
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ooooh busy busy busy.....

The days are just whizzing by and i am surrounded by lots of whooshing noises as deadlines seem to be flying past, lol. I am putting the finishing touches to all my new releases for the trade show in January. It is sooooooooooo exciting to be launching as a signature designer for Ranger, and I want everything to be "just so" and so I am busy dotting every I and crossing every T, and then changing my mind and starting all over again, tee hee. Well it's a woman's prerogative, isn't it.??

Been busy in the studio as well, yesterday found me teaching this canvas.Many of you will know I started my crafting life as a folk art painter, and I love nothing more than introducing others to painting. It is so calming and relaxing. I really need to do more of it to preserve what little sanity I have left..!! Oh okay, too late then, lol.

I got a brill surprise yesterday as Our Ben forgot he had said I couldn't get my grubby little mitts on Tim's new fantabulous boxes. Too late, he brought them in to show me them, (the new delivery had just arrived), and I had them unwrapped, before he could say Beejeezus. Ha ha, look at the expression on his face, too late....they are mine, all mine.

I just had to promise not to deface...sorry, customise...them before this weekends preview. Speaking of which...

Don't forget it is our fabulous Preview day on Saturday 10th December, where you can come along and see all the wonderful workshops we have lined up for you in January, February and March. We have taster workshops going all day long, and I think Our Ben is making me part with some of the 100's of samples I have made over the years. Pop HERE for more info

Here's some sneaky peeks...

How are you doing following Tim's Christmas Tags.??Are you managing to keep up.?? Frikkin fabby aren't they.?? I haven't even put my own spin on the first one yet, so busy I am with my other stuff, but I am storing them and will play as soon as I get a breather.

Don't forget everyday Our Ben is adding bargains into his daily deal. See HERE for more

Got a wonderful surprise in the post today, can you recognise the hand writing..??

Yes it's from the one and only Lady in Waiting, Kaz. She is an absolute darling and always seems to know when I need a bit of a lift. Today's treasures included...

That all important sherry vessel


Handy for ones Royal engagements...

I shall have to put these safely in the Tower.!!

Scarf rings, to hold ones bits in place...


THE biggest frikkin earings in the whole wide world.!!!

I also had a visit today from one of my bezzies, The gorgeous Sandy Poppins, who took the Outfit of the day photos. Err seems we forgot to take a photo of the pair of us.! oops.!!

Still I thought I had better pop my teeth in, just in case they may be used for "official" Royal engagements, lol

Chin, chin


Enjoy xx


  1. So much fun.
    I can't wait to discover what your line with Rangers will be ;)

  2. What medium did you use to paint your Merry Xmas Canvas? - it is fabby delish. Have managed 6 much simplified versions of Tim's Christmas Tags. I can wait to see your new stamps for Ranger?!?!?!?! lol susiesu xxx

  3. ps glad to see Ben was wearing his naff Christmas jumper lol xxx

  4. ROFL!!! Your photo made me spit out ones cuppa !! Glad you likey xx
    big snogs xx


  5. been missing your posts, glad to see you are looking so fab still . . chin chin

  6. This is such a funny post. I love the photos, Ben's face is a picture - "oh no, here she goes again!" Can't wait to see how you customise Sir Tim's trinket box. I love the Christmas canvas, it's perfectly folksy.
    I've made 7 out of the ten tags so far, I hope to catch up this weekend.


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx