
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The journey continues with part 2....

So I will continue on with the studio tour. Because I spend 90% of my life in there it has to  be full of all the little knick knacks and treasures that are so dear to me. I have only shown a few of these as many of them are objects that only I would "get".!! lol. Treasures don't need to have cost the earth, they just need to be given with and surrounded by love.

This is one of my faves ...a cardboard chandelier...just frikkin love it

and here's whats hanging off the bottom....a Kelly Rae girlie, carved wooden wings, and a wire angel quote.

Always fresh lilies in my place, even if sometimes I have to buy the frikkin things myself, lol

Piles of books waiting for the swap

mini chest of drawers. The drawer fronts are made out of wooden rulers..... bird ornaments from Sexy and a little pin from Australia.

Boxes of tissue tape

Jars of Gaffer tape and Elmer the Elephant

decoupaged drawers and Cow girl reminders

Half started journals

tons of Scissors

Sewing heaven

One of the machines

boxes of samples

finished journals

more journals

jewellery to recycle

essential food groups

shelves of treasures

baskets of dabbers

idea ology

Fave drink

stash of DVDs...(See Dexter..? Our Ben surprised me with them yesterday) Cheers hunny.

Fat quarters

Tim's trims all coloured with Distress stains, guarded by one of my many skulls

oodles of tags

and gypsy goodness

my personal bits sit in here

My standy up desk

ink pad and stamp corner

Above the window, words of inspiration

student supplies

My kitsch clocks

Dina inspired

I do actually know where everything is.There's a place for everything and everything in its place..!!!

My Mam guarding my sign

Multi medium jars

Our Maisie

Yee hah, I own every bit of Cath Kidstons Cowboy collection, love these, filled with goodies.

They sit on the top of the shelves next to my blackboard heart

Tags my ladies made for me when I was in hospital last year.

Door to my studio

Ha ha Our Ben

just outside the studio.



Mini journal

Boards ready to go to the show

Yup that's me in these piccies...

Made with love by Dina

oops you've already seen these..

spare water pots

That's all for today, still more to come so will continue on tomorrow. I've been asked loads of things about the studio and stuff in it, so if I get the chance I'll do a little question and answer for you... The main thing you have all commented on is the amount of brushes I have here's a little competition for you. On Monday I will count all the brushes I showed you in the piccies yesterday. All those I have displayed in the Ranger craft buckets. To count the lot would take me days, so just those. Leave me a comment with your guestimate and the nearest to it wins. And guess what I'll send you...?? Yup a load of brushes...But don't worry they won't be my old used ones, I will send you brand new ones from Claudine Helmuth's Studio Line, and I may even throw in a Craft Bucket as well.

See you tomorrow

Enjoy xx


  1. 177 brushes
    And I noticed you had a Tim bag. I thought you said you hadn't got one!

  2. Right I'll have a go even though I'm rubbish at this type of thing! - 276

  3. I just love that your FAV drink is Bunderberg Ginger Beer! I was so excited when I saw the empty bottles in the studio when I was down for the Tim Holtz classes. It is my favourite too and I am from Queensland where it is made. My husband always earns extra brownie points when he brings some home for me! So I know what to bring you the next time I am down your way.

  4. hmm... i am guessing some days you figure you have way to many (if they happen to spill over) and some days you think you don't have enough (when all those lucky students get to take classes from you.. my number guess will be 216

  5. Wow you have so so many treasures. If this is your creative area in the shop, do you have one at home too. Love the cabinet of treasures and all your journals, would love to rummage. Fabulous samples on display, this creative area must inspire everyday. I guess that you have 196 brushes LOL. Tracy Evans x

  6. Here's my guess.....233 brushes

  7. oooooh lovely jubbly...more gorgeous eyecandy. Love our Ben artwork...super
    My guess is 197
    Chris xx

    oh and you had better put one of those lollies aside for me...cos one day I will turn up to claim it :D

  8. oo see that spotty fabric, not the top colour, but the brown one...I have that lol i am making a bag with it (gee there's a suprise lol)

    My guess is 362

  9. 180 brushes - love your studio tour and hope to make it up north one day for one of your workshops!


  10. okay....

    first off I have a singer sewing machine just like your vespa, it smells soooo good when I sew, burnt rubber and all that, (I don't think I saw a handle on yours so I'm thinking yours is a 'modern' one too - you know the new electric ones?)

    they don't make 'em black and gold and ten tonnes any more...

    i also have a very modern white one that does fancy stitches but is not half so good to look at...



    I'm just looking at mine and doing a bit of math...

    about 50 per pot. say ten pots,


    now I see some people are quoting low hundreds, which I don't understand as I am looking at my 100 brushes and they hardly fill two pots...
    ah well...

    I am looking forward to part three


  11. My guess 63.5. I'm going to ask again...can I come live there...I'll bring really good music from hubs Walls of Akendora by Keiko Matsui...check her out!!!

  12. If I leave a comment ... do I win a lolly???? Never seen a tutti fruitie lolly before ... bet they are delish!!!

  13. I can't sleep either so instead of sheep I'm counting frikkin paintbrushes lol - I'll guess at 474!

    Hope to see you soon - big hugs from Chris x

  14. It has been great "seeing" your studio. I guess you have 197 brushes.

  15. Hi Dy looks like you have got even more brushes since i was last in. 356 i think. Have fun at the show at the weekend! Donna xx

  16. Amazing stuff there. Love the chandelier and the pic of Ben gave me a chuckle. Chest of draws with teh ruler fronts is amazing too. Now one can never have too many Tonic scissors although my 3 pairs pales in comparison. Love the Cath Kidston cowboy. I just finished a quilt for my new nephew using that material with a blue and red dot. Love love love it. Hmmmm this is just a pick the number out of the head guess here. 424
    Thanks for the second part of the tour and hope you have a great day. Angela

  17. Ooooh, I've fallen in love with your chandelier!! Its awesome! As is that little unit with the old wooden rulers as drawer fronts!

    Gorgeous samples on display too, and so many wonderful things to inspire you creatively!!

    Really like that quote over the window too. Hell, I love it all!!!

    Hmmm, my guess for the paint brushes... 246.

    However many there are, good luck with the counting!!
    Take care,
    Charli x

  18. I reckon about 346 brushes. Now lets see if this will post 'cos they keep returning as failed.

  19. Ok I will have a go at this them ===========I think 427.

  20. Now THIS is where women create! I love the look of your well and often used spaces! The neat and proper studio, with all it's matching bins and everything in it's place... REALLY???? Who can create in that? LOL

  21. This is probably way out but there does seem like an awful lot!!! LOL
    My guess is 480
    xoxo Sioux

  22. Hi Dyan,
    would love to visit the studio again.
    I'll have a guess at the brushes - 184.
    Are you coming to Stoke 9th April, northern sould all nighter, Im giving it a go for the first time.
    Keep the faith!

  23. oh wow i guess 333 a nice easy figure

    skinny pinny

  24. 287 brushes.Thanks for the studio tour.

  25. total guess 387 :)

    just looked at every one elses no's gotta laugh at borg queen "5" LOL

  26. WOW - my tag is famous!!!! Guess you must have at least 655 brushes

  27. More fabulous treasures! I have two of Kelly Rae's Art Girlies, they're among my very favourite things.

  28. Makes me feel good to see a create area being well used and loved.

    amount of brushes 454, a girl can never have too many brushes.

  29. omg you have so much treasure I can spend all day looking at your pics awesome studio.

  30. Great studio goodies, looking forward to part three.

    My guess is 555. Did you know that's the number they have to use to start phone numbers in books and movies because there aren't any real numbers that begin with that number. Bit o trivia for you!

  31. wow what a fab studio! Wish I lived closer so I could come and do one of your workshops! OK, my guess is 351 brushes!

  32. ok so I took a wild guess x 11 then divided by two and came up with 467 brushes! I love those Kelly Rae girls!! Have a great show at the weekend. Your studio is my idea of heaven!
    maggie warke x

  33. well if you throw down a challenge we have to pick it guess is 346.
    good luck to everyone. loving all the goodies Dy. thanks for sharing as always. hugs xxx

  34. She who dies with those most stash wins!!! That most certainly could be you! xx

  35. Forgot the brushes my guess is 523! xx

  36. wow...thanks for the tour...i feel much better about my very messy space...LOL.
    As for the'd need at least that many!!!

  37. I'd guess 516 brushes and I think your studio is fabulous!! :)

  38. I reckon theres around 244 brushes! thank you so much for the tour....keeping everything crossed my guess is close ;0)

  39. You really have tons of stuff inside your studio, and I agree that they are all treasures. I enjoyed your little studio tour. Thanks for sharing.

    John Briner Art


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx