
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So here we go with the pics that wouldnt upload. Try again..!!!

Heres Tim unveiling the prototype of his new machine.

It is a motorised die cutting machine and it is totally fab. It is still only in the early stages and not due for release until July ish, but it is gonna be soooo cool.

His Idea-ology line is going to be a sell out. Heres how fab his stand looked.

All the antiquities are Tim,s personal ones from his home.

How fabulous is this coat, made by Kim (on the right). It is made from pieces of Grunge paper, decorated and stitched together. Want one, want one, want one.....!!!!

Key chain and Kim have been doing a fantastic job of his make n takes. Their patience is amazing.

Now for some photos of me demoing on the Ranger booth.

Ha ha love this one of Tim, it looks as though he is bowing at my feet, lmao.

Heres Mario sorting out Tim,s box of hardware.

Now how many of you would love this to rummage in everyday..???

The gorgeous Claudine was on make n take duty all day. She is sooooo giddy about coming to teach in my studio.

Here we go with some pictures of the 7gypsies stand. You all know they are my fave and they far from disappointed.

Heres the gorgeously hyper Justin who deals with my account. How tall...?????

Had a good wander around the show, loved the Graphic 45 stand, definitely my bag, as they say.

Night time saw the traditional Ranger staff outing. We all go this ace Italian. Alain orders tons of food and it is just passed up and down the table, you are never quite sure what is going to land in front of you next. Nice face Tim..!!!

It was Justin's birthday and he got a surprise cake.


  1. I have loved looking through the photos - keep em comin!

  2. Thanks for sharing......would love to go one day....that's both CHA and the italian!

  3. i want it ALL!!!!! wheres the piccys of Ben???? looks like your having a wild time, cant wait to meet Claudine. Want all the gossip when you get back. Ciao

  4. Looks like you have had a fabulous time at CHA Dyan.... great photos and loads of new stuff to want....take care...xoxo

  5. So glad you bought that extra space 'cos what would we have done without all those piccies to drool over. Wish I was there!!! Enjoy yourself.
    Sue x

  6. today, you made me cry again Dyan and you didnt even try, LOL, :( the pics are so fab and it all looks so good I wish i was there with you seeing all that fantastic art and creativity

  7. Thank you so much for the fabulous demo's that you did with perfect perels, what fun and informational, you are now my goddess!!!

    PS I am the one standing infront of the demo booth with the long brown sweater on, I look like a brown blob........Thanks so much again, and I hope you have a successful and fun rest of the trip your loyal subject from now on. :)

  8. Whatever happened to the altered Ranger Apron?!
    Missed you tonight at class - dont worry we were very well behaved for Pam and the studio is not trashed ;o).... just ready for preview on saturday.
    Can't remember if art journals is on this sunday or not?
    Just planning out the weekend!
    Safe journey back xxx

  9. OMG you are just soooooo lucky - but hey you are sooooooooooo talented and deserve it!!!
    everything looks so lush - yum!!!
    Julie xx

  10. How big is your suitcase for the journey home? It must be fabulous just being there amongst all that creativity. Thanks for letting have a peek at everything through your wonderful piccies.
    Diane x

  11. I have had a great time over here Dylan everything looks so exciting i was drooling looking and reading about it all,lol.....i kid you not!
    If it was me my suitcase would be void of clothes and hold only gorgeous yummy stash ahhhhh to dream..
    Your blog has so cheered me up today thanks for sharing it all.


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx