
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fed up of this sickie malarkie already...

Just sending out some bloggy love

First of all we have which is a blog by8 yr old Charlotte. Yes you heard me correctly.!! 8 yrs old, with a blog full of fabulous things she has made.

In the last post I wrote about Kelvin...well his lovely wife Sarah has written all about our meeting HERE. And it seems as though my new name " The Dark Northern Temptress " is catching on fast...thanks Mr Macari for that one, lol.

Giddy Karen has a lovely write up on her rather fabby blog, and she is even giddier as she is on her way to a workshop with Tim.

One of my fave blogs to visit is Alisa Burke and this post is so simple yet effective. It makes me want to jump out of bed and raid all my red paints.

I had a long sleep earlier which was good, but am now wide awake which is not so good, lol. Am going to embark on a marathon cutting out session, in between, runny nose, hacking cough, banging head etc. It's at times like this I am soooooo glad I am single, lol. I've got salmon fillets poaching in the oven and fruity couscous and edename beans courtesy of M & S. How healthy is that for a midnight snack..??? So healthy in fact that I've got Cadbury's Caramel chocolate (large bar) and an 8 pack of Diet Cherry Coke. Tee hee.

Most of my demoing at the show was done in my mahoosive beloved ledger journal. Will seriously cry when this journal is full and am having mild panic attacks already at the thought.!!! If any of you have one hanging around, that you don't want, as if!!!, then you know where to donate it. I will look after it very well, pinky promise.!!!

Here are the pages I was working on...all in various stages of unfinishedness, lol. The backgrounds were all made with a combination of Adirondack Colourwashes (am sooooo in love again), Adirondack Paint Dabbers ( always been in love with these, but heart, heart, heart, the new bottles ) and my new "be still my beating heart" faves, The new Distress stains. Who knew, girlies, who knew.??? And of course my Dylusions stamps, doing what they do best... And for those of you who keep asking me where you can purchase them from....

Here are the wholesalers

UK Personal Impressions
USA Stampers Anonymous and Ranger

If you are a retailer who has recieved delivery of my stamps, let me know and I will link you. And don't forget I just love to see what you do with them.

And I thought I would do a little give away. You remember the artwork, that I made into a commemorative ticket for Tim's visit..??  Well I had a few extra printed just in case of any mishaps etc..and so I thought I would give one away each day until they are gone. I have defaced Tim's face on all of them, lol. He is hilariuous as Elvis and even funnier with a Bob Ross afro..!!! If you fancy owning one you just need to leave me a comment on each days post. At the end of every day I will pick a winner and post it out to you.

All of you going to a workshop with Tim at the Artsy Crafty Event, you are in for a fabulous time. Enjoy yourselves very muchly and remember to breathe..!!

Enjoy xx


  1. fantastic to see the pages, especially as we stood and watched spellbound while you did at least 2 of them.Just been watching your videos while I really should have been in bed,...but it's education - right? x

  2. Love your pages!! Great giveaway too, I think those of us who weren't there have been living vicariously through blogland :) feel better soon! xx

  3. oooh caramel chocolate and journalling...fab mix :D
    Love the pages especially the second one.
    Hope you feel better soon (((sick busting hugs)))
    Chris xx

  4. Fabulous pages hun, hope you're feeling a bit better and soon your usual self again. Thanks for the shout for Charlotte's blog, you don;t know how impressed she is....pity her teachers and friends don't 'get' it. She can't wait to come up for a class. xx

  5. What fantastic pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you for commenting on my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My mama gave me your link and said to leave a comment on your blog!!!!!x

  6. How gorgeous! Off to check out some of those blog links now, but please include me for a chance to win as I can't go, sob!

  7. I'd be so jealous of anyone who went to stitches normally....but seeing as I have my once in a lifetime visit to see T!m on Friday...who cares!!! LOL
    Love to win a bit of your art work ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  8. I sympathies hun snot and spray and phlegm and paint don't mix too well when creating.
    I am full of a headcold myself at the mo so have taken more to my digi work - only one prob - laptop screen is full of my sneezy remains eeeew LOL!
    I am in love with your ledger journal - one question though - have you removed any of the original pages to accommodate the bulk of your collages. Mine isn't as full (yet) but I have thought about it.
    Unfortunately ledgers are like golddust - even the guy who i got mine from said he rarely comes across them these days so good luck (and let me know where if you do LOL)
    Hope your head clears soon.

  9. Well I must say, this is a great way back to good journal your way there! ('cept for the chocolate part of course - why oh why don't they make chocolate tasting pills that can make you better!)
    And PLEASE don't forget to save one of those tickets for my TPP will you Oh my Mentor? x x x
    Had to come back and tell you what the word verification is - 'foodyed' - translated, that's food - the Dy way - funny - don't you just love words :D

  10. Well done you, you are so inspiring to many people you give us all a lift just when we need it. Its a must to go on your blog everyday lol....Ps get well sooooon Giddy & Giddier

  11. WOW! Wonderful pages! Love them :)
    And your stamps..., and your sprays..., and your paint, and your art...:)))

  12. Giveaway or not I have to comment on your fabulous pages. They are SOS o yummy.

  13. Hope your feeling abit better darling. love these journal pages cant wait to see them finished, super excited about coming up for the weekend woohoo see you tomorrow xxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Gorgeous, please could I sneek a peek in real life at the altered book weekend? x

  15. ROFL .. thought you said red PANTS ! ... couldn't imagine what kind of a blog post would make you want to get those all out lol :D .... realised when I visited said link Doh ! :o)

  16. didn't win a workshop maybe I will win a ticket! Keep warm drink plenty fluids (that's the nurse in me talking!)

  17. Oh, so wish I could have been at your fabulous workshop with Tim. But, woe is me sitting here in sunny Spain, sipping fresh orange juice, oranges straight from the tree.But, this hasn't stopped me coming out in sympathy with a rip snorting cold!!!!!!!!!Great pages by the way.
    Melva Bates

  18. I read this last night and before I visited the links I had to go and get some food, you've worked on my sub concious and I'm having salmon for tea, hope you enjoyed yours.

  19. Would love to win one of your art creations. Am waiting impatiently here in the US for your stamps to be available! Your art is so unique and cool!

  20. got to have a go on this as I missed the Occasion..... loving your pages, as always... I think I would rather have the chocolate:) keep warm. Hugs xxx

  21. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I love your give away. I am in awe of your journall pages.

  22. I love these pages and am having magazine envy. Get well soon and banish the lurgy.

  23. I remembered to breathe! I had a fabby day and really love my configurations box I made today with the lovely Tim

  24. Hi Dyan
    First of all so hope you are feeling just a teeny weeny bit better, secondly thanks so much for the lovely did make me smile lots:) and thirdly I did breath.... I mean pant into a very large paper bag today at paperartsy, It was pretty fantastic, i will blog about my adventure soon. I lurve your pages of inspiration, I am gonna get myself a ledger book too as gagging to give it a go! Thanks Dyan and spk soon


  25. Hope you are starting to feel better. Enjoy the chocs and the mags (they do look very good)

  26. I adore your blog and am visiting from the States. I cannot wait to get my hands on some of your stamps, especially that Doolally Doris! I have got your shop on my list to visit when we make our trip to the UK next year. Thanks for the inspiration and feel better!! :)

  27. I love your pages! I hope you feel better soon.

  28. I hope you feel better soon. No fun being sick. Our entire family is just getting over the flu. I hope I am not too late to get in on the drawing. I would love a chance to win this piece of art. Very cool! I LOVE your pages...fantastic!

  29. Sorry you're feeling crappy. Remember, lot's of liquid of some sort. Have been enjoying your blogging both in LA and back in UK and enjoying it all from my comfy chair in Seattle. Love your journal pages - how do you stick on the magazine pics and when will you have more Dylusions acrylic paints in stock? Of course, would love to win a TH item. Wonderful giveaway. Feel better soon.

  30. you amaze me how do you manage to do so much art, it takes me hours just to do one page, love them all. Am at Artsy craft today and was so excited yesterday, today after the worst nights sleep ever, enthusiasm has not arrived. Only allowed one small bag in class, whoops have two mahoosive bags under my eyes, hope they still let me in, obviously gonna dazzle Tim big time, wish you better, mwah

  31. So sorry you've got the dreaded lurgy, Dyna - you've onviously been working too hard! Get well soon!
    Diane x

  32. Every time your blog full of creative vibrant incredible fantastic art works is a great inspiration to me! Thanks so much.
    Hugs Anja

  33. Hey dy hope you are feeling heaps better after bedside journaling. Though i did get one of your tickets as i was at Tims Class i am leaving this comment for my sister Juliet (who is now back in nairobi) as she was gutted that she didnt get to see Tim while she was here but she would love a piece of your art. She said to thank you for the classes she got to do while she was over and she even sat in the airport yesterday for 8hrs and spent them journalling!!! Not bad for a new starter - think you have got her as hooked as me!! Thanks for for getting her off to such a great enthusiastic start!!!!! She hopes to come to see you if she gets over again in the summer. In fact if she gets over its likely to come to see you and do workshops rather than visit family!!! lol Donna xxxxxxx

  34. Hope your on the mend soon Dyan, love your latest pages.Just received my fabby order from AFTH, cheers. Would have loved to have done the workshops with you & Tim, did manage to get to Artsycraft, hmmm not sure about the breathing part, as Kaz said more of a pant lol x

  35. Hope you are feeling better soon.Love your pages.

  36. Fantastic pages, such an inspiration.

  37. ooh, I loving the pages, these are so fantastic!!!

  38. Hope you are feeling better now, I've done a layout of the photo you took of Tim and me when I arrived at your studio before class-used some of the goodies I bought at your lovely shop too !

  39. These pages are AMAZING, I love them. I hope you're feeling better today. I was at Tim's class at Artsycrafty yesterday & OMG, he is awesome. I had one of the best days of my life AND I got the biggest hug from Mario!! AND I won a set of Tim's new stamps! Attending at least one of your classes is next on my list.

  40. Fabulous pages as always Dyan, fab colours too ;-) Hope you feel lots better very soon
    Anne xx

  41. Love seeing your pages in progress... really helps a nub art journaler like me understand more about all the layers :o) You are truly inspiring every day!

  42. Just back from the fab workshop taught by Tim......wonderful.
    Feel better soon love and hugz Cynthia x

  43. You need to come to Phoenix Arizona and teach teach teach. Love your blog, so inspiring.



Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx