
Thursday, March 11, 2010

The move, the cakes, the breakfast workshops and the kidnap..!!!!

Yes I have been MIA.. Combination of a few things, moving premises, internet not transferred over yet and just too bloody knackered.!!!!! Hope I am forgiven...

So grab a cuppa and a chair, we could be here for a while...

This was the new studio on Tuesday.

And here are the Tuesday night ladies christening it.

Wednesday was my birthday, and I woke up feeling as though I had been run over by a bus. This moving lark is no good when you are ageing fast, I tell you.!! Our Tom brought me a cup of tea in  bed and Our Ems acted as my chauffeur...Nice start to the day and then it was straight back to removals, lol. I had a lovely visitor tho....
Think the tulips where a bit heavy.!!!

Such excellent dress sense.....
She had made me a cake, with a little help from her Mummy.

Perfect, just perfect...

Ha ha , she can't stand anyone singing Happy Birthday..!!! It drives her nuts...

How does it get everywhere in such a short time..???

I had another surprise at night when the lovely Pam brought in a cake as well

I got some lovely gifts here are a few

From the lovely Jude, this came through the post, just love it , thanks

And from the gorgeous Mell. xx

A splash of red from the lovely Ann

and a beautiful book of poetry. Thanks Ann, thinking of you at this horrible time. xx

I was taken to lunch by the 2 girlies and we came back stuffed..! 2 cakes later I was taken back out again by Our Ben. This time to Waggamammas. It was my first time there and I didn't know what to do at first. But the food was fabulous, served quickly, piping hot, and extremely tasty, and that was just the waiter, lmao...

Then today was even more cake and then Our Tom cooke a roast for tea, and our Maisie insisted we all ate even more cake. I think I am going to pop. Just need to wait till I have finished my champagne...

Me and the girlies went round to Matalan for some new Pyjamas. We and some of my closest friends are buggering off to the Dales tomorrow for a girly weekend. And I dont plan on getting out of my pyjamas all weekend. I am going to sprawl in a corner somewhere, and alternate between , art journaling, sleeping and eating chocolate.!!!! Emmi talked me into buying some games for the garden, so we now have rounders, badminton, football and croquet..!!!! Ha ha will I be joining in, doubt it very much, but if I do it will be in my jammies...

Not sure if the cottage has WiFi so I may be on the missing list again, but I will try to twitter if I can work it on the phone,lol.

Okay I just realised that I have never given you the details of my breakfast workshops at the Great Northern Papercraft Extravaganza at the Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, 20th /21st March.

The breakfast workshops are great because you have the chance to get in the show before anyone else, partake in a fab taster class, get a cuppa and a muffin, and a goody bag, AND still have some time to browse the show before every one else. Sounds good doesnt it..???

Art from the Heart - Quirky Collage with Dyan Reavley

Have fun creating a quirky collage tag, apply faux bleach ink efffect, learn to collage with Dyan's new downloads, mess around with doodling, titivate with oil pastels and generally have a fabby time, whilst under the watchful eye of the Queen of messing around. Come and venture into Dyan's world, you might just like it. Leave with a goody bag and voucher to use at Art from The Heart stand on Saturday 20th or Sunday 21st March 2010.

Cost of workshop is £10, pay a non-refundable deposit of £4 when booking and the balance of £6 on day of workshop.

I think there may be a few places left. For Saturday book HERE and for Sunday book HERE. Here are some examples in different colour schemes.

Cooool arent they, and one could be created by your very own fair hands.

Sad news for those of you in the South, the retreat I was teaching at Scrapfever, has been cancelled. Not sure why, but the email, yes email, no phone call, seemed to imply that it was my fault that the bookings were down. I did query at the time if her customers were ready for the Dyan Reaveley treatment and was assured it would be fine, but obviously not. Seems strange when all my weekends are fully booked with waiting lists, but there you go, that leaves me with a free weekend to play with. Now then, do I fit in another retreat for you all, with all the kits I painstakingly prepared, or do I jump on a plane and bugger off to Egypt. ?? Oooooh tough decision indeedy, I, ll let you know what wins....

So last thing I will leave you with is on a more serious note. I have to report a kidnapping. Yes you heard me correctly a kidnapping. You may remember my plastic dragon from the Indian restaurant whilst attending stitches. Well I have searched high and low for the blooming thing and just thought it was in oneof my infamous "safe" places..... Well I recieved this earlier today, via Twitter.

Yes there it is on the windowsill of Alains office at Ranger Headquarters.  It is being held to ransom for an outrageous amount of splish splosh..!!! Heartless they are, thats all I can say.  Luckily it has some quality products to sit upon, lol.  I dont know which is worse, the fact it has been kidnapped or the fact that it was kidnapped by the people I call friends. I still cant work out when they did it though..!!! But I will say this, I will raise the ransom, even if it takes me a while, but if they harm one scale on its little biddy back, there will be hell to pay. I just might have to consider sending the boys in.   SoTim, Alain and Mario ( yes can you believe even Mario was in on it), just make sure that you stick carefully to the rules laid down by the International Convention against the taking of hostages  and dont mistreat it, or else I,ll have you......
Be afraid..... Be very afraid.......!!!

I will keep you all updated of the negotiators news as it happens...

Enjoy xx


  1. Dyan, congrats again on the new studio!!! Looks great!! Hope you had a great birthday!! Enjoy the next few off...seems to me that you desrve it!!!

  2. I follow your blog tirelessly and think the ladies down here really don't know what they are missing if they hadn't booked on the retreat - I must be honest and didn't know you were teaching down here as am desperate to attend one of your weekends - I'm keeping everything crossed that I will have sufficient funds to attend in the Autumn - I think your weekends are fabulously priced but being over 3 hours away also have to include hotel costs in my budget - good luck in the new premises and I hope to get to see them soon xx

  3. You fabulously funny lady! I know I'm in for a treat when I read your blog! All those cake eating and waggamamma-ing treats are well deserved after your mammoth moving week! Don't get too much paint on those new PJ's and have a fantabidozi weekend (hope this is a bit of a 'reccy' for that 'brave club' retreat idea lurking somewhere in the back of your mind!)

  4. Woweeee.......the new studio looks amazing - how did you manage to get all that "stuff" in there so quickly ???
    As for the retreat down south - it's their loss babe - get yerself over to Egypt, you deserve a nice break.

    Loving all the cakes.... How many birthday cakes can one person eat ROFLMAO !!
    Have a great PJ weekend !!
    Lyn x

  5. New digs look great and I would vote for Eygpt as a little bit of what you fancy does you good, more fool them for missing out! Poor dragon having a Ranger renditon act carried out on it have you lodged an official complaint lol! Have a good weekend.

  6. Studio looks fantastic can't wait to see it in real on Wednesday.
    Have a great weekend hope the weather stays good for you to play your games ROFL :).
    Took the bull by the horns and did my journal circle page after you pushed me into doing it.
    Hugs Pat x

  7. Terrible news about the kidnapping...don't know what the world is coming too...glad you liked the pressie though!! Have a fab weekend. xxx

  8. Happy Belated Birthday, studio is looking fab. How funny about the dragon, I hope they treat him well lol Have a great weekend.x

  9. Have a great weekend,you deserve it & enjoy Harrogate (can't make it this time,cos I fly to EGYPT on Sunday,lol!!!):o)x

  10. Hello you - I wondered where you were and assumed you were under a mountain of goodies moving floors LOL! The new studio looks like you've always been there and it's great to see that it's been officially Christened by your Tuesday night group!

    You look like you had a fabulous birthday surrounded by cakes - giggling about the lack of enthusiasm for the Happy Birthday song - made me giggle!

    Loving the 21 again cake!

    On the retreat down south - definitely their loss hun and I agree with Lyn a much called for break in Egypt sounds mighty tempting - you might actually catch up with yourself then!

    Can't believe the news on the kidnapping - what are the hostage takers demanding in recompense?

    Thank you for the lovely messages on my blog, had a 'night off' from it last night but have a day off today so plan on playing with some paints even if just a little bit!


  11. Wow! I did not know you were moving, how did I miss that??? Can't finds where you have moved to though!!! Please don't keep it a secret! Lol! See you at Northern papercrafts, unfortunately can't make a breakfast workshop :( Caroline x

  12. Woweeeee! The new studio looks fabby :-) Question is ..... will you ever find anything ever again?! Well done, you did it! Kate x

  13. WOW Dyan you must be knackered hahahaha a weekend of jammies is well in need, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and the workshop looks brilliant, its well worth all the hard work and love that has gone in to it, well done. enjoy your relaxing weekend it sounds like its well needed hehehehehe xxxx

    i was laughing to myself about all the cake, everytime 'another cake' was mentioned hehehehehe you must be sick of cake now heheheheh

  14. have a fun weekend with your so deserve some time off and if you need some heavies to get poor old dragon back....I'm your gal...big hugs kath xxxx

  15. Dyan, Happy Birthday. Wish Icould havegotten there to help this week but DH had the car. I so love reading your posts. I get such a chuckle. I registered myself and Belle for the am mini workshop Sun the 21 at the show. I hope it is ok for Belle to go, I will help her if needed. Love the new workshop. Hope you get the dragon back. I could always pay Alain a trip whe I am in the area. he he. I miss the girlies there, Patty, theresa, Jackie.... Have a great week. Angela

  16. Aaaw glad you had a fab birthday hun...and in my opinion you can never, ever have too much cake so bring it on...lm(ws)ao....

    Bad luck about the poor wee dragon - I hope they treat him am sure you will get your own back on them...

    And I am SO LOVIN that new look studio... Wonder how long it will stay that tidy...

    Have a great Kirsti xooxo

  17. well.. I'm exhausted reading this blog. the shop looks fabby... have a marvellous weekend with your friends, drink and eat lots. Ciao

    ps.. now Lee is working I will be able to buy crafty stuff to keep you in the style you would like to become accustomed to......

  18. I have been following you blog for a while now. I really really like your way to post. There is always a nice and positiv text. Your new studio looks great by the way.
    Greetings from Vienna, Austria

  19. I've been following your blog for a while now. I really like the way you are posting - always positive and nice.
    Your new studio looks amazing!

  20. Am a bit sore but still alive! Have a few bits missing but good riddance!!!! Glad you had a good Birthday and that the removals are going well. Axxx

  21. Happy belated birthday Dyan.

    The studio looks fab.

    Do hope the cancelled workshop hasn't put you off coming to the South?

    Evening your weekend. :)

  22. I can't beleive how much you got done by the time you posted the pics of a virtually empty old shop at the beginning of the week let alone now.

    It's all looking great in the new place - can't wait until I can come and see it.


  23. Nawty people in the sounth! I say that ... I am rubbish at Geography! Is Cambridge in the south? *LOL* Glad you had a great day and the Harrogate class looks fabulous!

  24. Loving the new studio ! will have to come & try it out lol :D .. Re your dragon .. I'm applying for ranger U this time on the slim chance I get in maybe I can get him out for you ... free the hostage lol :D x


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx