
Thursday, July 2, 2009

It should have been me..!!!!

Such a disappointing day. I was all psyched up for my new tattoo. It was a really large Japanese piece and was going to symbolise my moving forward...!! To me it was a really positive step towards my healing process. The Goddess knows I am not good about eating and so dragged me out for a cooked breakfast and supervised me eating it. With such a large tattoo , the outline itself was going to take 5/6 hours and it is important that you don't let your blood sugar drop. So after a hearty breakfast we stocked up on Magazines, snacks and drinks - it was going to be a long day..!!! So we rocked up only to find out that the tattooist hadn't. You cant even begin to imagine how pissed I was. Emmi was ready to run, lmao...Today was supposed to represent so much and has been in my head for nearly 20 yrs. The other tattooists tried to appease me and come up with alternatives, but I decided against. So I have decided to try for an appointment with a fantastic Argentinian tattoo artist. He is well renowned so if he gets back to me I am expecting a long wait before he can start and I have a feeling that I will need all that time to save up. Otherwise a remortgage is called for, lmao, and no I,m not joking... But he is renowned for his large Japanese pieces and I only want the best. So every cloud has a silver lining and maybe the tattoo artist not turning up did me a favour..!! I might not have the artwork I wanted on me today, but I will end up with a much better one eventually.
So, real sorry, no pics for you, no blood, no pain, no tears...I am consoling myself by watching 3 episodes of Miami Ink back to back...
Laters babes xx


  1. It was meant to be this way and your meant to have the amazing argentinian tatooist - its fate ;)
    Julie XX

  2. Hi Dyan,
    Sorry about your tatoo, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
    Keep the faith!!! :-)
    No mojo yet,I think it's mainly fear of writing things down.
    Was always told never put anything in writing that might come back to haunt you. I keep hearing my gran saying it. Rest her soul.I need to get over that hurdle I think.
    Michelle xx

  3. I agree with Julie - fate sometimes gives you a hand you weren't expecting but it's for a reason - what would you have felt like if you got the tattoo and weren't happy with it! Hang on for the amazing Argentinian tattooist - it'll be fantastic!

  4. Oh no, I hate being let down when I am so looking forward to something. I think you are right tho, he did you a favor and doesn't deserve your business.
    My son loves Miami ink and it seems to be on loads! I must admit, although I have no tattoo's and am so not brave enough to get one, Chris Nunez is Gorgeous!! Thats why I watch it!
    Have a great day
    Love Lisa xx

  5. Ha ha, I,m just gutted that UI have to wait, I,m soooo impatient..!!!!
    Good news, got an appt with ace Argentinian in 2 weeks for discussion. Whoop whoop...xx

  6. Like i put on FB. Get on the next plane to Miami. Get the lovely Ami or i would have Garver i think to do it. I think that would defo involve a re mortgage though !!!
    Steph x

  7. Sorry about your disappointing day. For more on Miami Ink, check out my blog:

  8. Hey girl, how cool is your blog, just love it. Love the praying hands on that bald head. Ouch though..!! Have requested you as a friend on facebook, so maybe see you there. x


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx