
Thursday, July 8, 2010

inky, painty, journal tutorial....

At Play Day, yesterday, I was mucking around in John's Art Journal and decided to use some of the new Graphic 45 release...Halloween in Wonderland.  This is how far I got..

I,ve still got loads of doodling and the journaling to do, but I am really liking it so far.

So I thought I would do you all a step-by-step, along the same lines, but with one of my inky, painty backgrounds. So stand by your beds and here we go.

 I started off by babywiping Lettuce and Espresso Adirondack dabbers over the pages.

I then added acrylic gesso in "the Dyan wiggle" using a Splodger.

Added Gesso rings using the dabber lid.

I then had a break for a late lunch. How gorgeous does that look..???  A little treat from Our Ben....

Its from the new cafe that,s opened up just below us. This is their sweet potato, feta cheese salad. Get in there.!!!

Anyway, to continue.....I then sprayed Pomegranate Altered Originals ink over a chipboard stencil and blotted with a kitchen roll.

Flip the chipboard over to create a negative image

You can make your own masks from your used sheets of Alphabet Grunge board. If you coat it first using Gel Medium, it will seal the Grunge enabling you to use the reverse as well.. My inks are really vibrant, but if you want a more muted effect, spray the colour (lime) and then immediatley spritz Granite over the top to tone it down.

Thats a cool colour isn't it...??  See..... two for the price of one!!! You always get brill value with our products, lol

I then mixed some of my Altered Original inks with some of my Blonde Moments Pearl Pigments, topped up with water in our large spritzers, to give you a shimmer spray.  No need to have to splash out on ready made ones, just make up what you need, when you want it.

The shimmer gives a stunning contrast on the matt paint. I then sprayed the ink directly onto the pages and let it slowly drip down.

As you all know, I am a massive doodler, so this was the next obvious step for me.

I then sprayed the Granite inkthrough a chipboard stencil at the top of the page, blotted it dry and doodled.

When I get to this stage I can't help but sit there and stoke it, lol. I absolutely love backgrounds, can't get enough of them, and would quite happily make them all day.  But a background on its own is no good, so onward and upward.

Onto the papers. We ordered double the normal quantity, and they are skidoodling out of the door faster than you can say "white rabbits"....!!!!  They are sooooooo lush, and I love the fact they are not just the "normal" Alice drawings, but have injected a unique twist into them. Don't be put off by the word Halloween in the title, as this is Halloween unlike any other.

When I have cut out my main elements, I always lay them down onto the pages. I don't stick them straight away, as I invariably move them around completely. I then stick all the elements down with gel medium. This is a fabby substance for sticking as it isn't actually sticky, so you don't get yourself into a right old 2 and 8...

Then, yes you,ve guessed it, more doodling. I like to draw outlines on any hand cut elements, and I also like to outline them completely. Never neatly mind you, I prefer the slapdash look myself, lol.

The bird cage was made by covering a sheet of Grunge Paper with gel medium and sheet music. I then ran it through the Big Shot using the Tim Holtz die. It was then given the doodling treatment and inked with Crushed Olive Distress ink.

I thought it would be funny to put the Cheshire cat in the cage and have it dangling down.

I then gelled a butterfly image to the Grunge Paper and cut it out.

I bent it around my fingers to make the wings curl, added some d/sided tape just down the body stuck it on Alices head. The image will flatten when the book is closed, but spring back out when open. You gotta just love Grunge don't you..???  I cut out two of the quotes from one of my Altered Originals Download sheets, and combined them together on the page. Added the ubiquitous doodling, of course...

I added more butterflies and insects to the pages, and journaled with a white souffle pen. One of my favourite pens in the whole world, you may remember. Along with the clear, black and white Glaze pens.  It doesn't take a lot to please me, does it..???

And here we have it ....the finished piece.

I really friiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiinnnnnn adore it..glad this one is in my journal and not John,s lol. Is that bad thoughts..?? lmao. Heres some close ups.


Hope you enjoyed this and that I have inspired you to have a go....

Enjoy xx


  1. Wow that is so cool, all those layers, stunning

  2. I love those papers... May just have to get me some of those and thanks for the tutorial... Very informative!! Have a great weekend...I will be partied out by X

  3. I LOVE IT!!!! You are inspiring me to 'have a go' at this journaling thingy! Love all you inky, spritzy, stencily backgrounds, I want to do one!!!!!

    Thank you for the inspiration.
    I read your blog everyday, I laugh at the funny bits, cry at the sad bits and marval at all your gorgeous art work!

  4. You've done two posts - how did I miss that Mrs DVC!
    Anyway...I'm drooling at your pages - they are stupendously gorgeous! The step by step tutorial was brillamundo - an art in itself.
    I'm wondering how to sneak that altered altered book workshop into my diary.... :)
    x x

  5. I lurve it! Hope there are still some papers and inks left at the end of the month when I join you on the journaling weekend!

  6. Fabby fabby fabby. I love the colours, in fact I love it all it's lush! Great tutorial.

  7. I absolutely love this - so much going on, but it doesn't look like too much.
    Despite saying I wouldn't start, I did and am now addicted to journalling - especially the backgrounds. Thanks for all the inspiration xx

  8. What can you say after seeing that... blows you away!!! So brill Dy, cant wait to get my hands on the inks & papers I've ordered........ its all so delicious:) Ciao xxx

  9. WOW this is amazing !!!! LOVE this page so much i thought the papers looked cool but now i NEED them hahahahahahaha

  10. Wonderful tutorial Dyan, you make it look so easy, which i am sure it is not, lol.

    Well done

  11. Wow wow I love your halloween in wonderland, fantastic and the papers and colours and your journal pages are yummy. Tracy Evans x

  12. Fantastic Dy just love those papers. Thanks for the tutorial may have a go tomorrow unless you have something else up your sleeve.
    Pat xx

  13. Love it!!! Thank you SOOOOOO much....can't wait for my inks to arrive so I can have a go!!! Hope to see you soon....Mum has started her altered book by the way....WAHOOOOOO!!!


  14. Beautiful love the stencil at the top of drooping greenery. Hope you have some in the shop. x C

  15. yum yum yum ditious . . .really inspirational, love it

  16. This is a great tutorial, Dyan - really inspirational!
    Diane x

  17. I think that is one of the most fantastic pieces of work I've seen!!

    So much so that it is inspiring me to try and pluck up courage to enter the world of much inki-ness myself

    Now where to start?? where to start?? :-D

  18. Great great fabby stuff! I love anything Alice-y and this is really inspiring. Thanks.

  19. Thank you sooo much for showing how you did the backgroend. It is a real inspiration to me, I just want to rush off to my room and try it!
    Hot and sunny regards from Germany - Irma

  20. Wow Wow your art journaling is fab and i absolutely love those papers, I will have to have some of those. Very inspirational work. Tracy Evans x

  21. Brilliant tutorial. Thanks very much. Must get some inks - I need to have a go at this.

  22. oh this is a corker, Dyan!!
    perfectly bonkers ;0)

  23. This is GORGEOUS !!!! .. Loving it x

  24. WOW ! WOW ! WOW !
    If you ever have time it would be mega cool if you could post something of yours on our craft blog , sure the Fiskarettes would love to see something as you are so inspirational & its a craft blog for everyone (we need more inky projects ) xxx
    Jayne x

  25. Absolutely FABULOUS - just the inspiration I needed and thank you so much for the step by step guide which really helped me to understand the process! Now where can I get chipboard stencils etc??

  26. Oh this is so gorgeous. I've been drooling over the papers since I saw a sneak peek of them somewhere.

    Love the step by step - gorgeousness.

  27. Just met you at CHA and luv your style GF! This is incredible, and instructions too. I did get to see several of your journals, they are all different, and all amazing! Luv it!

  28. LOVELY!!! Do you have any ONLINE workshops??

  29. fantastic layout i am in awe of your imagination. So much to learn

    Gill x


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx