attempt at drawing my own design. I was so proud of it.

I think it looks fabuloso..

Because it is now officially Christmas in the Headquarters, Our Ben is continuing with his tradition of wearing a crappy Christmas jumper every day for work. So we may be adding Jumper of the day to my daily outfit. As you can see he is overwhelmed with Christmas spirit.!! lmao.

In case you were wondering what he was clutching, here is a close up.

Ha ha it's his new cd for the shop, mellow sounds from Mr Buble. I think he might stick it for a couple of days and then tell me where to stick it.!!

Onto other news, my middle kids class have all now finished their canvas's and they are absolutely gorgeous. Take a lookie for yourselves.

I have had a very busy weekend playing with fabric and my machines, running up new outfits. This is from one of my fave fabrics, if you look closely you will see that it is covered in red roses and white skulls. Yummy.

This was my favourite fabric..

I actually made myself 4 dresses, to which I shall pat myself on the back for, lol. Even though I am absolutely stacked out with work, I really needed to take some time out for myself, so I did.!!

And, of course, it's Dec 1st, which means........

Oh yes...Tim's tags and Our Ben's daily deal...

It's that time of year again - Tim Holtz's 12 tags of Christmas!

Check out Tim's blog ( for the first 12 days of Christmas where he reveals a new tag every day. This is his fifth year of doing the 12 tags and you can check out each years tags by clicking on the left hand side of his blog.

Each day of Tim's 12 tags we will be offering products Tim has used on his tags at a special price until they are gone. Each deal will be released on our Facebook page each day 
HERE, so if you're not a fan of our page please check us out!

All offers are subject to availability and no back orders will be taken.

Get in there !!!

And in case you are worrying about the lack of decorations at Reaveley Towers, I have a back up plan...

Those who know me well will know I have an inbuilt aversion to anything, shiny, tinselly, naffy.!! and will go to any lengths to avoid such offending items. But I seem to have mellowed in my old age, as I have decided that it is probably not PC to discriminate against such items, equality to all and all that malarky. 


I've only gone and bought myself the naffest tree I could find. Three whole feet of artificially pink tinsel. With...wait for it...inbuit lights...which, unfortunately only seem to go down one side, lol. But what can you expect for a fiver. Mind you imagine my disgust when I went into Asda today to find it reduced to £3.75..!! How ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.!!! So I consoled myself by buying some equally naff sparkly lime green baubles. Yes you heard me correctly the first time.!!

I, Dyan, of Reaveley Towers, must confess, I have now become a Christmas, naffaholic. Hopefully it will only be temporary seasonal madness and I will appear relatively unscathed out the other end. Time will tell, lmao.

Enjoy xx`


  1. The light bulb decorations are inspired :)Have to confess to putting on the old faithfull Christmas CD and putting up the tree and lights - waiting to decorate tomorrow with my 3 year old son :)

  2. Far too early for Christmas trees. I love your painted light bulb

  3. I just love the christmas jumper.....Ben is such a natural model!

    OMG I just LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the dresses.......SQUEAL!!

    nowt wrong with naffness....I thrive on it!!

    big snogs


    p.s. A little parcel will be en route xxmwah

  4. welcome back have had withdrawal symptoms as there have been no daily outfits and now we might have the naff Christmas jumper as well! Yippee!!! the painted lightbulbs are pure genious! am loving the fabric where did u find it and did you have a pattern for your dress? Am now trying to find TH pinecone die lol susiesu xxx

  5. Hi Dyan
    We had a brilliant time yesterday and thank you for teaching me to sew!!!
    35 years of sewing machine phobia banished in one marvelous session!
    Lucy[Lisa]has already got the poor neglected sewing machine sorted so the skys the limit
    Love and hugs from Lucy and Jacquie [the new sewing quenn of Dewsbury!]
    xx x x

  6. Wo-ho-ho-ho!!!! Tree up and looking GOOOOOD! And Our Ben looks cuddlesome in his Christmas woolly ... think he might give out a cuddle or two....hehehehe!)
    I'm singing along to that CD at the moment, almost feel as if I'm with you :D x x x

  7. Wo-ho, tree up and looking GOOOOOD! And Our Ben looks so cuddlesome in his Christmas Woolly... think he might give out a cuddle or two... hehehehe!
    I'm singing along to that CD at the moment... almost feel as if I'm there with you :D x

  8. lmao at the asda xmas tree saga, and mmmhhh pink and lime green a new fave colour combo me thinks, not forgetting the sparkle. Do your skills know no bounds, dressmaking as well, four outfits, it would take me forever and they would never be fit for wear outside let alone photos on the WWW, am loving the fabric though, merry xmas xxxx

  9. Ben cracks me up! Actually I feel the same way he does right now! LOL Your tree is beautiful and love all the kids creations!


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx