
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yayyyy Claudine is a coming.....

 My first ever hero in the art world, was the wonderful Claudine Hellmuth. I just loved all her background techniques and her style, slightly cooky but unique and fun..!!! I remember the first time I met her, I was soooooo excited I could hardly breathe, lol.. When the bosses at Ranger told me she was developing a line with them, I was over the moon that I would get to work alongside her, and use her products. It is a great honour that she is coming to teach at my studio, and I am soooooo excited (can you tell..??). So is she....., it will be her first time teaching in the UK, so I hope we don't frighten her off with our Britishness..!!!! Places are severely limited and registration DOESN'T open until noon tomorrow. Plus I am having nothing to do with it, so don't you know Ben is the origina l" Mr Unbribeable ", and this is the only fair way to allocate places. Below is the official blurb from the newsletter. Newsletter sign ups receive prior notice of things that are going on ( sign up in the box to the left ).

We are very excited to announce that for the first time ever Claudine Hellmuth is coming over to England to teach and yes you've guessed right she's coming to Art from the Heart!!

Claudine is teaching 2 workshops over 2 days.

The first workshop is called - Collage Discovery Workshop and is a full day class on the 18th Feb. It is also her most popular class. Details can be found - HERE

The second workshop is called - Adventures in Colour and is a half day course on the 19th Feb. Details can be found - HERE

Workshops will go live at 12:00pm on Friday 8th Jan and are limited to 16 people per class. As numbers will be limited we will ask you to only book onto one of the classes, so as many people as possible will be able to be taught by Claudine. We will also be restricting the bookings to 2 per person, credit card and household, so that everyone will get a fair chance to get a place. Places will be booked on a first come, first serve basis and will need to booked through the website only.

Book quick as these workshops will be a sellout!

And if you think spaces arent spare, then get this. I,m not allowed a place...!! How bad is that..??? Mind you I do get to receive her tuition at other times..Still won,t stop me sulking though..!!! lmao

Still not sorted out my upload problem, just fast running out of time, all the time. But I will get on to it, as I've tons to show you.

We are all working like mad at the mo, packing kits for the Fabby Dabby this weekend.Even James has become a dab hand with the trimmer, lol. Got some great projects, but can't uploadm lol, so I will have to leave you in suspense...ha ha ..

Also just confirmed my flight details for CHA in Anaheim. Yes I am packing my bags again..!!! I am once more demoing on the Ranger Booth at the Winter trade show, with all my Ranger pals...Yayyy, I love to mix work and pleasure. Our Ben is coming as well, to walk the show, and keep me from buying everything in site..!!! I hopefully will be keeping you all onformed with all the new and exciting products on the market. The Ranger new releases have me wetting my pants already and the order is being compiled as we speak. Tim's new releases are fabby, as you would expect, and the new Gypsy range is to die for. I will be stuffing my suitcase as full as I can at every opportunity, because you know what I,m like, I want it and I want it NOW..!!!

Enjoy xx


  1. Yay, really pleased to hear Fabby Dabby weekend will go ahead. I have to work (in Birmingham) so I will be late, but I will get there as soon as I can.

    Hope you had a fab holiday. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

    Anne E x

  2. OOoh I really wish I could come to the Claudine workshops.... sounds brilliant, but unfortunately I can't so I will just have to dream....

    Have looked at the peaks on Tims blog of some of the new stuff and it looks brilliant... enjoy your trip!!! Take care, Kirsti x...

  3. Oh I wish she was coming to the chilly north as well. Poor Ben having to keep you under control at CHA! Looking forward to seeing the sneak peeks now.

  4. Hi Dylan - just a quickie re your photo upload issues. I noticed in a previous post that you have an iPhone. Have you tried using the blogpres app on this, as I write and upload my blog using this and have never experienced any probs uploading my photos, plus you can load them straight in from your phone library. Sorry if you already use this - just I'm missing all your piccies so thought I would ask x
    Cheers - Shell

  5. Mmmm...Art Journalling weekend on the 5th, 6th & 7th Feb, Strictly Come Dancing Live on the 13th Feb...should I ask my Mum to babysit AGAIN on the 18th and 19th of Feb or do you think she may stop taking my calls?!? Wish I could come along (Paul was up for driving me down!) but I think I'll have to pass...BOOHOO!!! xxx

  6. My alarm is set for 11.59!! Hope I manage to book a place!!

  7. I'm jealous! tried to book on one of Claudine's workshops and they've gone already! I'm not mean though.... so hope all the lucky people who managed to book have great fun. x x

  8. the one time i didnt check your blog, so i've missed the whole day with Claudine, but got the half day... hubby bought it as a birthday pressie... so now its a hotel the night before. Yippee....... have a great trip to CHA, you lucky girl and i know it will be all WORK!!!!!! I'll never have any money at this rate with all the goodies you'll bring back!!!! Whats money anyway. Ciao

  9. Whooot got my place booked on the adventure in colour workshop and i cant wait!! Also cant wait for the new schedule to come out too!! Have fun at CHA.


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx