
Friday, October 16, 2009

Inbetween chewing.....

Sorry but its going to be a quick one today. I,ve had kinda a rough day today and I flicked onto Kirsty' blog and was horrified to find out that she has been taken over by an alien who has infiltrated her crafting integrity (see for yourself HERE, but be careful, you may be scarred for life..!!), so I am sat in bed with a pile of these babies, purely medicinal, to recover from the shock...!!!

If you aren't up to much this weekend , come and see me out at Embsay, where Samuel Taylors are holding their 60th anniversary celebrations. There's loads going on Saturday and Sunday. I will be there demoing my Christmas range of Blonde Moments, drinking tea and eating toffees. All contributions gratefully received..!!! lol

So a quick wardrobe remix..

and I,ll leave you with a journal page.

Enjoy xx


  1. Have a good time in skipton, Say hi to Anne for me (the Brighouse shop manager). I have to look after the campsite this weekend so i cant go :(

  2. Mmmm.... that same Alien got me too one time, never quite recovered from it! Have a great weekend and enjoy the toffees. Lynn x

  3. mwahahahah - peel offs are the new black...get with it!

  4. ha ha the peel off curse, lol, yikes I didn't know about the embsay thing, doh,

  5. Oooh... peel-off's... how could she...lm(ws)ao... I was thinking about putting the pile I have from a very, very, very, very long time ago on ebay - maybe I will get more for them now that Kirsty has made them chic Have a great weekend!!! Kirsti (with an i) xx

  6. hi Dyan, passing awards out today check out my blog, link here hope you like

  7. Good luck with the demoing day.

    Love the layout and that frog is so handsome.

    Watch out with your teeth with all those toffees though.



Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx