
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bring him home.....

So the hostage drama continues.... Here he is having a cuppa..

And here is the ransom demand

Oooh do you think they have relented and he is coming home..???

With my delivery, due today.....

Narr, he wasnt in there.  Well I,m not surprised, cos here he is, still at Ranger headquarters....

I am thinking of a Plan B as we speak, lmao...

Heres some pics of the new shop.

You like..???

Thought I would show you some of my birthday pressies. This book is from the lovely Pat. I already own this, but it is one of those books that I always wished I had two of, one at home just for me and another at the studio for everyone to enjoy. And now I have..

My pressie from the lovely Olive came wrapped in this gorgeous tissue

Ha ha I will always think of her every time I use it.

This is a pressie to myself, Brand new bedding. I now go to bed with Laurence Llewellyn Bowen..!!!  And just look at the colour. I have always slept in cream bedding and really wanted to go the total opposite. So you can't get more opposite than black, can you..??

Heres the detailing.

These gorgeous Cath Kidston cases are from the lovely Bezzie Su. oh yes my collection is growing larger...

This was from me

These beautiful hand carved wooden wings are absolutelu wonderful. My girlies bought them for me, I am such a lucky mummy...

Today was art journaling and the challenge was to create a page from a lucky dip of alphabet letters. Heres my example.

And here is the one I did on Sun night for Mum.

I'll leave you with this song from PlanB, who I am loving at the moment..

Enjoy XX


  1. Im loving plan b as well after I saw him on J Ross last week, i did wonder if you would like him, and your new shop looks just lush lush lush.

  2. I was just going to bed when I spotted this - shop is looking fabulous and all those pressies!!! You lucky, lucky girl - hope I'm that lucky when my birthday comes around...lm(ws)ao...night, night!!!

  3. Now I hope you have a suitably crafty act of revenge plannned for your next meeting with the Ranger crew and then you could have a hostage trade! Studio looks fab and glad your weekend was stellar! Friends, wine and me time it doesn't get much better than that. Take care.

  4. The shops looks fabulous, can't wait to see it but guess I better come armed with more money as it looks likes theres loads more stuff to buy, lol.
    As for the dragon....those boys need to be well and truly punished for kidnapping him.
    Luv, Alison aka cockney blonde in Bradford, x

  5. Have you thought about refusing to pay your bill till the prisoner is returned?
    So glad you had a lovely weekend with the girls. Wish I had known it was your birthday last week. Seems as though all the best people are people are born in March.
    The shop is looking wonderful, All that space, what will you do.

    Luv Dee xx

  6. The shop looks amazing it has daylight in it now and it all looks beautifully laid out. I can't believe the Ranger crew are enticing you with ransom photos such as these although given that they do appear to be treating him fairly!

    I'm loving the wooden wings they are absolutely gorgeous!

    Thank you for the message on my blog it's all a little surreal at the moment and i've got up to multi task this morning (usually I love this but when I'm this stressed not much fun) so it was bacon sandwich for said 9 year old, porridge for me, set work laptop up ready for inputting, mix a little pink paint for a box that I need to paint, finish and parcel up for a friends step daughter's 21st birthday she begged and pleaded with a weeks notice and working all I can to get it completed I think it's true I'm completely mad!



  7. I see I am going to be shopping till I'm dropping in that new shop! It look s very spacious - can't wait to see it! I think you're going to need some covert training and cunning plan to recover your dragon!

  8. At least they are feeding dragon. *g*

    Love those yummy wings, they are stunning.

  9. Your new shop is wonderful! It sure looks like it would be fun to shop there, and join in on one (or two, or three) of your fabulous journaling groups.

  10. WOWZAH! The shop looks gorgeous... OHMY.. I live way to far to come visit... LOVe the art journal pages!!! (Oh, AND the black sheets... I always sleep in a snowwhite bed, but I agree - the opposite would be nice for a change...!)

  11. Loving the look of the new shop...can't wait to see it in the flesh! Too much damn work at the moment, but hope to see you soon xx

  12. loving the new shop its heavenly, have to take loads of dosh next time...... have a great successful time at the show. Ciao xxxxx


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx