
Wednesday, January 5, 2011


If you are looking for me, you won't be able to find me.....!!! I have gone to a place far, far away. Its a place where the phone doesn't ring, no one bothers me and it is filled with creativity...Wanna come..????

Ha ha ha ha ....TOUGH.....

I am locked away in my little creative world, finishing off deadlines, designing masterpieces, satisfying my artistic muse and enjoying being really unsociable........

So whats happening in my secret place..??

Making samples galore for the Stampers Anonymous Booth at CHA, LA. where my Dylusions stamps will be debuting..........Yayy.......!!!

Confirming with Ranger, prices and descriptions of my Dylusions stamp range for their CHA brochureas they prepare to become a Distributor of them.....big Yayys...!!!

Packing up my project Re...Frikkin work of Art....!!!, lol. that will be displayed in the Ranger booth amongst many distinguished names, for the Ranger Designer Challenge.......even bigger Yayys...!!!

Completing my project sample for the workshop I will be teaching at CHA, with the one and only Tim Holtz, the wonderfully quirky Claudine Helmuth and my gorgeous, gorgeous, girlie Wendy Vecchi......OMG I nearly frikkin passed out when I was invited to be part of this one , I kid ye not.  I am still panicing like mad about it and have nightmares of being in the company of such quality instructors.

Wanna see piccies...?????

Err... don't think so........

It's more than my lifes worth. Mr Holz would kick my pretty little butt... Ok it's not so pretty these days and it's definitely not little, but you get the idea.....

Buuuuuuuuut....... I can tell you that I have been using the Perfect Pearl range in 101 ways whilst sticking to my eclectically quirky signature self, lol.  Not quite sure if America is ready for a full blown assault of the senses but we,ll soon find out. Wait till you see the new colours.....It reminds me of Kali, and I have to resist dipping my fingers in and licking.
Errrrrr not sure what you might call Kali, cos it's a Yorkshire word, but you got it at the sweetie shop. It was contained in a large glass jar, in layers of different rainbow colours. You were served it in a penny twist of a paper bag and the crystals fizzed and turned your tongue different colours. And before the rest of you Brits start telling me it was sherbet or rainbow crystals, it wasn't. Kali was slightly chunkier and a whole lot fizzier. Oh and of course it was extremely healthy and must have contained at least one of your five a day...!!!!!!!!

Soooo...any one at CHA attending the workshop...???? Hold onto your hats, grit your teeth and welcome to the world of Dy.......Unfortunately there will be no interpreter so you need to brush up on your language skills. Not English, lol but frikkin good old Broad Yorkshire....!!!!

And, as some of you may have realised, after many, many, requests, you will now be able to get your hands on my stamps over there..................Fabby Dabbulous Yayyssss......

Ok, so now I need to return to my secret far, far away place to continue satisfying my addiction.

Do I get lonely..?? I hear you inquire...

The answer is no. I love it here because "the voices talk only to me".......lmao

Enjoy xx


  1. Ermm, should you need an assistant at CHA, I can be available at very short notice. I'll carry your bags, ink your stamps, feed you peeled grapes while you demo, whatever you want oh illustrious one!! :)
    Enjoy all the preparation, despite the stress, I'm sure it will be wonderful & I can't wait to see what you created. Hugs.

  2. you make me die of laughter Dyan, sounds like the perfect place for you, question are the walls padded, LOL. And yes i was going to say Rainbow sherbet, I obviously was deprived in my childhood, to have missed out on Kali, xx

  3. Omg I'd forgotten all about Kali . I always thought of it as cayleigh but dont think it was ever labelled in the corner shop, we just knew what it was. Yum.

  4. rofl..

    what was the stuff that actually exploded in your mouth, was it space dust....haha laughing so much now remembering all the old sweeties.

  5. Whey hey....Great stuff!!!!!! Well deserved I'd say!!!!!! ENJOY!!!! xxx

  6. Sounds like alot of fun. I miss going to CHA. Can't wait to see your creations. i always love your stuff. Have a creative time! Angela

  7. Congratulations!!! Well Done....such a tease, just as bad as Tim....I would love to join you!!! Do you need a second Skivvie?? Enjoy enjpy enjoy!!!Can't wait to see all the Yummy stuff....

  8. You can't claim Kali as a Yorkshire word, Dyan because we definitely had Kali in Birmingham! I'd love to be in my own little crative place like you but work keeps rearing it's ugly head! Grrrr!
    Diane x

  9. You enjoy it all - it sounds amazing. Terribly excited here cos we're comin' to see ya soon - yippee!! Say hi to the ya!! xx

  10. Congratulations on your amazing projects and going international with your stamp range!!!

  11. Woop woopw woop woop! Fabulous! Mwah, mwah.
    P.S. Me and my sisters used to put Kali (or was it space dust?) down the toilet just to watch it fizz!!!

  12. how marvellous, dont know if the USA is ready for you, but what the hell.... have a blast. love the pages, yes its best to listen to the voices in your head, at least they are talking sense (!) and agree with you! xxx

  13. Of course the correct term IS Kali... mmmmm the memories are flooding back! Exciting news for CHA - are they ready for the REAVELEY this year? hehehe Sock it to em Dy! x x x

  14. Fab journal page hun and YAY it all sounds so exciting congratulations darling, it is all well deserved, im getting super excited about coming up to you in Feb for some courses YAY, enjoy CHA wish i was going hehehehe

  15. I love reading your blogs. You truly are an inspiring woman. And here's why ...

    I don't know too many people who are so 'in touch' with who they really are and how they feel in each moment. You have an amazing depth about you that is absolutely beautiful and truly awsome, which is why you manage to give so much of you, both in your artwork and in your teaching.

    Unfortunately there is a down side to that when feelings and emotions aren't positive and become all encompassing and disabling. You are so lucky to know exactly what you need to do when this happens though. You know that in order to nourish and protect the person within you need to retreat to your cave and eat kali (I must admit to wanting to spell it kay-lie - quite unlike that dreadful popping space dust!). By retreating into your cave you are giving yourself space, silence and time to take control. I wish I still had a cave to retreat to when the world is pissing me off! And for that I admire you.

    Just a thought: Only listen to the voices when they say lovely, positive and inspiring things ...

    But ... "Beware the Jabberwock" ... when the little f**kers start to torment you (and let's face it they'll try!) When they attempt to fill you with self doubt and loathing, just SHOUT "shut the F**k up" make yourself a brew, put ABBA's Dancing Queen on (or a bit of Northern Soul) and dance around your cave until you scream, laugh or cry! (All good healthy stuff - because whilst it's the numbness that makes the hard times bearable, it eventually needs to give way to tears, screaming and eventually laughter!)

    See you when your wings have grown back.

    Laugh, scream, cry - it's all the same really. Keeping it in hurts so let the universe have it and deal with it because you appear to have had to deal with it before and have come a long way and don't want or need to go back there again.

    Your depth is clearly your strength, if you were weak and shallow you wouldn't have come this far.


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx