
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Expect the Unexpected...

Awwwww I,m gutted, not one of you managed to sort my little problem out, not ONE of you..!!!!  So looks like its Plan B...

What is Plan B you might ask..???

Well, when I come up with it I'll let you know...!!!

Sooooooooo on to today. Fabulous kids workshop today. Their ages ranged from 5 to 13 yrs and they all got along brilliantly. Here they are at the start of the class.

We had great fun choosing which of the Downloads to put where. We painted, we doodled, we drew vines, yes thats right vines..!! , we cut, we stuck, we coloured, we covered, we punched, we outlined, we ribboned and we ate chocolate..ha ha .. Heres some of the kids at the end.


This is what arrived just as the kids workshop was starting.

Oh yes, its the 7gypsies order.... I had a heads up because Shane, our dinky little delivery guy rang me at some ungodly hour this morning to tell me. Now its a bit unfair of me just to show you the boxes and I should really show you the insides as well, but I forgot to take some pics, sorry... I,ll just have to leave you in suspense a while longer..

Well I have an early morning start tomorrow. Up at 6 to go collect Claudine from the airport. Our Em's is coming with me so that means giggling, gossiping and singing very badly at the top of our voices. Just what you need at that time of day..

I heard some extremeley sad news today about one of my ladies the lovely P. I just want you to know you are in my thoughts.I hope you now find peace in head and heart. Your journey is now just beginning again from when you put it on hold and I,m sure thats what he would wish for you as well. Don't worry about your classes, I,ve sorted it and I,ll save you the kits., you. Sending you love and a guardian angel to help you through xx

So onto a journal page as usual...

Enjoy xx


  1. Lovin that image! I have bravely posted my first 'independant' journal page - only a little one but the first one I've done outside the safe haven of AFTH!! Have a great time with Claudine - can't wait to see the pics. xx

  2. Good Morning Dyan - Well you should have your guest with you now having done the giggling, singing and gossiping in the car - what are you like - can you really do that at 6am? Loving the page and love the tattoos on your oriental lady - Melanie will love that! Hugs

  3. Those kids sure looked like they had fun with the downloads.... I am sorry to here about your lady who has obviously lost someone close to puts into perspective having to put our beloved doggie to sleep yesterday (hard tho it was)... have a great day...xoxo

  4. Those kids have worked brilliantly.

    You just provide to Claudine that Britain really has got Talent whether it is through singing or art! :)

  5. The journal page is gorgeous hun, lovely image and her tattoows looks fab !!!! the class looks great, love what the kids have made they all look like they had a brilliant time :)

  6. love the Geisha girl... where did you get the piccy???? more goodies for us to look at. I'll never be rich at this rate. Ciao xx

    ps.. lucky you having Claudine to stay, bet its real girlie in pj's and that... have a great time.

  7. I would so love you to come out to Western Mass to teach some classes... sadly, I might be your only student :o) I've been trying to find a place that my daughter can go to create and learn with other children but no one sees any benefit in classes round these parts.

  8. Your artwork is amazing. I absolutely love your blog. Very inspirational.


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx