
Monday, January 31, 2011

news from the show...

The morning sun coming up over the City of Angels.!! This is the view from one of my hotel rooms, oh yes, there are a few, will explain later.!

And this is our coffin shaped !!! outdoor pool. It's probably better not to ask, lol.

My demo desk

The gorgeous Dina Wakely

 Wendy Vecchi, Linda B and Linda Elbourne

Suze's leaving do at the booth

 All that sugar would kill her I think

Will try to get you some sneaks of new products today. Just really busy demoing and keep forgetting.!!

Enjoy xx


  1. Love all the demos you've been doing Dyan, lots of lovely colour :-)
    Anne xx

  2. Forgot to say ' A coffin-shaped pool'!!!???
    Anne x

  3. looks great, have you dipped your toe in the coffin yet, and am confused Suze's leaving do!!!!

  4. Your set-up at CHA was wonderful; I so enjoyed seeing your work and chatting with you a bit. LOVE WHAT YOU DO. :-) Hoping to end up in a workshop with you someday soon. Be well -- Davielle

  5. Thanks for the photos Dyan, great to see your gorgeous demoes, but am v confused about Suze's 'leaving do'. She did say in her blog post that she would tell us why there was cake.


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx